10-15-2004, 08:55 PM
Hey i got Final Fantasy VIII recently and am absolutely stuck. At the beginning of the fourth disc how can you beat Adel. A friend said the darkside ability was good and thankfully I started a new file at the end of the third disc. But does anyone have any know how to beat her faster than this

10-15-2004, 10:14 PM
If you want to take her down really quick an easy you can do what I did.

First put Irvine in your party and get his strength as high as you possibley can Demi junctions rather well and you can give him a GF like Ifrit to help boost his strength with the +20%/+40% abilites. Next make sure you have either AP ammo or pulse ammo. You can get AP ammo by modifying Chef's Knifes, and pulse ammo by modifying energy crystals. The only other thing your going to need is either some aura spells, or aura stones.

When you go into battle with Adel have one of your other charecters cast aura on Irvine, or use an aura stone on him. Then just use his limit break to shoot the crap out of her with one of the two ammo types I mentioned above and she should be K.O.'ed in no time.

The Good Names Were Taken
10-17-2004, 03:21 PM
It might sound like an easy way out but if you're completely stuck then as long as you have the GF Cactuar with the Kamikaze ability learnt then you can simply have a character use it as soon as the battle begins which should kill her instantly (i've never had Kamikaze take less than 45,000 HP), the main downside to using this is that at the end of the battle the charact will be Ko'd and as such that character won't recieve AP.

10-17-2004, 06:07 PM
If you want to fight her normally, immediately cast Regen on Rinoa and keep an eye on Rinoa's HP. Use Curaga on her if Adel siphons HP from her. Try to avoid use of GFs or any limits that would affect all targets. Cast Meltdown on Adel if you have it.

11-03-2004, 04:44 PM
I found out a GREAT way to do Adel eventually, teach Quistis the Homing Laser attack it did about 9999 damage for me, so keep having Squall or whoever cast Aura on her and keep using that, using other people to heal or use life if you get in a tight spot!

11-04-2004, 11:44 PM
i just cast regen on rinoa and used physical attacks on adel. and it worked fine:)

11-07-2004, 11:23 PM
Party: Squall, Zell, Rinoa - use Aura on Squall and Zell and they'll kick her ass BIG TIME. She has a lot of HP so just keep punding her. Use Rinoa for healing, cast triple on her so she can heal all three members in one turn. And watch Zell and Squall perform their spectacular attacks. I just love Squall's Renzokuken. ^_^

Now I wanna play FFVIII again...

11-07-2004, 11:46 PM
Oh, that's a great strategy. "Use Rinoa for healing." That'd work really well except one little thing: Rinoa is junctioned to Adel and isn't in a position to heal anything!

Edit: And now this topic is closed because its bad title and another thread being started covering the exact same thing with a better title.