07-23-2014, 01:20 PM
I am strongly anxious for both movie and soundtrack

I hope the soundtrack surfaces soon enough :)

WQCQ-596 | Rurouni Kenshin Kyoto Taika Hen Original Soundtrack - VGMdb (http://vgmdb.net/album/46226)

It's already in iTunes

07-25-2014, 09:04 PM

will do it till it surfaces on the web

07-26-2014, 12:57 AM
Thanks. I'm also looking forward to this.

07-26-2014, 09:14 AM
Crap it's on itunes japan region locked.But i will have on cd around Wednesday.So stay tuned!!!

07-26-2014, 01:32 PM
I am tuned :)

07-29-2014, 02:38 PM
I'm also really wanting this one! Glad to see someone other than me is excited for it!

07-31-2014, 04:04 PM
bumping this in the hopes that someone has managed to get their mits on this music!
I had to pay around $65 to get my hands on an actual physical CD of the score for the first movie on Amazon.
I really can't afford to do that this time around. @_@

can't wait to get my hands on a real dvd/bluray also. I wonder if they'll be releasing both movies in a boxset edition?
and how long it will take for an actual English sub-title to turn up on Amazon, instead of just locating a fan-sub.

07-31-2014, 04:58 PM
As promised here it is.

07-31-2014, 06:04 PM
whoo hoo! thank you padepadou!

may the bluebird of happiness and prosperity alight on your shoulder and sing you to nirvana! :D

07-31-2014, 07:38 PM
I can't say that i am hyper impressed. Running time is short and the music isn't so epic.It has it's moments but for the time being i like the first one more.Favorite track No8.Maybe the first movie is building the battles for the second part.So i hope the ost for the second part is super epic.

08-01-2014, 03:37 PM
'fraid I agree with you padepadou. Not as impressive as the score for the first movie. Track 8 is really the only one that stands out as something new & exciting. And, it's not until track 12 that the epic Kenshin theme is reintroduced @_@. Mostly it just sounds like a score that could have been used for 'Gone With the Wind' or some other big genre film.

Is this the same composer as the first score?

still and all, very thankful that you were a gem and shared. Thanks again for that!

08-01-2014, 07:30 PM
Yes it's the same composer Naoki Sato.Orie please make the proper editing to the files :P

08-01-2014, 09:05 PM
Thanks Padepadou, very much :)

I do get that this soundtrack is less impressive then the first. But the first movie was much more action oriented and you notice that in the soundtrack.
The second movie, the only battles I can see happening are the Shingetsu Village, Aoshi Vs Okina and Kenshin VS Chou. nothing more. I expect more talk of the plot then action. Though if what I saw in the trailers, parts might be in this movie, then damn. the action which is very well produced will kick you in the balls with a ninja foot.
You all like track 8... I honestly don't like . :/ I do like, more or less, but am I the only one that feels that it is out of place? After 1 minute, I do feel like it is in place, yes, but at second 20 comes that thing with electro... I honestly don't see it suited in the soundtrack, more even in the movie. It completely broke the mood of the soundtrack.
But there are a lot of tracks I actually like more then that track 08. Tracks 09 and 13 are powerful, and what makes them powerful? The TUBA! 0.0
47 minutes, and i am sure the movie HAS to be much bigger like 2h30 minutes for so much stuff they are going to put in. 47 minutes of soundtrack? I am guessing that the movie will feature music from the first movie too, and this soundtrack is the second movie new music.

08-02-2014, 06:07 PM
Thanks Padepadou, very much :)

I do get that this soundtrack is less impressive then the first. But the first movie was much more action oriented and you notice that in the soundtrack.
The second movie, the only battles I can see happening are the Shingetsu Village, Aoshi Vs Okina and Kenshin VS Chou. nothing more. I expect more talk of the plot then action. Though if what I saw in the trailers, parts might be in this movie, then damn. the action which is very well produced will kick you in the balls with a ninja foot.
You all like track 8... I honestly don't like . :/ I do like, more or less, but am I the only one that feels that it is out of place? After 1 minute, I do feel like it is in place, yes, but at second 20 comes that thing with electro... I honestly don't see it suited in the soundtrack, more even in the movie. It completely broke the mood of the soundtrack.
But there are a lot of tracks I actually like more then that track 08. Tracks 09 and 13 are powerful, and what makes them powerful? The TUBA! 0.0
47 minutes, and i am sure the movie HAS to be much bigger like 2h30 minutes for so much stuff they are going to put in. 47 minutes of soundtrack? I am guessing that the movie will feature music from the first movie too, and this soundtrack is the second movie new music.

I cant's say that i don't like the ost.Track 01 is nice to give you the feel of danger (shishio threat) and Track 16 for a cliffhanger music (ending part 1) is also ok.I like Track 8 from 2:02 and after.Track 09 is powerful but it's a track you hear often.Track 04 and 11 gives me the feel of something way too exotic (what is this Budha Club?).Track 12 is a track for kenshin (reusing the theme from the first movie) and sano (electric guitar) battle duo?Track 13 is a good track.Also the silent tracks are nice and in place with the tracks of the first movie.Overall this ost gives me the impression of something like a best of cd.I get the feel of inconsistency (or incongruous?) between the tracks.For a blockbuster movie i think this ost is mediocre.The ost for the tv series Ryomaden and anime X TV and Eureka Seven i think that they are better.Maybe the director should use something more simple and energetic for the movies.Hope the ost for the second part to be better.As for the movies i agree with you and i hope them to be 2 2h30minutes movies at least since Shishio saga is huge.In the first part will also have the first kenshin VS soujiro battle and i believe will also have the kenshin vs aoshi battle.I have high hopes for the movies.Can't wait for December to come and have a proper fansub rip.Is there any review yet?

08-02-2014, 10:49 PM
I don't want to see reviews of it at all. I wont to be as black as a wormhole on the subject. I want to see stuff for myself.
The first movie I read that a lot of people complained sooooo damn much for not following the manga.....
I am getting sick of these and the "MUST follow the manga" syndrome. I was amazed by the movie in everything. Although based in Kenshin, it is a rather new take/vision about it, and I loved it. I did not read or saw any reviews about it.... I saw it when I was expecting to be total shit.
Thank god I expected that because I was more then surprised.


after romanizing the track titles, I understood better the soundtrack. Track 06 "Kyoto", I am guessing it will be when kenshin or this friends arrive in it. :)

09-14-2014, 10:09 PM
Thread 179725

the last soundtrack :D

09-15-2014, 04:26 PM
Really hoping that it doesn't take over a year to hit an official blu-ray/DVD release with subtitles!
and that they're released as a set. :D

09-15-2014, 04:43 PM
I think you will have to wait almost a year yeah... and I think they will release a box for it.
Look how much time it took for the second remake movie of Evangelion to get out on dvd. almost 2 years

09-15-2014, 05:19 PM
;( I will wait patiently....

really I won't but there's nothing one can do to speed up the process...

On the first movie I had downloaded a fan sub which had a frankly hilarious translation in places...so was happy when it finally turned up U.S. Amazon for an affordable price.