Such a X-2 Girl!
10-15-2004, 10:59 PM
well, I had to write this story for my English Courseowrk, what do people think of it?

Steve was angry. He just had no luck in the romance department! For instance, his last Girlfriend- Nina, had ben going out with him and another boy behind his back for several weeks now. He had caught them together at the weekend when he and his friends has bumped into them at the cinema. It was Monday now and Steve was not in the mood for Monday morning lessons or pathetic explanations from Nina.

Steve trudged into his tutor at snail-pace. He was greeted by his friends Morgan, Harry and Joe.
�Mornin� Steve.� Said Harry
�Hello� Said Steve in a flat drone.
�Stevie?� Asked Morgan�s squeaky voice �I heard about Saturday, the lads told me, Try not to worry.�
Steve looked at Morgan, she looked sympathetic but he knew it wouldn�t last. His friends would be back to their same, tormenting, scheming ways by Lunch.

Steve had been correct. By exactly 12.25 that day Harry, Joe and Morgan were busy hatching an idea
�They are like witches� Thought Steve �Cooking a evil plan�
He started laughing to himself
�Well!� Said Morgan �You�re not going to do very well with the ladies sitting there laughing like a mad-man!�
�Good! I�ve had quite enough women in my life- Thank you!� Said Steve
�I think not� Said Joe �We are going to find you a new girl, better than the last!�
Despite his shouting, pleading and eventual begging Joe, Harry and Morgan stuck with their plan, the days went by slowly as Steve�s friends pointed out every girl in sight- Steve, still hurt from his last relationship rejected every offer he was given by Morgan, Harry and Joe.

Steve began to think it was safe once again as his friends gradually accepted the fact he was not going to get a girlfriend any time soon.
But, of course, Morgan had to opne her big mouth and let the matter come to hand.
Steve, Morgan, Joe and Harry were on their way to the bus stop down the road from the school when Morgan said
�Hey, Steve, you got a girl yet?�
�Look!� Bellowed Steve �For the last time Morgan, I don�t want a girlfriend yet and I certainly don�t want a girlfriend you pick for me�
In fact, scrap that! I don�t want a girlfriend ever again as long as I live, especially if she�s anything like you!�

As Steve stomped down the road past his friends it was like Cupid�s arrow hit him and the love story was about to unfold. The next events which took place seemed to happen in a millisecond of time;

Morgan ran to catch up with Steve to apologize, she reached up to his arm and caught his jumper, Steve was pulled back with the force of which Morgan had caught him. The crowd who surrounded him as he was at the bus stop were moved too, almost like pins when a bowling ball hits them.
The girl standing next to him actually fell over, on to the ground- the road.
She attempted to get up, as she did there was a frantic screech of tyres and a beep on a heavy vehicles horn, a bus pulled into the spot where this girl had been standing!
In a quick flash, the atmosphere mutilated from happy school kids leaving their classes for the day to a horror scene- the people screaming and crying- complete and utter turmoil.

Mortified, Steve ploughed his way through the crowd which was gathering by the bus. He went around the other side where the girl was lying. Only her top half was visible, the other was under the wheel. She was conscious, Steve desperately tried to speak with her.
�What� what happened?� Asked the girl, her voice was very weak.
�You, got hit by the bus� Stammered Steve
�Oh�� Said the girl
She sounded really ill. Steve�s instincts kicked in, he saw he had to make sure this girl would be ok, he got everybody to back off and went back to kneel beside her.
As he did Steve noticed something- how very beautiful this girl was. Sure, she went to his school, but she was the sort of girl who always fitted into the background, never showed up much. Steve couldn�t see how this was possible- she was simply gorgeous. Her long, curled hair fitted round her face like a halo, she had the most perfect features and her skin was all golden and sun kissed. She was perfect all but the cut on her face which came about when she fell.
Steve knelt holding her hands, talking to her for seemed an eternity they shared. Her name was Sophia; she was in the class above him�

The ambulance came and took Sophia away, The crowd eventually dispatched and went home, Morgan apologized and Joe and Harry made sure Steve was ok.

Steve spent his weekend thinking about Sophia, he felt selfish but thought that if he had met Sophia at the right time or in the right place, he may have called what they shared love.
On Monday it was confirmed, Sophia would be alright but wouldn�t be in school for weeks. Her parents weren�t allowing anybody to see her until the story had been found out. Steve, being part of the accident had to give evidence.

The time went by as before but Steve felt worse and worse, he longed to see Sophia, he had confirmed it in his own mind, he loved her, more than anything in the entire world. She was his world as far as Steve was concerned.
Steve found out from one of Sophia�s friends which hospital Sophia was in
�You won�t get in mind. Sophia�s Mum and Dad aren�t allowing any visitors.� Said Ellen
�I can try� Murmured Steve

And try Steve did. He asked permission from Sophia�s parents who apologized but said they wanted to keep her out of the court case as she was stressed enough. He even went to the extremes of pretending he was Sophia�s cousin in the hospital to get into her ward! Alas, none of Steve�s plans had worked.

However, he was sitting daydreaming in Maths one day when Harry nudged him and said
�I hate having to get up early for school, why can�t we do a nightshift and come in through the night?�
�That�s it!� Cried Steve He could find out what ward Sophia was in and go in through the window at night. Crazy as it seemed, Steve would try anything to see Sophia again.
�Yes, Mr Vincent? Do you have the answer?� Said Mrs. Gallagher, a few of the kids laughed but Steve didn�t care, he had far more important things to worry about.


Steve reached the hospital gates, he couldn�t belive he had just snuck out of his room and made the twenty-five minute walk down to the hospital in hope to see his darling.
Steve walked in the gates, he walked over to Ward 9 where Sophia was. He heard somebody cough so he went and hid behind the rubbish bins, they walked off and Steve ran all the way over to the window of Ward 9.
He could only hope the window that was slightly ajar would allow him to fit through it and would lead to Sophia.
He jumped up at the window, caught his hands on the frame, he hoisted himself up and fell into the ward.
He composed himself and looked around, waiting for his eyes to adjust to the light. He searched around Ward 9.
He was about to give up when he saw a ray of light coming through one of the curtains, sure enough the ringlets around that face were Sophia�s.
He tip-toed over to the bed, once again knelt down by Sophia�s side, he kissed her hand gently. She was a light sleeper, she woke up, opened her eyes and spotted Steve. She did it all very gracefully, she sat up and beamed at him
�I�ve been waiting for you� She whispered �Thank you for coming to see me!�
They looked at each other, they didn�t need any more words. The accident had brought them close.
Neither were afraid of what the future would hold.
They would sit holding hands for all the time they could