10-11-2004, 10:24 AM
Ok I just watched a video of the ending and its the metero coming down and in the end you see Aries. I'm POSITIVE that on my psx when I finished it you say Red X running laong wiht two cubs and you see midgar all grown over with weeds, and then after that it's just flying through space. Somebody please clarify this.

10-11-2004, 10:28 AM
Aeris really isn't that hard to spell.

And it's really pretty much impossible to clarify because the ending sucked. It was completely ambiguous. Some people say they like it because they can "decide what happened for themselves" or something like that, but they're the hardcore fans who will never EVER admit the game had flaws.

hb smokey
10-11-2004, 12:00 PM
Aries. Red X.
Oh my

10-11-2004, 12:17 PM
Well tbh i cant clarify this, because bugenhagen says Red is the last of his kind, yet 500 years later he has kids o_O

I dont understand, but i think i won.

10-11-2004, 02:00 PM
I cannot believe that some of you are so pathetic that you have to nit pick with the names. I played this game when it first came out and not since. I'm so sorry that a computer game did not make enough of an impact in my life for me to remember the characters names correctly.

10-11-2004, 02:47 PM

I'd usually try to annoy the crap out of you, but I like the fact that you said FFVII didn't make an impression on you. Most people around this forum are raving lunatics about that game. :)

Master Nabeshin
10-12-2004, 04:45 AM
Damn right I'm a raving lunatic about that game! The ending made perfect sense. The whole game is about saving the planet from meteor, and meteor is stopped. Aeris appears as a symbol of her sacrifice and because of it, the planet will survive. As for Red XIII at the end, it was mentioned by Bugenhagen that Red XIII would eventually find a mate. And why did it bother to show the world 500 years later? Long, long after everyone but Red (and Vincent- he's immortal after all) have died and rotted into dust? To show that their efforts to save the planet were not temporary. They lasted for centuries. It's not complicated.

Dot Centaur
10-12-2004, 05:35 AM
Aeris really isn't that hard to spell.

Maybee to a 7 year old, lol.

But anyway, The space thing was just an ending layout I think, to say, the end.

Aerith being at the end was just her spirit watching over what happend and that was her soul stopping meteor...I think.

Red XIII's is easy to figure out; it says 500 years later.

Well, I have a question for everyone here; the flow of space at the very end, does the screen saver like thingy just goes on and on, or is there no end to it and you gotta reset the game to get back to the starting screen?

10-12-2004, 08:10 AM
Well, I have a question for everyone here; the flow of space at the very end, does the screen saver like thingy just goes on and on, or is there no end to it and you gotta reset the game to get back to the starting screen?

i guess you got to restart the damn game. well i dont know never really tried to sit still for like an hour and just watching little dots fly past me.

10-12-2004, 09:17 AM
wtf, they flew past you?

Some realistic TV you got there

10-12-2004, 03:38 PM
On the PC version, we get the ending fmv with meteor coming down, then a LONG credits roll and after that, 500 years later with Red XIII. Then the game closes itself.

Dot Centaur
10-12-2004, 04:33 PM
i guess you got to restart the damn game. well i dont know never really tried to sit still for like an hour and just watching little dots fly past me.

I wouldn't either. That'd bore the hell outta me and I always had to shut the damn game off.

10-13-2004, 10:11 PM
i guess u geniuses never fort to complete it at night n leve it running over night now did u? well i did n sumat happens but thats for me to no n 4 u to find out by ur self! muahahaha

10-17-2004, 03:52 AM
You can tell its Red XIII, if you would stop and look at the tatto on his shoulder....and its spelled Aerith they screwed up when they were translating the game.

Landlord of Sector 7
10-17-2004, 05:36 AM
Actually it wasn't screwed up in the translation. In Japanese language, "th" makes an "s" sound and the reason people say Aerith is so they can think they're cool cause they know something special.

10-17-2004, 08:49 AM
Actually, both Aerith and Aeris are official so we have to live with it. That's not a very hard thing to do actually.

Cloud 9
10-17-2004, 10:18 AM
Landlord's right with his cool comment. Also, saying "Aerith" makes you sound like you have a lisp. Try it, it'll wreck it for you.

10-17-2004, 05:59 PM
[QUOTE=Oddball] metero, Aries. Red X running laong wiht

Whoa!!! Spellcheck, please!