07-18-2014, 03:45 AM
trip to disneyland by Sara Main - GoFundMe (http://www.gofundme.com/bmgzrg) <-------- go to this website to donate so u can get me to disneyland! my family can't afford to take me so i need ur help! i need the money to go there so if u can please donate & tell ur friends so they can help me out too! thank you!

07-18-2014, 04:25 AM
If the goal was smaller, people would be more prone to buy your story. People's minds will drift to questions like "What does this person REALLY need the money for?" And the answers they come up with will inevitably be disparaging, yet they'll STILL be more compelling than the story you gave. Say you dream to go to Paris, and Tokyo, or other places... talk about how you dream to travel the world and make that the forefront then tell them how you've always wanted to go to Disney land, and you would AT LEAST want to go there, or at least pay the rent. Set milestones well before your goal, mid way, almost there, at the goal, and well beyond.

Long story short. People like to hear a story, so tell them a story. It doesn't have to be happy story. It doesn't have to be a sad story. It has to be a YOU story. Make that story and make that story into you, because that's what they will pay for. You have to make it to where they will feel good inside. Some details will liven the whole thing up though. I understand if you don't want to give people very much identifying information, but if they can't identify you, you need to make them identify with you. Communicate your character.

07-18-2014, 04:27 AM

07-18-2014, 04:44 AM
If the goal was smaller, people would be more prone to buy your story. People's minds will drift to questions like "What does this person REALLY need the money for?" And the answers they come up with will inevitably be disparaging, yet they'll STILL be more compelling than the story you gave. Say you dream to go to Paris, and Tokyo, or other places... talk about how you dream to travel the world and make that the forefront then tell them how you've always wanted to go to Disney land, and you would AT LEAST want to go there, or at least pay the rent. Set milestones well before your goal, mid way, almost there, at the goal, and well beyond.

Long story short. People like to hear a story, so tell them a story. It doesn't have to be happy story. It doesn't have to be a sad story. It has to be a YOU story. Make that story and make that story into you, because that's what they will pay for. You have to make it to where they will feel good inside. Some details will liven the whole thing up though. I understand if you don't want to give people very much identifying information, but if they can't identify you, you need to make them identify with you. Communicate your character.

how is my story not compelling? yeah im not sick or anything but i think it's still compelling yeah maybe i did set it a little too high but on my page it states that any left-over money will go towards either going to disneyland multiple times or a trip to UK or japan!

---------- Post added at 08:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:38 PM ----------

sorry im completely new to online fund-raising

07-18-2014, 06:49 AM
Well, this is just a thought in my silly head, but you have come asking for money on a site where the VAST majority are here only do get free music. So expecting a large outpouring of support here may be....disappointing regardless of your story.

Amaury, you used to be such a pleasant noob. What happened? :erm:

07-18-2014, 06:58 AM
Amaury, you used to be such a pleasant noob. What happened? :erm:

I'm 22 and the noobness disappeared?

07-18-2014, 06:58 AM
It's not that your story is not potentially compelling. It's that you haven't presented it in a compelling manner. You have presented a rather dry communication of the facts but haven't given the narrative any soul. Also, it does not help your cause to rebuff the only person who has offered you constructive criticism. Not everyone has money. In fact most who'll be sympathetic to you won't have a spare dollar. So you have to make them want to share your story. You've communicated that it's important for you to go to Disneyland, but you haven't communicated WHY that is so important to you? WHY do you want to see the world, and Why should I help? You have to answer these questions or address them in a manner that assumes that these questions are implicitly asked of you and demonstrates your awareness of it. Essentially you have to persuade people, which means you're basically writing a persuasive essay... and it's for a grade, only instead of letters or numbers, it's cold hard cash... A passing grade isn't when you get 70% of all possible points but when you make enough money to start towards your dream. For pointers, try messaging one of your English Teachers on Facebook... none of your English teachers are on your friends list? Rectify that. All of my Facebook friends who've amounted to much in life have either one of my High School teachers or one of my college professors as a mutual friend. And I'm sure within 20 miles of you, there is an English teacher who everyone nearby who's amounted to anything in life knows that person... find out who he or she is, and get to know that person. That person will most likely find a very polite way to tell you to "go fuck yourself" if you ask them for help with your current endeavor(but might still point you in the right direction to accomplish said goal in the process), but for the sake of not failing at life you need to befriend this person. Odds are someone you know knows this person, and you have heard this person's name, and if you're really lucky, there is more than one such person in your community and if you really think on the matter, you probably know who this person is. (This is a hypothetical person, but also a statistical certainty)

Darth Revan
07-18-2014, 07:10 AM
If it's for a good cause, or if you're suffering from a fatal disease etc... then you're more likely to get funds. However, if it's because you can't get the funds for yourself to go... then you are S.O.L. ... just like the idiots on eBay doing the same thing you are... cheapskate bastards who are too lazy to get a damn job!!! (http://www.ebay.com/sch/sis.html?_nkw=Help%20Me%20Raise%20Money%20For%20PS 4&_itemId=111402024952)

07-18-2014, 07:15 AM
I should ask for money to by insulin. You know, so I don't...what's that word..DIE!


