Lunatic HighVII
10-16-2004, 12:20 AM
So what does everyone think? Old meaning, from the 60's 70's or 80's, and new, obvoiusly, now.

I hate modern music. It all sounds the same in my opinion. And rap? That isnt music, because its talking! Hip hop, I cant stand, every song sounds the same, whether a male or female is singing. Modern rock- Uhh... No. They dont know what it means, to make good music. Country, to me, is whiney and boring, seems like every song is someone complaining about something. Also, to me, it seems that people only like modern music, because other people do. I mean, if he likes it, then its cool! Everyone wants to "fit in." Whats the point? I hate when people like something, just because other people do.

If I were to list my favorite bands, theyd all be rock. To me, it seems like the talent of creating music has been lost, as time goes on. Old bands actually had meaning in there songs, had good ideas, and good performers. Now, the new bands cant look up to them. Shows how good they are!

10-16-2004, 03:21 AM
The "rap isn't music" thing has been played out and proven wrong many times here. It's not "just talking," it's rhythmic and somebody actually writes all those lyrics. Just because some of it is braindead doesn't mean there aren't valid artists who use it as an outlet in the same way a poet might. It's simply a cultural slant on an old art form.

And when you write off entire genres like that you're killing yourself anyway. I've never heard any rap I liked, but I'd be willing to listen if somebody wanted me to check some out that I wasn't familiar with. Country is a genre that's been raped to hell by mass media and whatnot, but there are still valid country artists out there and it, like any genre, is highly versatile. I bet that if you opened your mind there would be SOME country music you could enjoy.

Music doesn't get bad or better as time goes on. There was no magical force making rock not suck ten or thirty or fifty or five hundred or however many years ago. There have always been, in every single generation, people who don't like the "new" music and accuse it of being all crap. When you consider how many people there are making music at any given time in the world (look beyond what you see on MTV, believe it or not your television is not the only source of information in the universe), it's kind of ridiculous to think that the flow of good music would just stop for some inexplicable reason.

Now, if you're mostly into the older style of music, that's a different story. There's nothing wrong with that. People have taste, and all that. But accusing the musicians of this generation of all sucking because they don't appeal to you like a past wave did is just plain wrong.

10-16-2004, 03:34 AM
I agree with the above post.

I've never heard any rap I liked, but I'd be willing to listen if somebody wanted me to check some out that I wasn't familiar with.


10-16-2004, 03:54 AM
Hahahahaha old music vs. new music hahaha your joking right.

10-16-2004, 11:32 AM
I agree with the above post.


Bee bop boe badum-boom?

Lunatic HighVII
10-16-2004, 01:19 PM
The "rap isn't music" thing has been played out and proven wrong many times here. It's not "just talking," it's rhythmic and somebody actually writes all those lyrics. Just because some of it is braindead doesn't mean there aren't valid artists who use it as an outlet in the same way a poet might. It's simply a cultural slant on an old art form.

And when you write off entire genres like that you're killing yourself anyway. I've never heard any rap I liked, but I'd be willing to listen if somebody wanted me to check some out that I wasn't familiar with. Country is a genre that's been raped to hell by mass media and whatnot, but there are still valid country artists out there and it, like any genre, is highly versatile. I bet that if you opened your mind there would be SOME country music you could enjoy.

Music doesn't get bad or better as time goes on. There was no magical force making rock not suck ten or thirty or fifty or five hundred or however many years ago. There have always been, in every single generation, people who don't like the "new" music and accuse it of being all crap. When you consider how many people there are making music at any given time in the world (look beyond what you see on MTV, believe it or not your television is not the only source of information in the universe), it's kind of ridiculous to think that the flow of good music would just stop for some inexplicable reason.

Now, if you're mostly into the older style of music, that's a different story. There's nothing wrong with that. People have taste, and all that. But accusing the musicians of this generation of all sucking because they don't appeal to you like a past wave did is just plain wrong.

