10-15-2004, 04:08 AM
I bought x-men legends recently and im wondering what you guys think of it

10-15-2004, 04:37 AM
It's crap.

Actually, it's probably the best X-men game ever made.

But it's still crap.

Your guys die too easily because it's too hard to see the drops in the environments. Playing with other people is frustrating because there's too much going on on the screen for four people to stay in one spot, and all my friends suck at the game. The graphics are horrible, with Iceman looking like a blue lego man.

Everything else besides gameplay, visuals, and sounds (which repeat a lot, and the voice acting is rather horrible) is pretty good.... which is pretty much the story and replay value.

10-26-2004, 10:24 PM
I think it's pretty fun, I like the teamwork stuff.