08-05-2014, 02:08 PM
Ys Seven Extended Tracks: Part 1 ( Part 2 (

So, here's a little something special I've been working on! ;) See, I love Falcom music. However, it's always kinda bugged the crap out of me that many of their albums (particularly the ones released in recent years) NEVER LOOP. Of course, I can understand why that's the case (saves CD space and all), but it still doesn't change the fact that it bothers me. In the end, I decided to take matters into my own hands and extend the darn things myself. And so I present to you the first fruit of my efforts: YS SEVEN EXTENDED! :D

Now mind you, I'm pretty much still an amateur at this looping thing, and some tracks didn't come out quite as perfectly as I like (Road to Solitary Death comes to mind in particular), but it's not too bad, right? I plan to go back and fix the ones I'm unsatisfied with eventually, of course (not now though, as I already spent too much time on this already....). Also, I should also note that I used the gamerip versions of the tracks (which don't loop either, strangely), as opposed to the official OST's, hence why the album-exclusive tracks like the full version of Innocent Primeval Breaker aren't included. I also found one extra track which I think is a jingle (it's been a while since I last played the game, so I don't remember where it's used). But all of that aside, this should be about as complete as can be! :)

As for which soundtracks I plan to loop next..... well, there's many games in Falcom's PSP library I'd like to work on. I'm actually kinda eager to do Zero/Ao no Kiseki next, but those are definitely gonna take WAY more time than I took with this one, so I might concentrate on something smaller next..... well, time will tell. Anyways, enjoy! ;)

08-06-2014, 12:21 AM
thank you, Marvel! :)

08-06-2014, 03:43 AM
I haven't listened to them yet, but I will thank you for your efforts at the very least!