Did i say it "sucked?" No, I didnt. I said I didnt like it. I dont watch MTV, I have better things to do, and that was just my opinion. Trust me, I've tried to listen to country, rap, all the modern stuff, and I just cant. Dont accuse me of not having an open mind, because I do. Music is something im very picky about. I just wanted to hear other's opinions.

10-16-2004, 04:51 PM
Did i say it "sucked?" No, I didnt.

That's right, you didn't. You did say that rap wasn't music(and so he explained that it was) and you also said that "modern rock" doesn't know what good music is(even though modern rockers are influenced most by the rockers of past generations) and that all country music is people complaining, and so he pointed out the ridiculousness of generalizing two entire genres of music so easily. If you really think that is the case with either type of music, it's probably due to ignorance of them, and if you're picky about music, then you should probably learn a bit more about it instead of broadly smacking entire genres away like a kid that doesn't like classical music because it doesn't feature electric guitars.

Bee bop boe badum-boom?

yup. In between his scat sessions, he's rapping and letting everybody know:

He's the scatman.

10-16-2004, 08:09 PM
I like how you (original poster) only mention modern rock, pop, rap, and country, yet there are many many more kinds of music. o.O

Lunatic HighVII
10-16-2004, 10:01 PM
@rezo- I dont smack them away, Ive tried many times to listen to different types, and Ive not found any I like. Thats JUST my opinion. I do like classical, and rockers ARE influenced by other rockers, I just dont seem how old reflects at all on modern rockers. It doesnt sound like it, to me.

@blake shotgun-Sorry, I just have certain opinions on those particular types. Youre welcome to add any in.

As I said before, this is just my OPINIONS, and I would like to hear yours, not offend you.

Alice Wonderbra
10-16-2004, 10:13 PM
the reason modern music is not as good as old music is because of commercialization. its all about writing what sells; we must have radio friendly hits! but they must be sung by attractive people who are as moldable as gumby.

before, music was more of an artform. now it is a cash crop and we are the cows.

btw: this was a generalization.

The Ricky
10-17-2004, 01:52 AM
The only modern stuff I listen to these days is early 90's. Like Soul Asylum and Alice In Chains. Maybe The Jesus Lizard too.

10-17-2004, 05:20 AM
As I said before, this is just my OPINIONS, and I would like to hear yours, not offend you.

Seems to me you're the only guy here who's getting offended, man.

Stating your opinion is fine, stating that modern musicians "don't know music" as a broad generalization is stupid. So people are going to call you out.

It's cool, it really doesn't matter... just phrase it better next time.

10-17-2004, 10:19 PM
haha scatman.

I don't dis/like genres, really. so this old/modern thing is just... silly. I mean, if you prefer one, fair enough, but neither is really better.

grn apple tree
10-17-2004, 10:21 PM
modern for me old music is good but i like modern better

10-17-2004, 10:49 PM
I just dont seem how music today reflects at all on modern rockers. It doesnt sound like it, to me.

Wow, just wow. I'll assume you mean that modern rock reflects the old rock. But still, just wow.

iconoclastic pastry
10-17-2004, 11:40 PM
All generalizations are false, including this one.

Thank you, Samuel Clemens.

Lunatic HighVII
10-18-2004, 12:18 AM
Wow, just wow. I'll assume you mean that modern rock reflects the old rock. But still, just wow.

yep thats what I meant, sorry about that, i wasnt paying attention.

Okay, all of you have made me realize how broad I was being. Sorry, I didnt mean (to hurt you, im sorry that i made you cry...) reminded me of Jealous Guy, by John Lennon. Anyways, I sounded very immiture and didnt mean to cause any arguements, just wanted to see the number of people who preferred modern and old.

10-18-2004, 12:35 AM
Hip hop is all the same?

Listen to Ghostwriter by RJD2, and then Trick Me By Kelis. Then, listen to Triple Trouble by The Beastie Boys.

I think you'll find they all sound absolutely identical.

