01-30-2002, 04:32 AM
I've been reading a lot of FFVIII fan fiction lately. Excuse my naivity, but can someone define the terms "lemon" and "lime" for me? :o

02-01-2002, 01:27 AM
lemons are yellow.

limes are green.

folks! I'm here every week!

02-01-2002, 01:35 AM
Rezo: Ba-dum-bum!(rimshot):eek::eye::notgood::rolleyes:
Uhh... But what if the person's colorblind?:confused:

Fujin: Sorry, but I have no idea!

02-01-2002, 01:38 AM
lol @ rezo...

Anyway, if you're gonna read Final Fantasy fanfiction (which I think you must be crazy to do anyway =P) you better know what they mean. A lemon is basically a porno story... a story that has explicit sex. In the world of Final Fantasy, they are *FRIGHTENING* because the majority of people who write FF fanfiction are too stupid to remember to WARN you that they are writing really, really, really, really bad porn. So don't expect every lemon to be clearly labeled... I know this from exerience. I have been deeply emotionally scarred by FF fanfiction before X_x

A lime is a lesser romance story that involves two people who got the hots for each other, but the story doesn't actually contain explicit sex. Hope that helps.

02-01-2002, 02:10 AM
this would make a lot more sense if they switched "lemon/lime" with "hard porn/soft porn".

02-01-2002, 02:36 AM
Okay, thanks for the definitions.

Originally posted by Tifa's Knight
In the world of Final Fantasy, they are *FRIGHTENING* because the majority of people who write FF fanfiction are too stupid to remember to WARN you that they are writing really, really, really, really bad porn.

Unfortunately, I've already had a traumatic experience with that. :uh?: I was surfing fanfiction.net and I STUPIDLY did not notice that those stories have movie-style ratings on them. I found a yuri about Fujin and Quistis, thought "hmm, my favorite characters in love? should be interesting" and ended up reading something a little too, erm, graphic for my taste. :eek: I don't think I've ever clicked on a web browser's closing button that quickly before in my life; the mouse pad has skid marks on it.

(someone get the mental images out of my head. Ewww. EWWW!!!)

Bahamut ZERO
02-01-2002, 02:41 AM
Lemon = Yellow Citrus Fruit.
Lime = Green Citrus Fruit,
Or am I missing the point totally here?

Probably the latter, knowing my luck...

02-01-2002, 03:23 AM
What TK said. That's about the sound of it.

(I wonder what Tangerine would mean?)

02-01-2002, 07:38 AM
Originally posted by rezo
lemons are yellow.

limes are green.

folks! I'm here every week!

Oh man every week?:notgood:

Unless we are both wrong I agree with Buhumut Zero...

02-06-2002, 02:13 AM
Originally posted by Fujin
Okay, thanks for the definitions.

Unfortunately, I've already had a traumatic experience with that. :uh?: I was surfing fanfiction.net and I STUPIDLY did not notice that those stories have movie-style ratings on them. I found a yuri about Fujin and Quistis, thought "hmm, my favorite characters in love? should be interesting" and ended up reading something a little too, erm, graphic for my taste. :eek: I don't think I've ever clicked on a web browser's closing button that quickly before in my life; the mouse pad has skid marks on it.

(someone get the mental images out of my head. Ewww. EWWW!!!)

lol, well damn, I guess my warning came too late. The one I accidentally read was CloudxSephiroth yaoi. I feel your pain... Ugh X_x

this would make a lot more sense if they switched "lemon/lime" with "hard porn/soft porn".

I know! I've never understood it at all myself. I think it's a ploy developed by the writers to get more people to read them xD

02-06-2002, 04:22 AM
CloudxSephiroth? :uh?: That really brings whole new implications to FF7's "Big Spoiler (tm)", doesn't it? Nice way to deal with the competition, Sephy. Now QuistisxFujin, on the other hand, is a cool concept because it goes against all those annoying Quifers and Saifuus out there. (I confess that I like Saifuus, or some of them anyway, but I hate Quifers. Only good thing I can say about the QuistisxSeifer pairing is that it's appropriately named. Doesn't "Quifer" sound like it could be a slang term for vomit?:p)