Cpt Rex Kramer
08-01-2014, 07:05 PM
Hi all. So, there is "leaked" footage from this years Comic-Con of a proof of concept demo for a DEADPOOL film that was made a few years ago. It's all computer generated, and it's kind of funny. You can find it anywhere online. Can anyone have a look see and name me the music that they used in the film (It's temp tracked.) Now, it's not the lame little song he sings in the beginning of the clip. It's the score that starts when Deadpool is in the SUV. I'm almost positive it's Michael Kamen; early '90s action film. Just can't quite picture what film the music is from. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, and good luck.

Cpt Rex Kramer
08-01-2014, 09:15 PM
Is it from Die Hard 2 or 3? C'mon people, work with me here!