10-18-2004, 04:45 PM
Hip Hop isn't all that bad, N.E.R.D are good..

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
10-19-2004, 12:54 AM
Pfft, Hip-hop. The less I say on that one, the better, other than this: The overall vast majority of the "songs" are extremely repetitive bullshit ghetto-lyrics and/or blaring drum/bass-synth that just wracks my nerves to no end. Same goes for most "modern" rock music, every single country song since 1980, the entire "pop" genre on the radio, and some fringe artists on the Classical scene. Though I tend to like Classical more than any other genre, because the lyrics/vocals in other genres will fuck up a perfectly good melody.

And if it's truly a matter of taste, then why do some of you get all bent out of shape when someone says that they think a particular brand of music sucks (which is pretty much what modern music tends to be--notice the implied reference those exceptions in the word "tends")?

10-19-2004, 05:11 AM
There's a difference between finding something distasteful and making a stupid generalization about it, like you are doing now.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
10-19-2004, 03:19 PM
So, listing characteristics of something and saying those characteristics really grate on my nerves is a generalization?


10-19-2004, 08:06 PM
No, pretending that you know the first thing about genres you have only heard on the radio is.

Not to mention that some of the "characteristics" you were accusing modern rock of having are flat out wrong.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
10-19-2004, 11:19 PM
No, pretending that you know the first thing about genres you have only heard on the radio is.

So is pretending that a person can't have an opinion of a genre because they don't download "indie" songs of a particular genre and listen to them. Or assuming that I have only heard the genres I've referenced on some radio station.

Take Classical music for example. There are no FM stations that I'm aware of that play classical music in my area. All Classical music in my collection (limited that it is) consists of CD's I've purchased over the years.

Not to mention that some of the "characteristics" you were accusing modern rock of having are flat out wrong.

Depends on what you call modern rock. Linkin Park, for example, which a great many would consider to be "modern rock" under the broad definition of what "rock" consists of is nothing more than grossly repetitious and nerve-wracking noise.

And anyway, telling someone something like "You don't know the first thing about (insert genre of music here), because you would obviously not say such things about the music if you listened to more than what was played on the local radio stations!" is a very idiotic stance to take.

But then, what else can I expect from a self-declared "punk" who "is not a poser, like all those others"?

Alice Wonderbra
10-20-2004, 02:11 AM
grossly repetitious and nerve-wracking noise? i beg to differ. first off, what music (besides classical or the elephant love medley from moulin rouge) isnt repetitive? or did you mean every song they turn out sounds the same (like nickelback and creed)? either way, linkin park cant be lumped into that category, mister. and "nerve-wracking noise" is an opinion which i do not share for this particular band.

10-20-2004, 02:47 AM
Even a lot of classical is repetetive. Melodies tend to repeat. What are your favorite classical pieces?

Odin, read your first post again before saying you didn't generalize anything. You slammed all country music since 1980.



10-20-2004, 03:43 AM
Pfft, Hip-hop. The less I say on that one, the better, other than this: The overall vast majority of the "songs" are extremely repetitive bullshit ghetto-lyrics and/or blaring drum/bass-synth that just wracks my nerves to no end. Same goes for most "modern" rock music, every single country song since 1980, the entire "pop" genre on the radio, and some fringe artists on the Classical scene. Though I tend to like Classical more than any other genre, because the lyrics/vocals in other genres will fuck up a perfectly good melody.

And if it's truly a matter of taste, then why do some of you get all bent out of shape when someone says that they think a particular brand of music sucks (which is pretty much what modern music tends to be--notice the implied reference those exceptions in the word "tends")?Listen to RJD2. I'm serious. That's hiphop.

10-20-2004, 07:05 AM
So is pretending that a person can't have an opinion of a genre because they don't download "indie" songs of a particular genre and listen to them. Or assuming that I have only heard the genres I've referenced on some radio station.

