10-15-2004, 02:18 PM
I want to buy this game, it looks really good, but i was wondering if anyone has it and if i could get some fed back...


10-15-2004, 02:50 PM
I'd suggest getting it - I haven't played a lot, but so far it seems like a decent diversion. Don't expect Final Fantasy depth storyline, but expect a lot of gameplay. It reminds me of Zelda, somewhat - but I think that's just the bow.

Of course, if you've got a PS2 and you haven't played Star Ocean: Till the End of Time, i'd suggest getting that first.

Neo Xzhan
10-15-2004, 04:44 PM
Fable is overrated and overhyped. The graphics and sound/music are nice. But the gameplay and replay value are very low. It's more of the same you're used to and the replay value is zero if you'd ask me.

10-15-2004, 05:18 PM
My friend just got Fable and completed it in about 7 hours.

10-15-2004, 05:47 PM
Fable ish fun.

10-15-2004, 06:06 PM
Just got Fable and completed it in 7 hours.If this is how people judge games nowadays, I would like to ask why MGS2, and Zelda: TWW were so great, and yet games like fable are not.

Fucking double-standards.

10-15-2004, 06:13 PM
Hey triple m!

I didn't say it wasn't very good.

10-17-2004, 08:25 PM
Depending on personal preference and how you play your games Fable loses in the replay value department, but I found it to be just three hairs short of what I was promised. Still, I was promised the glory of Jesus rising from the dead, making me a sammach, and having angels please me with hours of oral sex. I'm still waiting on the sammach but I personally found the game to be wonderfuly fantastic. I played two characters, beat the game just shy of 19 hours, have been good, evil, and everything inbetween and accomplished a good deal.

In the end I suppose I ran a solid 30 hours of game play and give Fable a 9.5 out of 10.

Still this is personal opinion, but I found it money well spent.

grn apple tree
10-17-2004, 09:43 PM
fable looks awesome but it's for x box (-_-) i have a ps2........

10-17-2004, 11:13 PM
fable looks awesome but it's for x box (-_-) i have a ps2........

Then uh... get an Xbox?

Or, even better, get Star Ocean 3. It's a better game in my opinion.

10-19-2004, 04:46 PM
Hmmm.... a lot of stuff to do on this game.. but sort-of like uninteresting storyline... -_-;; zelda-ish and uhh... XboX

10-20-2004, 01:21 AM
i got xbox and ps2 so im good ;) but thx for the feed back, i think ill bye it .. but 7 hours .. thats kinda short =\

wuts star ocean??

btw, Zelda games own ... best one is Zelda: A Link To The Past for snes

10-20-2004, 04:20 PM
OOT is better than Link to the past.... uh Star Ocean? its a new game from square enix... (www.square-enix.co.jp) more better than the us site if you can only read Japanese huh...

01-09-2005, 12:17 PM
fable looks awesome but it's for x box (-_-) i have a ps2........

Who doesn't have an xbox these days?! I renember buying my lovley LIMITED EDITION crystal Clear xbox from Amazon for �150 and then they decide to release it as a Casual xbox, how ANOYING is that?! But mine is special cause it had two controllers and plays Halo 2 multi player Vertical split screen.....

01-09-2005, 12:20 PM
I don't have an X-box, but anywho, Fable is truly a super game, I don't think it was as freedom-inspired as they said, but there was a hell of alot to do, the music and sound is great and the graphics are fantastic imo. The lifespan is average,the game doesn't take longer than a weekend to complete, and the best thing to do is replay it twice, once good, the other evil.

01-09-2005, 04:31 PM
I really disliked the combat on Fable (the only character I have played as thus far is heavily armed super-strong fighter type guy), but otherwise the game was pretty good. Not near as good as what I was expecting however.

01-09-2005, 07:57 PM
I am currently Fable right now 4 hours into fable and I enjoy it a great deal. Well worth the money.

01-10-2005, 12:13 AM
it is an alright game I advise to rent it first because u can beat in such a short time.

Crimson X
01-10-2005, 12:20 AM
i can beat it in 5 hours, oh and star ocean is the best game, =) O:] 8-) :coolegg: :cool: :) :angel:

01-17-2005, 09:19 PM
Fable's like gothic GTA ... sorry 'bout that ... Anyway's I'd go Star Ocean cuz it's got a waaaaaay better story ... But if you just wanna do some stupid stuff and be some bad-ass dude then Fable would be better.

01-17-2005, 11:39 PM
I did Fable in 13 hours. By the way, funny storey about my Xbox. It was a bit broken, always getting dirty disk errors when they were new and clean so when i phoned em up to swap( warrenty) they only had Xbox crystals and i got one of them!!! No extra charge etc!! =)

03-13-2005, 09:28 AM
Personal opinion but Fable was a complet waist of money in my eyes i sold my copy the 3rd day i had it but it only took me 5 hours to beat the game

03-13-2005, 09:38 AM
Revival phial used! Nice going hereo.

Anyway, I haven't played Fable in little while but my character is 17 hours into the game and I still haven't finished so I am guessing the people who beat this in less than 10 hours only do the core quests and are really lame.

03-13-2005, 09:42 AM
*coughs**wipes away the dust, hits the spider webs**cough*
Great, a revival!

Fable is a good game if you enjoy it and actually do some quests.

03-15-2005, 12:57 PM

the worst thing about thise game is teh end....power or da even more powerful sword. and hardbringer was such a let down. and if u take the swor du can neva be fully good and evil looks so bad

03-16-2005, 08:30 AM
waiting for the PC version since i dont have an xbox

The Passenger
03-16-2005, 11:55 PM
Fable is actually a very, very good game. Sure, the story was short and Peter Molyneux (spelling..?) didn't include EVERYTHING he said...I would've enjoyed seeing trees grow, but hey. The graphics are superior and the music great.
It lasted me 20 hours on two of my games (evil and good, naturally) and I'm on 13 hours for 'Masterman' the undoubtable masterful man.
Anyway, about the game - the replay value ISN'T non-existent. It's great to have enough mad games going - Black Mage, Paladin, Fatman, to name a few zany ideas. And all the extra stuff crammed into it make it last an extra 7 or so hours. It takes about as long as MGS2, and that's a brilliant game for it's length. It's mega-style fun and the repetitive combat isn't actually all that noticable due to the illusion of the animation. And it's original and hilarious (as in, really hilarious). And it is actually so great to see a game with British accents in, as they reek of humour.
So yes, I'd suggest you buy Fable. I wasn't disappointed.

03-17-2005, 12:35 AM
I really have to play Fable one day. I bought it the day it was released, and i've never really played far past the academy.

Meanwhile, two of my friends have completed it on my copy of the game.

06-01-2005, 07:57 PM
Fable was great, a little short but maybe i`m too used to life engufing rpgs.
But yeah, i found fable an overall enjoyable game.