10-10-2004, 07:27 PM
FF Trivia i dont know if anyone has done it before but if not i'd like to do it! I'll give ten questions and a rating after your done and if you get all the answers right koodos!

1. Whats Barrets Ultimate weapon?

2. How many job classes are there in FFT?

3. How many vehichles are there in FF5?

4. Who is Sepheroth's mother?

5. How many characters are there in FF8?

6. Why does Zidane have a tail?

7. What classes are there to choose from in FF1?

8. What's Orlandu's Nickname?

9. How many types of chocobos are there? ( By color and in all of the FFs! )

10. How many Cid's are there in the FF seires?

I'll probably get back to this in like 2 or 3 days so study up!
( and dont give me no BS answers i know them all!!!)

10-12-2004, 09:30 PM

Cmon challange us.


10-13-2004, 05:16 AM
Seriously, snooze. Like I really want to be bothered trying to count up all that stuff.