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08-25-2014, 06:18 AM
Want an awesome Godzilla game, North Americans?

Sign a petition to help voice interest in having a PS3 release of the King of Monsters on North American shores.

Petition to get Namco/Bandai to release a North American game on the PS3 for Godzilla.
They said they will make it happen if enough people show interest.

Read more info here:


The Godzilla Franchise is one of the most impacting phenomenons to every grace pop culture upon a global scale, spawning destructive monstrousities within its wake, as well as create its own passionate fanbase who greatly embraces it and all of its atomic glory. Since the conclusion of Pipework's Godzilla Trilogy, fans have been greatly anticipating the next major Godzilla game to grace their consoles. That was nearly 7 years ago, and in the wake of Gareth Edward's successful GODZILLA reboot film, the demand for a new videogame has only increased.

Upon the announcement of『ゴジラ-GODZILLA-』by Bandai Namco within Famitsu Magazine, G-fans everywhere sought its release, although upon realizing that it was only being released in Japan, expressed their interest and demand for the game to be localized in America.

This petition campaign is to help the Western Branches of Bandai Namco Games to take notice of our demand. We are here to prove that there is a huge, passionate, dedicated fanbase greatly interested in the localization of GODZILLA. A fanbase who wants to support, experience, and embrace this celeberation of a beloved icon and its franchise.

What we are asking, is for Bandai Namco to acknowledge and listen to the voices of the Godzilla fanbase worldwide, and to greatly consider localizing this amazing game for all of us to enjoy.

Bandai Namco Games America
Localization For: 『ゴジラ-GODZILLA-』PS3

[Your name]

I'm doing my part, are you doing yours?


I think that King Of Monsters game wasn't an official Godzilla game.
But it was damn fun with all the Ultraman fighting monsters. A knock-off. A fun one though.

I've not played many others. V_V
I want Unleashed so badly...