Rebecca Chambers
10-12-2004, 06:19 PM

Since I'm a dedicated fan of this series, I bought a copy of this game from a shop called Game in Edinburgh, but they didn't think I was 18 so I had to go back later. It has alot of graphic violence.

The game begins with a man in his twenties called Henry Townshend awakening from a nightmare. Then he discovers he cannot leave his apartment which is room 302 of South Ashfield Heights, and it happens to be near a really fucked up town called Silent Hill. This is because some nice person has chained up his door from the inside. What is he going to do? Well he cannot open his windows because they won't open and he cannot use the phone, so he's a sitting duck. He finds a hole behind a desk that he can use to look at his neighbour Eileen, but why doesn't he shout for help right there right then? Henry finds a much bigger hole in his bathroom so he enters it and it takes him to a subway. There is a lady there, and so Henry has to look after her. These dogs then start populating the darn subway. If you've seen the dogs in Resident Evil, well, these mutts are indeed nuts.

Henry's room acts as a portal and you can only save there too. In the early parts of the game your health will be revived too. Unlike the other Silent Hill outings with Harry, James, Maria and Heather, Henry cannot carry an infinite amount of items so now he can only carry 10, and he has to keep the rest in a chest in his home. When you are in his home, you see everything from a first person perspective, a first in the series by Konami.

If you like being scared this will scare you. I laughed at those huge apes in the streets. I'll give you some great advice though, don't let Eileen get hurt too much or if will affect the ending.

Alice Wonderbra
10-12-2004, 08:34 PM
i am really wanting to play this game. sh3 got me hooked on the series and opened up the survival horror genre for me. i am expecting some pretty fucked up shit to come out of the first-person viewing, and i hope for a killer storyline.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
10-12-2004, 09:00 PM
I was going to get this the other day, then I went to take alook at my balace in the bank.....'�20' showed up on the screen, and suddenly memories of the night before started slowing coming back. Anyway, so I couldn't afford Silent Hill 4, so I took a look round town see what I could find, and hey presto! Soul Calibur 2, first hand and everything, for only �8. I bought that, some nice, good proper Ice Cream (which I could have made equally as well with some cheaper Chocolate Ice Cream, some Chocolate Drops and Little Marshmallows,) Tangy Cheese Doritos and some Coke.

So what have I learnt about this, well alcohol is a bitch and I'm going to cut down. Also notice, how I've just talked about alot of crap in this reply....interesting.

10-13-2004, 01:35 AM
I've heard it's ridiculously overrated and boring.
Minotaur, don't post random shit in this forum. Gen chat is fine with that, here, we are not. I will start deleting your posts.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
10-14-2004, 01:09 PM
Hey, I did mention Silent Hill 4, I just elaborated on what else I did. How would I be able to start a thread in General Chat about what I just did? I mean, what would the point be in starting up a thread there, for the sake of writing what I just wrote...doesn't make sense, at all, its totally ludicrous.

Anyway, I've heard otherwise, that SH4 is a brilliant game. And is infact the first 18 rated on of the series over here...I'm intrested in why though, can anyone lighten this area up?

Rebecca Chambers
10-14-2004, 01:37 PM
It's boring. You have to go to the same places twice, and just when you think the worst is behind you.

It has an 18 rating because there is graphic violence and the other games were gory but there is more claret this time. Nasty stuff, a dryer that sprays blood all over your laundry room.

10-19-2004, 02:12 AM
It's disgusting!!

10-19-2004, 04:45 PM
I heard the only place you can save is in "your room" ugh... and they say its the best Silent hill ever... I wanna try this game but im sure ill be bored in about 4 hours....

10-20-2004, 01:22 AM
it is really a very good game. i thought i would be bored fast to but im not. they do a great job in keeping you intrested. even if you do go back to the same places you have to wonder around for ages and its interesting and different. i love it alot. ^_^

Alice Wonderbra
12-23-2004, 06:03 AM
i know i know, *revived* and all but...

i finally played this game the other day (after wanting to since it first came out but i couldnt cos i didnt have a ps2 at college. and when i came home our ps2 was broken. fucking kids. i had to borrow one from a friend who demanded to borrow my gamecube in return.)

i must say, this game was... ... ...not very good. it took me nearly 11 hours to beat it (a lot for a sh, yes?) and i absolutely hated the going to the worlds twice. i quite liked the idea of having to go back to the room all the time to save and whatnot. but i felt like it should have had more things for you to do inside. more items that you could use for things besides like the kitchen sink or whatever. the storyline was pretty boring. and it wasnt very creepy. i think that was because you had that girl eileen with you for most of the game. it made the hill not so silent iykwim.

on the whole, it was just a major letdown. it didnt creep me out. i didnt feel the need to know what was happening next. after so many hours and visiting the same places again it kind of became a chore to finish it.

and those ghosts were just so damn annoying. =/

12-24-2004, 04:30 AM
After having played Silent Hill 3 I was really anticipating SH4. I rented it and went through most of it. I found it extremely boring. It wasn't scary in the slightest. In fact, some parts of it were mor comical than creepy. In particular those stupid wheelchair demons in the hospital.

I hated the monster designs as well. The monsters in SH3 were pretty abstract in their appearance. They didn't resemble any monsters I'd seen before, and their actions were much more interesting. The minute I saw those human ghosts in SH4 I was immediately put off.

Optical Blueberries
12-26-2004, 05:45 AM
I need to get around to paying more attention to this thing. I still haven't gotten around to beating Silent Hill (shit controls= me returning this tomorrow), Silent Hill 2 (haven't even started yet), and Silent Hill 3 (<3)

Alice Wonderbra
12-27-2004, 05:49 AM
In fact, some parts of it were mor comical than creepy. In particular those stupid wheelchair demons in the hospital.

haha! i laughed at those when i first saw them! when you see them again in that one room later in the game i played around running around all of them for a long time just laughing at being chased by a wheelchair.

Cthulhu Saves
10-29-2012, 04:18 AM
Mmmm 8 year old forum, this game is brilliant. Sure it's not for everyone because people tend to nitpick and overlook important aspects because they are thick. Yes the game requires you to save in your room, yes you travel there often to manage inventory, yes you revisit ether worlds, and you know what? It's absolutely terrifying ESPECIALLY when the one place you thought you were safe becomes a sacrosanct altar where you hate spending time because horrible things occur there. I have played many horror games and this one made my skin crawl more often and intensely than the likes of dead space, fatal frame, etc., although I do not mean those are inferior games.

10-29-2012, 04:20 AM
you acknoledge its an 8 year old thread, and you still posted.


Cthulhu Saves
10-29-2012, 07:36 PM
For the same reason you answered my post, to get a reply <:P

Darth Revan
10-30-2012, 08:24 AM
What ROKUSHO is implying, is why bother posting in a 8 year old thread? It hasn't been active for that amount of time, and more than likely was a few pages in this subforum.

Basically, look at the date of the last post BEFORE responding. If the last post was within a month - two months and is still on the first page, then fine. However, in the case of this thread... you could've created a new thread to discuss it. Thread necromancy is frowned upon, so please take note of the date of the last post and use some common sense.