I didn't say you can't have an opinion of a genre, I said you shouldn't say "all rap sucks" when you haven't HEARD all rap. If you said, "I don't care for rap" that would be one thing. I say that myself because I don't care for rap, and I haven't even heard as much of it as probably the average American. It's not the fact that you haven't listened to all of the music in a genre that I'm criticizing, it's the fact that you seem to believe there is no value to musical genres that you have personally written off.

But then, what else can I expect from a self-declared "punk" who "is not a poser, like all those others"?

Hah! Point me to where I ever said "all those others are posers" or anything of the like. A lot of people are but I'm no elitist. You, on the other hand, consider anything that hasn't recieved your personal stamp of approval to be worthless. You don't have to act like a major cock just because yours doesn't work. Seriously, what is it with you? Why are you so bitter about everyone and everything? Can't you just please lighten up for once?

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
10-20-2004, 03:33 PM
I didn't say you can't have an opinion of a genre, I said you shouldn't say "all rap sucks" when you haven't HEARD all rap. If you said, "I don't care for rap" that would be one thing. I say that myself because I don't care for rap, and I haven't even heard as much of it as probably the average American. It's not the fact that you haven't listened to all of the music in a genre that I'm criticizing, it's the fact that you seem to believe there is no value to musical genres that you have personally written off.

It's all about context, TK. At the very beginning of this thread you're asked what you think about old music vs. new music, which implies an opinion. Now, if this thread asked which was actually, in an objective reality, better than the other you might have a point.

Hah! Point me to where I ever said "all those others are posers" or anything of the like. A lot of people are but I'm no elitist. You, on the other hand, consider anything that hasn't recieved your personal stamp of approval to be worthless. You don't have to act like a major cock just because yours doesn't work. Seriously, what is it with you? Why are you so bitter about everyone and everything? Can't you just please lighten up for once?

I think you went on several elitist "punk" rants in this thread. (Thread 7735)

10-20-2004, 03:33 PM
The Fiery Furnaces aren't repetitive, they change tone completely every minute or so during 10~ minute songs. Some people find that annoying! Not me!

10-20-2004, 03:41 PM
Old movie music. (specifically samurai or kung fu movies)

Lady Snowblood, Lord of the Wu-Tang, Lightning swords of Death, and so on.

Also cool anime tracks (Berserk!)or random stuff like Beginnings (Norihiro Tsuru and some other guy, I think....)

Vincent, Thunder God
10-24-2005, 09:22 PM
I agree Lunatic High-there is rarely any good new songs. I'm a fan of 70s progressive rock.

10-24-2005, 09:25 PM
This was literally over a year old! Don't revive threads of such old age please.

10-25-2005, 12:20 PM
All music is gr8. David Bowie especially.

10-25-2005, 12:31 PM
This was literally over a year old! Don't revive threads of such old age please.

You tell em' Mossy! You tell them that this thread was literally over a year old and that they should not revive such old threads!

Also, old music is better than modern music because there is a lot more of it.

11-05-2005, 09:56 AM
And becuase new music is unoriginal and talentless..well the vast majority at least.

11-05-2005, 10:27 AM
And becuase new music is unoriginal and talentless..well the vast majority at least.
the vast majority of people barely even try out new music

~Crazy Chocobo~
11-06-2005, 05:58 AM
I really don't like today's music. I really can't stand it actually. I prefer anything from the 80's. Music was great back then but now it's all rap. There's rarely a band nowadays with talent unlike back in the 60's, 70's and 80's. All of the bands I love are from the 70's/80's era.

It would be nice if we could have bands like the Beatles or Led Zeppelin again!

12-15-2005, 03:45 AM
For some reason I was picturing old music referring to classical or baroque music at the latest. What was I thinkin?

The Ricky
12-15-2005, 04:13 AM
I thought this thread looked familliar.

12-15-2005, 04:29 AM
For some reason I was picturing old music referring to classical or baroque music at the latest. What was I thinkin?

You were thinking that for some reason you should ignore the thousands of years of musical history that precede the baroque period as well as all of the non-contemporary music made after the classical period when deciding what old music was?

