10-17-2004, 03:14 AM

It is awesome and my favorite episode is sin and favorite charactor is Vash Cause he simply kick@ss charactor. Sin because i mean... was so fucking awesome. Bam legato hahahhahah. Wolfwood dead :(. Hes awesome cause of his cross and stuff but still not as cool as Vash. Go to to find some really nice and funny $hit from trigun!

grn apple tree
10-17-2004, 03:15 AM
i like trigun favorite character vash of course and episode i guess the one where he runs into someone impersonating him forgot the name of episode. i like trigun because vash kicks a$$ and because it's just plain awesome

10-17-2004, 03:17 AM

The final episodes are the tightest and everyone knows The Longshot is awesome as well

grn apple tree
10-17-2004, 03:18 AM
well i haven't watch those i watch the show occasionally but i like that anime the best

12-09-2004, 03:03 PM
I love trigun but the channel I watch it on only showed the 1st season. But I like wolfwood (as you can see by my name) and my fave epsiode is the one where Vash is running from the towns people and he was like"Why is everybody cahsing me I never did any thing wrong?!" And he dries his fave on a pair of boxers.

12-10-2004, 03:41 AM
Please, if your thread is going to have spoilers in it, mark it in the title.

I know most people here have seen Trigun, but there are people who haven't, and this thread could ruin a lot of stuff for them.

At any rate, I fixed it.

12-10-2004, 04:08 AM
I like trigun, but it doesnt come on much anymore, my fav. character is vash, of course, and I think he is cool because he has a gun XD