Star Magician
07-18-2014, 08:10 AM
http://www.quickmeme.com/img/1b/1ba4e4fe483dbd977bc1ed067edbf1e9a891c7d19b4ea4c955 017be882388667.jpg

07-18-2014, 08:36 AM
I'm 22 and the noobness disappeared?

You'll always be nooby to me...:)

08-04-2014, 05:02 PM
Did I read that other site correctly, you want "10K" for a trip to Disneyland? Ten thousand dollars? Does it seem that there is something wrong with this? I mean, you are right there in California, and you need all this money for what? Even $1,000.00 would seem like a bit much, but $10,000.00? What is your thinking here. If I were to go from Ohio to WDW, I could see maybe $5,000.00 with the family, but this is for you, yourself to ride a bus down to Anaheim for the day, and your meals and tickets to the park. I know that Disney has jumped the prices up, in the middle of a depression, with millions out of work and all, but really, this is a bit much.

08-04-2014, 07:09 PM
Did I read that other site correctly, you want "10K" for a trip to Disneyland? Ten thousand dollars? Does it seem that there is something wrong with this? I mean, you are right there in California, and you need all this money for what? Even $1,000.00 would seem like a bit much, but $10,000.00? What is your thinking here. If I were to go from Ohio to WDW, I could see maybe $5,000.00 with the family, but this is for you, yourself to ride a bus down to Anaheim for the day, and your meals and tickets to the park. I know that Disney has jumped the prices up, in the middle of a depression, with millions out of work and all, but really, this is a bit much.

i said that bc idk how much i need if i want to do everything there & i might have to stay in a hotel which is very expensive yeah i live in CA but i live like 3 or 4 hours away from disneyland in a small town so getting there will be expensive too! when my bro went with our family friend in the 90's they were able to stay at someone's house which made it less expensive & cut down the price but i don't have that option which means ill have to stay in a hotel! sorry if i sound rude lol

08-04-2014, 07:21 PM
@PBY..how was your trip to Japan back in 2010?

Did you need to "acquire" funds for that one as well?

That must have cost you $100,000 to go to Japan.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
08-04-2014, 09:30 PM
I've known people who went to Disneyland or some crap in the USA.
From Canada to USA...
From USA to USA...

And none of them have spent nearly $10K.

It doens't sound like you know how to manage money or anything.
Have you even looked into booking plane tickets or even hotels? Or are you going to car ride?
If you're going to ask for a lot of money without projected expenses, people who do go (or know lots of people who go; familes talk), they'll tell you that you're asking for too much and get there with much cheaper budget.

And then right there, everyone's going to automatically think your'e a scam.

you're so vague, I don't believe you know anything about money.

Are there 20 of you going to Disneyland??? :confused:
First Class? President's Suite? A date with Elsa?

08-04-2014, 09:59 PM
@Sparky he's just having some fun at our expense I believe.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
08-04-2014, 10:06 PM
Having fun?

On the internet? o_O

08-04-2014, 10:11 PM
Well obviously you do....17,676 posts? it's not just a hobby anymore old sport.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
08-04-2014, 10:16 PM
old sport



and this one just because...

08-04-2014, 10:41 PM
The quickest way to get to Disney, or anywhere else in the USA for that matter, is to go via Mexico and use Mendoza Airlines. Or just get on a bus and show up at the border and ask to go to Disney. All expenses paid courtesy US tax payer.

08-04-2014, 11:38 PM
@PB&J (P.B.Y.) how's that pledge drive going?

What's your number at the moment?

08-05-2014, 12:47 AM
Uhhhh....this is still going? I would hope his number is zero so far. He wants to play with mickey. I want food and life saving medicine. I got butkiss, sooo....:sad: :notgood:


James P.Sullivan
08-05-2014, 01:22 AM
Wow. I can't believe what I've just been reading. It's 1:00am here in Monstropolis, and I'm trying to get some work finished before I crash into bed. Only to get up at 7:00am tomorrow. I mean, 7:00am today. So apart from the initial shock that someone would actually randomly ask us all on the Shrine for $10K just to pay for them to go on a personal holiday to Disney Land, when we have no idea who you are, and have quite likely not been to Disney Land ourselves (I certainly haven't!), I've actually found this thread quite amusing. The brazen cheek of some people. What is this world coming to?!

