08-13-2014, 08:30 PM
Neverwinter Nights
Diamond Edition Soundtrack

ARTIST: Jeremy Soule
DATE: 2005
SIZE: 221 MB
LENGTH: 2:07:37


01. Startup Screen
02. Neverwinter Nights Main Theme
03. Hordes Of The Underdark Startup Screen
04. Hordes Of The Underdark Main Theme
05. City Of Neverwinter
06. Aribeth De Tylmarande
07. Academy Attacked (Movie 1)
08. The City Core
09. Peninsula District
10. Prison Fight
11. Lair Of The Devourer
12. Beggar's Nest
13. Snake Cult Estate
14. The Great Graveyard
15. Warrens Of The Damned
16. Street Encounter
17. Shining Serpent Tavern
18. No Man's Land
19. Blacklake District
20. Rich House
21. Never's Tomb
22. Silver Sails Company
23. Seedy Tavern
24. City Market
25. The Store
26. Temple Of Tyr
27. Ressurrection
28. Castle Never
29. False Helm's Hold
30. Northern Expedition (Movie 2)
31. Aarin Gend
32. Charwood
33. Castle Jhareg
34. Port Llast Mines
35. Creator Ruins
36. Farmlands
37. Druid Challenge Circle
38. Neverwinter Wood
39. Heart Of The Forest
40. North Road
41. Solomon's Ambush
42. Luskan Docks
43. High Captain's War
44. Cutlass Inn
45. Wink And Tickle Bordello
46. Sewers Beneath Luskan
47. Ruins Of Illusk
48. Morag's Appearance
49. Dark Aribeth
50. Enemy Revealed (Movie 3)
51. Beorunna's Well
52. Wandering Across The Countryside
53. Homesteads
54. Siege Of Fort Ilkard
55. Elk Tribe Keep
56. Klauth's Demise
57. Neverwinter Besieged
58. War Zone
59. Wizard's Chantry
60. Battle Aribeth
61. Maugrim Korothir
62. Lizardfolk Sanctuary
63. Source Stone Battle
64. The Silver Marches
65. Tracking The Kobold Raiders
66. Journey Through Anauroch
67. Gypsy Caravan Ambushed
68. Night On The Desert
69. Queen Of The Shattered Mirror
70. Waterdeep, City Of Splendors
71. Fight In The "Yawning Portal"
72. Tunnels Of The Undermountain
73. Liberating Halaster
74. Lith My'athar
75. Zorvak'mur
76. Dracolich Vix'thra
77. Confrontation With The Underdark Army
78. Valsharess Double-Crossed
79. Frozen Wastes Of Cania
80. Slashing Through Hell
81. Showdown With Mephistopheles!ZspwQAqL!Du_e-eu0t9b-qJumL3KSDKnCSL2iuezUl-EDGP52L2Q

08-13-2014, 09:41 PM
Am I the only one that gets "Temporary error, retrying"?

08-14-2014, 03:59 AM
I get it also. Hopefully it works soon

08-14-2014, 04:09 AM
Got it too, no matter which of my files I'm trying to download. Looks like some people experienced this problem before.
MEGA problems (

08-14-2014, 05:50 AM
i downloaded a few albums today before AND after trying this with mega so mega is fine for me always, just this file refuses to start no matter what browser i try it with. Will try again later. Thanks

08-14-2014, 09:35 AM
Thanks for the upload, but I've been trying ever since and all I get is "temporary error - retrying. A re-up would be appreciated.

08-14-2014, 03:39 PM
Seems to be working now. Finally. Thanks :D

08-14-2014, 06:29 PM
I've just added another link just in case.

08-14-2014, 07:22 PM
Yup, it works. Thanks, Alaemortis!

08-14-2014, 08:36 PM
Thank you! ;-)

08-14-2014, 11:42 PM
Thanks for the new link, but I finally got the old one to work. Your efforts are much appreciated.

