10-14-2004, 10:01 AM
More trivia except this time it is on FFX:

Due to the fact that Final Fantasy X is the first game in the series to have spoken dialogue by all the main and certain secondary characters, The principal hero,(default name Tidus) is never actually referred to by name by any of them; this is mostly due to the fact that the player is allowed to change his name at the beginning. In the pre-voice games, the hero's name merely appeared as text to be inserted into dialogues where necessary.

Some of the half-buried objects in the desert resemble pod racer engines from Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999).

The logo that appears before before the opening titles (with the caption "Final Fantasy X Project 1999-2002"), can also be seen as a tattoo on Jecht, and on several pieces of clothing that Tidus wears.

The Aeons in the game are drawn from the Gnostic religion.

In the Japanese Ryukyu dialect, Tidus means "sun", Wakka means "water", and Yuna means "moon, flower".

When the party arrives at the city of Luca, the music playing in the background is "Brahne Appears - The Play Begins", which was the opening theme to the play "I Want to Be Your Canary" performed by Zidane's group Tantalus in Final Fantasy IX.

It pre-sold a million copies in Japan in a record breaking 17 days.

Final Fantasy X is the first numbered Final Fantasy game to feature a musical score that is not completely credited to Nobuo Uematsu, who has written the music for Final Fantasy since it's inception.

Final Fantasy X is also the first numbered Final Fantasy game that does not include as part of it's official soundtrack the "Prologue" song, first heard in Final Fantasy I when the party crossed the bridge north of Coneria for the first time.

Huntress Krystle
10-14-2004, 10:23 AM
very informative ^_^ what's the gnostic religion btw?

10-14-2004, 10:37 AM
Gnosticism is a philosophical and religious movement which started in pre-Christian times. The term is derived from the Greek word gnosis which means "knowledge". It is pronounced with a silent "G" (NO-sis). Gnostics claimed to have secret knowledge about God, humanity and the rest of the universe of which the general population was unaware. It became one of the three main belief systems within 1st century Christianity, and was noted for three factors which differed from the two other branches of Christianity: Novel beliefs about Gods, the Bible and the world which differed from those of other Christian groups.
Tolerance of different religious beliefs within and outside of Gnosticism.
Lack of discrimination against women.
A belief that salvation is achieved through knowledge. In the words of The Gnostic Apostolic Church humanity needs to be awakened and brought "to a realisation of his true nature. Mankind is moving towards the Omega Point, the Great day when all must graduate or fall. This day is also the Day of Judgement in that only those who have entered the Path of Transfiguration and are being reborn can return to the Treasury of Light."

Huntress Krystle
10-14-2004, 12:50 PM
do u know where i could find pics of where the aeons were based? i really wanna see them. thanks so much for the info!