Hey guys, I really want to go to Disney Land too, as I've never been before, and England is a lot further away, so I'm gonna need at least $100,000 to pay for it all.

See what it sounds like?! It's insane.

But seriously, P.B.Y, you asked "How is my story not compelling?" I'll tell you. It's just not. Go and look up the definition of 'compelling' and then re-read what you originally wrote.

Oh, and also, a bit of advice: Being even slightly rude to people who are questioning your motives (with good reason) really isn't going to higher your chances of them donating money for you to go on a holiday. Just saying.

Sarcasm aside, for your sake, I hope that you do one day get to go to Disney Land. I hope I get to go some day too. But this is the complete wrong way to go about getting there. I wouldn't have the guts to ask my friends and family for $10K just so I could go on a holiday, let alone complete strangers across the Internet. Maybe it's time you thought of something else.

Darth Revan
08-05-2014, 01:36 AM
i said that bc idk how much i need if i want to do everything there & i might have to stay in a hotel which is very expensive yeah i live in CA but i live like 3 or 4 hours away from disneyland in a small town so getting there will be expensive too! when my bro went with our family friend in the 90's they were able to stay at someone's house which made it less expensive & cut down the price but i don't have that option which means ill have to stay in a hotel! sorry if i sound rude lol

You want money? We all want money. Get this... it is simple to get money. It's called: GET. A. DAMN. JOB!!!

Don't expect to get something for nothing, because that doesn't exist nowadays. You have NOT provided ample reason for people to donate money to you, except "It'll be too expensive" yada yada yada bullshit. Grow up and take the rose tinted glasses off. The world, like everyone else, owes you NOTHING! You want something, you have to work for it.

James (The Disney Guy)
08-05-2014, 01:37 AM
My God P.BY!

When We Where Talking On The Thread About Wanting To Go To Disneyland So Much And I Said One Day You Will.
I Didn't Mean Like This!!

Your Going About It All Wrong
Your Asking People Who You Have Not Even Spoke Let Alone Met To Send You Money... he Same People Who Join This Site To Download Music "Free" Not Pay
So TBH Why Would They Pay For You To Go On Holiday??

Think About It.

I Said One Day You Will Go I Ment By Paying Yourself (Job, Saving Ect) Not (And I Hate To Say) Begging

Maybe Just Leave It On Here And Earn/Save Yourself Like Everyone

I Have Only Ever Been To Disney Paris And (Hopefully) I Have Saved Enough I Am Planning to Go In 2 Years to California (Health Permitting) I Had to Earn & Save Myself No One Would Help Me

Thats The World You Have to Do Things Yourself The Hard Truth. :(

08-05-2014, 01:38 AM
im asking online bc i don't know how else to get the money i don't have a job yet bc it's hard to find one where i live & as i said my family can't afford to take me we don't get much money from social security & my parents don't work anymore! there is nothing wrong with what im doing look on that website a lot of people want money for disneyland so obviously im not the only one! BTW can a mod please lock this thread? i should have never started this thread iam so sorry

08-05-2014, 01:38 AM
You want money? We all want money. Get this... it is simple to get money. It's called: GET. A. DAMN. JOB!!!

Don't expect to get something for nothing, because that doesn't exist nowadays. You have NOT provided ample reason for people to donate money to you, except "It'll be too expensive" yada yada yada bullshit. Grow up and take the rose tinted glasses off. The world, like everyone else, owes you NOTHING! You want something, you have to work for it.

I got my hopes set on those Money Tree seeds I spent my last food money on.

"Common, grow baby grow....."

James (The Disney Guy)
08-05-2014, 01:40 AM
I Hear It Not The Right Season Autum They Grow Better (Ready For Christmas) But Alas Mine Still Won't Grow.... Maybe It Would Of Helped If I Actually Put The Seeds In


Darth Revan
08-05-2014, 01:43 AM
im asking online bc i don't know how else to get the money i don't have a job yet bc it's hard to find one where i live & as i said my family can't afford to take me we don't get much money from social security & my parents don't work anymore! there is nothing wrong with what im doing look on that website a lot of people want money for disneyland so obviously im not the only one! BTW can a mod please lock this thread? i should have never started this thread iam so sorry

Then you are shit outta luck. "Nothing wrong..." That's the biggest load of malarkey I've ever heard... You are here, begging for something you could damn well get yourself, IF you put the damn time and effort into getting. Set yourself the damn goal and WORK for it. Your sob story means fuck all to me, so quit now while you're ahead and grow the fuck up.

Sick of people like you, wanting something for nothing. Life is hard. Deal with it and move on.

I got my hopes set on those Money Tree seeds I spent my last food money on.

"Common, grow baby grow....."

