10-14-2004, 09:54 PM
Hi this is my first thread.... So anway I was just wandering what people think
is the better game and why. FF7 or FF8

10-14-2004, 09:58 PM
incase u havent noticed on the title u hav put 'fianl fantasy VII vs final fantasy VII' its the same thing but if u mean ff7 v ff8 i think ff7 wins even tho 8 does rock i love the weapons in final fantasy 8 but the story more in ff7

Neo Xzhan
10-14-2004, 10:19 PM
I'll move this to Gen. FF since it covers 2 Final Fantasies. If the mods find it should be closed I'll leave it up to them.

10-15-2004, 01:27 AM
I'll move this to Gen. FF since it covers 2 Final Fantasies. If the mods find it should be closed I'll leave it up to them.

I don't really see the point in this thread. =\

Please, people, no random "vs" threads. :'(