07-18-2014, 02:03 PM
Anyone get this yet?

07-18-2014, 09:49 PM
haha... i wondered how long it would take before someone makes a request for this set :D

07-19-2014, 10:42 AM

07-19-2014, 03:11 PM
Unfortunately, I don't think we will see this title shared right away. I hope I'm wrong though.

07-19-2014, 05:36 PM
Unfortunately, I don't think we will see this title shared right away. I hope I'm wrong though.

you have the power to change that, it is all in your hands =)

07-19-2014, 06:16 PM
Would love to hear this set! Does anyone have it yet? Would've ordered on day 1 but had an unfortunate situation with someone trying to steal my identity and now there are no funds in my acct to cover it. Would greatly appreciate anyone who could get this to me. :)

07-20-2014, 10:48 PM
Yes, this one in WAV/lossless. Please!!!

07-23-2014, 09:57 PM
I finally found a way to rip my copy. I don't currently have a PC right now so I cannot upload. I can barely even transfer music from my laptop to my iPad. I really don't like iTunes syncing so thank whomever for the programs that allow you to transfer music to your iPad without that pesky iTunes. Since iOS 7 it's been a bitch trying to sync on anything other than my iPhone 5. Yeah some programs won't let you re-sync with iTunes once you've synced with their program. Also try not to overdo the amount of data you put on and take off because some of those programs will mess up somewhere down the line after so many syncs and will in some cases require you to restore with iTunes. If you have a backup, that's great. Restore to that but you will need to sync all the new data, remove all the old stuff and back up again so you can essentially start over with minor annoyance. Before you transfer all of your music to your iDevice from the 3rd party software, import it into iTunes that way it's already in your library fully tagged for those instances where you need to restore.

07-28-2014, 09:37 AM
Yes, this one in WAV/lossless. Please!!!

If you want lossless - buy it!
The title is not OOP/Sold Out, so support LLL, or one day you'll find that no-one want to release scores album, 'cause it's easier to download it in lossless for free and not to pay for it.
Maybe I'll share mp3 version this week (some kind of preview in vbr-0 quality), but I hope for no lossless 'till title is available...
The price is quite reasonable, I had not enough money, but I could allow this CD for me.

07-29-2014, 08:42 PM
If you want lossless - buy it! ....
What the fuck are you babbling about? This is a 100% PIRATE website, plenty of uncompressed music still in print, unreleased, still to expand etc; and you answer to my request with a prudish sentence of the fucking dick? Fuck you man.

I am here exactly because I stopped purchasing original music, badly butchered by putrid labels �intrada to say the worst.

You (and not just you) are a funny hypocrite or you are in the wrong place.

@administrators/�moderators�, when i am under TROLL attack i don�t �watch my language�; especially if their action is allowed by you SHITS. Understood yes?

Darth Revan
09-18-2014, 12:55 AM
What the fuck are you babbling about? This is a 100% PIRATE website, plenty of uncompressed music still in print, unreleased, still to expand etc; and you answer to my request with a prudish sentence of the fucking dick? Fuck you man.

No it isn't. Get your facts right. If you want something, go and buy it instead of supporting illegally obtained material.

I am here exactly because I stopped purchasing original music, badly butchered by putrid labels –intrada to say the worst.

Go somewhere else.

You (and not just you) are a funny hypocrite or you are in the wrong place.

You're a cheapskate and a god damn leech.

@administrators/”moderators”, when i am under TROLL attack i don’t “watch my language”; especially if their action is allowed by you SHITS. Understood yes?

Funny you say this, when it is you being the damn troll. Insulting Admin and Mods like you have, doesn't sit well here or on any other site either.

09-18-2014, 12:50 PM
Go somewhere else
No, YOU go away from here. I repeat: THIS IS A 100% PIRATE WEBSITE, WHERE PEOPLE UPLOAD & DOWNLOAD MUSIC FOR FREE, you understand this, don’t you funny idiot?
Let me guess what exactly you are doing here… maybe are you downloading music, aren’t you? Ah ah you nasty hypocrit!

As far the rest, better if you don’t talk about things that you don’t know: you do don’t know how much I spent for CDs in the past years, and you don’t know why I am insulting the shitting administrators of this illegal site. So shut up and fuck you.

Darth Revan
09-18-2014, 01:20 PM
No, YOU go away from here. I repeat: THIS IS A 100% PIRATE WEBSITE, WHERE PEOPLE UPLOAD & DOWNLOAD MUSIC FOR FREE, you understand this, don’t you funny idiot?

First, learn to spell.
Second, I've been a member here since 2003, BEFORE the download section was added. Wasn't needed here then, and it's NOT needed here now.
Third, this is NOT a '100% Pirate website'. Notice the damn '' in your address bar? That stands for 'Final Fantasy Shrine'. Not a '100% pirate website'.
Fourth, I understand a lot of things. Do you?

Let me guess what exactly you are doing here… maybe are you downloading music, aren’t you? Ah ah you nasty hypocrit!

Actually I was reading through the notice spam / advertisements / things mods & admins need to deal with? ( and a moderator listed you as one of the things that mods/admins need to deal with.

Oh, and it's hypocrite. Again, learn to spell.

As far the rest, better if you don’t talk about things that you don’t know: you do don’t know how much I spent for CDs in the past years, and you don’t know why I am insulting the shitting administrators of this illegal site. So shut up and fuck you.

First, I don't care how much you've spent on cd's in the past years. That's irrelevant. You are a cheapskate, a misanthrope and a child who think you know things when you don't.
Second, I am a moderator of this site and again, this site isn't a illegal site (the posters posts links to upload/download sites for other leeches like yourself to download your ill gotten gains from) and when the admins receive cease and desist letters, they take action. You do not know what YOU are talking about, so shut your trap, grow up, get a damn job and buy the stuff legally, instead of persisting in a crime.

09-18-2014, 02:16 PM
this site isn't a illegal site (the posters posts links to upload/download sites for other leeches like yourself to download your ill gotten gains from) and when the admins receive cease and desist letters, they take action.AH AH AH AH! Hypocrisies over hypocrisies. And the download section is not “not needed”, it is simply ILLEGAL.
It’s too funny when i read this kind of bullshit written by a “moderator” of a site where the illegality is the reason why it exists. You funny dickhead.

Darth Revan
09-18-2014, 02:23 PM
AH AH AH AH! Hypocrisies over hypocrisies. And the download section is not “not needed”, it is simply ILLEGAL.
It’s too funny when i read this kind of bullshit written by a “moderator” of a site where the illegality is the reason why it exists. You funny dickhead.

You obviously have no idea of what you are typing. As I said before, the sole purpose of this site is NOT for the download section. Look on the front page of the forum and you'll see other subforums are listed. But then... reading and spelling aren't your priority are they? Take the blinders off and actually READ a post before posting inane twaddle like you have.