Money Tree seeds are false... you need magic beans instead. Or is it magic mushrooms? Not sure...

James (The Disney Guy)
08-05-2014, 01:47 AM
No Magic Mushrooms Are Addctive Beans Make you Fart :p

Darth Revan
08-05-2014, 01:49 AM
No Magic Mushrooms Are Addctive Beans Make you Fart :p

Flatulence can be addictive as well, so I've been told...

James (The Disney Guy)
08-05-2014, 01:53 AM
Interesting..... I Like That :D

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
08-05-2014, 01:55 AM

Silent, not deadly; how farts cure diseases (http://www.theguardian.com/science/brain-flapping/2014/jul/14/silent-not-deadly-how-farts-cure-diseases)

http://i.imgur.com/XOZK9NU.gif (https://www.google.ca/search?num=100&newwindow=1&site=&source=hp&q=flatulence+study+prevent+cancer&oq=flatulence+study+prevent+cancer&gs_l=hp.3...878.8497.0.8625. .21j7.28.0....0...1c.1.51.hp..9.20.1511.0.C_chXZan Bt8)

James (The Disney Guy)
08-05-2014, 01:59 AM
@ Darth Revan & SparkTank



08-05-2014, 08:07 AM

I don't care for the OP's thread whatsoever, but to be fair, jobs are hard to get in this current economy. I've been trying to really get one since January 1.

James P.Sullivan
08-05-2014, 08:38 AM
im asking online bc i don't know how else to get the money i don't have a job yet bc it's hard to find one where i live & as i said my family can't afford to take me we don't get much money from social security & my parents don't work anymore! there is nothing wrong with what im doing look on that website a lot of people want money for disneyland so obviously im not the only one! BTW can a mod please lock this thread? i should have never started this thread iam so sorry

Listen, P.B.Y, I don't know your situation. Maybe you really can't find work. I don't know. All we have is your word for it. My family are no better off than yours, ok? My dad doesn't earn enough to cover all the bills, pay the mortgage, etc. and my mum can't work because if she does, our wonderful government will take off whatever amount she earns from my sisters' government grants at college. We have no money. Occasionally we make it out of the red, but never for very long. I could have been driving for almost three years now, but I've never learnt because lessons are so expensive and the insurance is insane. I have never been on a foreign holiday just for the sake of it EVER.

I'm not telling you this to make you, or anyone else here, feel sorry for me. But I'm telling you because you need to know that there are other people out there in very similar situations to you, but who are not going around asking for money. And if they are asking for money, it's for a good cause, like a musical scholarship to go on a summer school, or a bursary for an orchestra tour abroad, not just to go to Disney Land to have fun by yourself.

You now know my situation. Yet take note - I have never asked even friends or family for money just to go on a holiday or leisure trip, let alone people here on the forums who I've never even met. Can you not see how it comes across?

Besides, I'm sure there is something else you could be asking for money for. Is Disney Land really the one thing you feel you need to do before you die? Is it that important to you that you feel the need to go around asking complete strangers on the Internet to pay for you to go?

Anyway, you clearly have access to the Internet, so how about looking up the actual cost of going to Disney Land before just plumping for $10,000. You yourself said that it's only a 3/4 hour drive away! You practically live next door compared to the rest of the world.

And lastly, how about looking for even a small source of income? Like a babysitting job. Or a car washing job. Anything! I'm sure if you try you can find a ways.

Darth Revan
08-05-2014, 08:48 AM
I don't care for the OP's thread whatsoever, but to be fair, jobs are hard to get in this current economy. I've been trying to really get one since January 1.

I am studying a course as well as working in a retail store AND security guard. Of course it's difficult to get a job nowdays... Don't be picky. Take whatever you can get and make the best of it. Use it as a stepping stone to another career you want. Begging, like the OP is, is pure laziness and ticks me off.

James (The Disney Guy)
08-05-2014, 09:41 AM

Everyone has problems and they're reasons for wanting money but aslong as your healthy and happy what could be better
Sorry i am in a happy mood for the 1st rime in ages and i wish orhers could be :awsm:

08-05-2014, 09:42 AM
I think we are now entering the realm of "who can beat the dead horse the hardest"

James P.Sullivan
08-05-2014, 09:59 AM
I think we are now entering the realm of "who can beat the dead horse the hardest"

Yeah, I'm done.

---------- Post added at 02:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:57 AM ----------


Everyone has problems and they're reasons for wanting money but aslong as your healthy and happy what could be better
Sorry i am in a happy mood for the 1st rime in ages and i wish orhers could be :awsm:

I agree. Even though there are more important things than being happy. And there are certainly more important things than Disneyland. Anyway, I said I'm done. So I guess that's it from me here.

Glad you're happy today, Mr Gold. :awsm: