08-30-2014, 05:46 AM
Hello there,

My name is Nathan Sinclair and I just joined this forum.

A Little about me:

I am doing a degree in computer programming in christchurch, NZ
I am recently playing FFXIII for the first time (it's been out for 6 years I know)
I play the piano and my favourite music is own compositions.
My favourite FF would have to be 7, though I enjoy playing 10 and have just started playing FFXIII.
I am a Christian who has owed His life to God, and generally live from that relationship - I don't tolerate hypocrisy. I am a fun person to be around.

I have practiced piano for 6 years with a teacher, but have not had the opportunity to play for the last 5 years as I have been away from my piano.
(I am just now able to play piano regularly, but only on weekends)

OH yeah, I also have a passion for tramping and backpacking. I like reading, and writing, and studying. My passion is writing computer programs. I only know JADE (a programming language developed in Christchurch)

I also like making websites. I'm learning to write HTML and CSS and javascript at the moment.