12-15-2005, 02:03 PM
You were thinking that for some reason you should ignore the thousands of years of musical history that precede the baroque period as well as all of the non-contemporary music made after the classical period when deciding what old music was?

I'm sorry, when I said classical and baroque "at the latest", I was thinking pretty much anything before that would be included.

I also think it's safe to say that stuff after that, be it Romantic, Ragtime, jazz, non-western music around that time, etc etc ect, would be rather new in the whole scheme of music history. I mean, 19th and 20th century is pretty new when you go back to music from thousands of years ago.


edit: Also, I should apologize. I shouldn't have been an ass in my earlier post. Sorry 'bout that.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
12-15-2005, 03:06 PM
I also like how TK never responded to my last reply here.

09-29-2010, 05:34 AM
There is a lot of modern day metal bands that are popular that use a lot of repetition and do a lot of strange things. Its all a matter of opinion, to me bands like Cholera, Bring Me The Horizon, Attack! Attack!, etc aren't that great. I mostly don't care for the vocal styles.

The problem with the music is effort isn't really put into creating catchy riffs, its more based on complex fast paced riffs. For example, the opening riff in "Smoke On The Water" by Deep Purple is quite catchy. People who hate the classics still know how to play it on guitar simply because its a catchy riff. "No Pity For a Coward" by Suicide Silence, is a pretty complex song, I play guitar and I myself cannot play it because its so hard, but there is no catchy riff. Its all fast picking on guitar followed by insane double bass and blast beats on drum. The problem with modern metal, is that nearly every band focuses too much energy on making their shit more complex, than trying to make something unique. Not to mention that nearly ever metal band has to have breakdowns in nearly every song and it just gets tiring to hear. Yeah you can say musicians now have more technical skill, but they lack creativity.

Think of it this way, its kinda like a dude that can fit 10 dicks in his ass, yeah its pretty impressive, but its still fuckin gay (do not get on my ass about calling something gay, I myself am bisexual and I fully comprehend that sometimes shit is just gay).

As far as music like Never Shout Never, Anthony Green etc., it all just sounds like crying into a microphone. Well, I know I've probably pissed someone off so go on, tell me all about how much of a better vocalist Christopher Drew is than Steve Perry.

09-29-2010, 07:08 PM
But are they Roman dicks?

09-29-2010, 07:23 PM
Think of it this way, its kinda like a dude that can fit 10 dicks in his ass, yeah its pretty impressive, but its still fuckin gay (do not get on my ass about calling something gay, I myself am bisexual and I fully comprehend that sometimes shit is just gay).

Amazing. My next signature.

Also, why would anyone argue that men having anal sex isn't gay?

Also, to make this discussion productive, what if we made a smilie that nicely asked people not to necro-bump? Then we could just post the smilie as a reply and wouldn't have to go through the effort every time this happened.

Dr Faustus
09-29-2010, 07:46 PM
A 5 year old thread? Jeez. All music has merits. Even the crap stuff. It gives us something to hate. We love to hate.

10-03-2010, 02:38 AM
Think of it this way, its kinda like a dude that can fit 10 dicks in his ass, yeah its pretty impressive, but its still fuckin gay (do not get on my ass about calling something gay, I myself am bisexual and I fully comprehend that sometimes shit is just gay).
Cool analogy, bro.

06-11-2011, 02:37 PM
Modern music vs. old music? If this IS a battle, then I choose old music. People say the late 90s was the time where music went downhill, and to some parts (NSYNC, etc), yes I can agree, but for the most part, music started to really go down the drain around the years 2000-2004, where hip hop just turns into the era of stupid dances, talking about money, and junk like that.

06-11-2011, 08:08 PM
Holy necrobump, then holy necrobump, THEN, HOLY FREAKIN' NECROBUMP.

Music is stupid. I only listen to dolphins, man. Dolphins are the voices of the universe, they have things to say, everyone could benefit from listening to them.

06-11-2011, 08:26 PM