08-17-2014, 09:33 PM
Thanks! :)

08-18-2014, 05:07 AM
Silly question, maybe, but is the soundtrack official that came with this edition of the game, or was it ripped from the game files?

08-18-2014, 07:13 AM
Silly question, maybe, but is the soundtrack official that came with this edition of the game, or was it ripped from the game files?

I have no idea to be honest, found it on the web. But it might be official since I've got the gamerip soundtrack as well and it's over 5h long.

08-18-2014, 12:53 PM
i got this soundtrack long ago and still have it, its glorious

08-18-2014, 04:30 PM

08-19-2014, 12:22 AM

10-28-2014, 08:32 PM
Thanks, mate! I've been long searching for this. Greatly appreciated!!!

11-02-2014, 12:15 PM
Thank you!

11-30-2016, 05:44 AM
Here is NWN Original Soundtrack and also NWN 2 Complete music if anyone wants them.

Neverwinter Nights Original Soundtrack (FLAC) -!OJJzxJJD!JUWS5VeHaUErFsiczt24H2c3uHUWoI1apFrAqYYb_Y8

NWN 2 Complete Disc 1 (FLAC)!3AQQAJTK!cemYxFiIw3mrNnt7wXkxBxzRkWRUfGRJB5ni22f7uJo
* GOG's NWN Complete Disc 2 and 3 are basically game rips of the expansions so same quality as the music in the game folders..lame hey

NWN 2 Complete Install "Music" Folder -!PJgFxA6T!D64PezlGGf3YMb0MaxJsfzkdZG_XsrZOilS1DftQGzY
*** Original music extracted from the game folder ~includes music from NWN 1, NWN 2 @ 128 kbps and Mysteries of Westgate @ 192 kbps.

Storm of Zehir (MP3 160kps)!fQZwVADY!4TrLenId2A7w2UaWysZhn5P_8wgnxz6P66ljH5Tsx9E
I really like the SoZ music :-)

Mask of the Betrayer (MP3 160kbps)!GEQBiLrZ!m9lVoiqDcDYDnd-U09gkBCiEGAaqzJs_lRlR7hNE1HI

11-30-2016, 04:31 PM
Many thanks!

11-30-2016, 05:35 PM
Storm of Zehir songs all have silence at the end of the track so you should use an mp3 splitter program that splits off the silence. Some songs are 4:00 but the actual songs finish like 2min or so. Good songs so worth the effort..especially if you want to loop songs :P

12-01-2016, 11:44 PM

12-02-2016, 01:22 AM
Thank you for this! Tis muchly appreciated!


12-05-2016, 03:41 AM
Actually I DO have the digital copy of NWN Complete and indeed Discs 2 and 3 are the exact songs in order I posted earlier but they are indeed the same 160kbps. I bought the series ages ago from gog but didn't check the digital soundtracks.. Disappointing they are mp3. The only difference is in SoZ and MotB quite a few songs have 2-3 mins + silence and is why in my uploads I used a cutting program to cut out the silence :) .. lol

One more thing is the NWN soundtrack the 81 track one like the 1st poster the Digital Version is only in 128kbps ?? Maybe it is re-encoded or perhaps another source??

Anyway hope you all enjoy. I have some NWN artwork, concept art, a map, a small monster and character art and wallpapers if anyone wants them.
Also NWN 2 Artwork, avatars and wallpapers

E.G. Bugbear

So there was never a CD or lossless versions for Disc 2 and Disc 3 of the NWN 2 Complete Soundtrack sadly and I used a cutter to cut out the minutes of silence in each of the expansion albums.. Stupid extended silence.. Why the hell did they do that for?? 3 min song would last for 6 mins because after the music ends there would be 3 mins of silence... lame and stupid !!

Here are the Portraits wallpapers and other goodies that came with the collection!aUYi3RAC!0PSKSlNhSTctcMLrjT7gcPvycgcTFfYxA3-ifa6yxkk

08-30-2017, 09:19 PM
Thanks for the Diamond!