07-30-2014, 05:04 PM
https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&docid=bhroQ8mwKc1nJM&tbnid=y1_crnSBn7f9xM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Ffacepunch.com%2Fshowthread.php%3F t%3D1281267%26page%3D2&ei=pRfZU6L-OMvXPbfDgPAO&psig=AFQjCNEoS4Oewq41bCHEo81CVOYZM7E_wQ&ust=1406822536439556No one else uploaded this yet, so I thought, why not?
Released in 2006 by Koei, Warship Gunner 2 was the sequel to Naval Ops Warship Gunner, a naval simulation/arcade game that spanned alternate world war II in a fictional universe, with classic weaponry mixed in with futuristic lasers and high tech weaponry, such as railguns and wave guns.


07-31-2014, 01:38 AM
With all the attention being paid to Hyrule Warriors, it's understandable if folks kind of forgot about this series. Given how much fun WG2 is, I hope they decide to take the series off the shelf for another go-round sometime soon. Yes, good of you to share the music; my only criticism is that it would've been better distributed as a single archive file.