08-28-2014, 11:56 AM
Name: Outlast
Type of Score: Ambience and Music
Source of Score: Game files
Year: 2013
Composer: Samuel Laflamme
No. tracks: Can�t be bothered counting, but many.
Format: OGG Vorbis (originally BNK)
Bitrate: Various


https://mega.co.nz/#!igQ3gKTZ!cXG4rr5pGNxPwp8DG2SlrXH4k1_8r_pvld2eNx1 rVkE

After playing the horror game �Outlast�, I became quite fond of the music. The composer, Samuel Laflamme, did indeed release a soundtrack, but it did not include the complete score. Because of that, I decided to scour the game files to find the ambience and music, and it wasn�t that hard.

I converted the (originally BNK) files to OGG Vorbis, but the bitrate isn�t brilliant, sorry.

There are over 1000 files, some of them broken, but I wasn�t planning on inspecting every single track to find out which.

The music in �Outlast� works by a layered system � different tracks played altogether to form one track. Sometimes they are even played at different times, but with software like Audacity you can easily solve that issue. I haven�t compiled them together; I am just offering the raw, untouched files.

Feel free to create the full tracks if you want, and at least now you don�t have to buy the game, find the files, convert them, and organise them like I did :D


08-28-2014, 04:23 PM
Thanks! :)

10-06-2014, 12:43 AM
File isnt no longer availabe pls re-upload

04-07-2015, 07:12 AM
Hey there ^_^ hope I'm not too late(?) in asking, but would there be a re-upload of the file? Thank you :)

06-07-2015, 06:21 AM
Could we possible get a reup?

10-04-2015, 07:32 PM
Would like a re-up as well... :)