07-16-2014, 04:44 AM
<a href="http://imgur.com/HdNNlY9">

Because for some people it was too hard to rip it from Soundcloud. Now, that being said - this is 128k. This will hold you all off until a higher, better version comes out

1.) Don't Do This (2:35)
2.) Pictures (0:53)
3.) Unlock the Car (1:30)
4.) Did You Get the Raise? (0:36)
5.) Driving (2:57)
6.) Commencement (2:57)
7.) Foot Trap (1:20)
8.) Diego (4:36)
9.) Two for Big Daddy (6:02)
10.) I'm Doing God's Work (1:42)
11.) I'll Be A Martyr
12.) New Rule (1:49)
13.) He Stole Our Pensions, Now He's Gone (4:14)
14.) Subway (2:55)
15.) Running (2:01)
16.) Money (6:21)
17.) Hunting Grounds (4:35)
18.) I'm Sorry (3:19)
19.) This is Our Time Now (1:06)
20.) Better Citizens (2:32)
21.) A Nation Reborn (3:18)
22.) Please, Let Us Take Care of You (2:40)


07-16-2014, 04:50 AM
Awesome! The first Purge was a personal fave of 2013 (and is on my active playlist!). Looking fwd to more of Nathan Whitehead.

07-16-2014, 06:20 AM
Enjoyed the soundtrack. The film, The Purge, was stupid beyond belief.

07-16-2014, 06:30 AM
I loved the movie. Refreshing. Ethan Hawk done good lately with this and Sinister, which was more disturbing than it was creepy. But thrillers like The Purge I love - something like this can (to an extent) happen.

07-16-2014, 07:48 AM
Thanks :)

07-16-2014, 08:02 AM
Respectfully, I must disagree. The Purge is one of those films that fulfills our desire to commit violence without consequence. It makes murder and rape into a video game where there are only victims, never any perpetrators, no one is guilty. It's the ultimate stay out of jail card. Let's take a for instance:

Under the Purge scenario a child could be gang raped and the criminals never stand trial. They wouldn't need to kill her because they're not guilty of a crime. But she would see the men who violated her because most rape victims know their assailants. So, she would be a perpetual victim and relive her rape over and over. And if anyone would attack her attackers that person or persons would go to jail.

Hell of a system. But let's dig deeper into the consequences of such a system.

First, the film supposes that at the end of 12 hours everyone will just stop the killing, pack up their weapons and play nice for another year. You give people license to commit all the dark, heinous, vicious fantasies they've ever wanted to do and they'll just stop after 12 hours? Ever seen a riot in action? I have. It doesn't come with an off switch.

Who's going to stop the perpetrators after the deadline? The police? They're outnumbered and probably outgunned. The National Guard? Same problem. And can you imagine the destruction that would take place? Arson, bombings and sabotage of not only homes but of hospitals, utilities like water and power, and government facilities necessary to run society.

Can you imagine how many dead would litter the streets? How many people would be injured? Emergency rooms would be overwhelmed. Who pays to care for the wounded, for their hospitalization and to repair the structural damage to the city? Since the carnage is sanctioned no one can be sued. The money comes from the people and oops we've killed a lot of them so less taxes in the coffers. Think people would give their hard earned money to subsidize legalized destruction?

Imagine being a cop or firefighter the morning after and what you would see. (Provided you weren't murdered.) Imagine being a doctor or EMT. Or just an average, ordinary person in a world of the Purge. What would living in a world where the worst human behaviour is permitted do to you, to society?

Most Americans never leave America. Only 15% have passports. Less than 1% serve in the military. That means most people in the U.S. have never seen the kind of violence like that in the Gaza Strip, Syria, the Congo or Ukraine. Never seen its effects up close. The gun violence we have in America is horrible but it's nothing compared to the rest of the world. The last time we had a conflict on U.S. soil was the Civil War and that was 150 years ago.

Civilization is the defense against the worst human impulses. It's protected us and allowed us to create great works of art, great leaps forward in science and medicine and maybe, just maybe one day become the best versions of ourselves. I don't like the idea of the Purge, and yes I know its a movie, because it discards the protections of civilization and lets the monster out of the box. But once it's out, you'll never get it back in. I've seen what happens when the monster escapes.

I've been to Iraq, seen what bombs and bullets do to human flesh. Stood next to a mass grave in Bosnia where boys and men were dumped after being shot. Felt and heard bullets fly past my head. Civilization is only a veneer, easily scratched away. It's imperfect, but it's better than the alternative.

07-16-2014, 01:48 PM
Thanks for ripping the score.

A Fire Will Rise
07-16-2014, 02:05 PM
Thank You Dak!!!! :D

The Warriors
07-16-2014, 10:12 PM
Respectfully, I must disagree. The Purge is one of those films that fulfills our desire to commit violence without consequence. It makes murder and rape into a video game where there are only victims, never any perpetrators, no one is guilty. It's the ultimate stay out of jail card. Let's take a for instance:

Under the Purge scenario a child could be gang raped and the criminals never stand trial. They wouldn't need to kill her because they're not guilty of a crime. But she would see the men who violated her because most rape victims know their assailants. So, she would be a perpetual victim and relive her rape over and over. And if anyone would attack her attackers that person or persons would go to jail.

Hell of a system. But let's dig deeper into the consequences of such a system.

First, the film supposes that at the end of 12 hours everyone will just stop the killing, pack up their weapons and play nice for another year. You give people license to commit all the dark, heinous, vicious fantasies they've ever wanted to do and they'll just stop after 12 hours? Ever seen a riot in action? I have. It doesn't come with an off switch.

Who's going to stop the perpetrators after the deadline? The police? They're outnumbered and probably outgunned. The National Guard? Same problem. And can you imagine the destruction that would take place? Arson, bombings and sabotage of not only homes but of hospitals, utilities like water and power, and government facilities necessary to run society.

Can you imagine how many dead would litter the streets? How many people would be injured? Emergency rooms would be overwhelmed. Who pays to care for the wounded, for their hospitalization and to repair the structural damage to the city? Since the carnage is sanctioned no one can be sued. The money comes from the people and oops we've killed a lot of them so less taxes in the coffers. Think people would give their hard earned money to subsidize legalized destruction?

Imagine being a cop or firefighter the morning after and what you would see. (Provided you weren't murdered.) Imagine being a doctor or EMT. Or just an average, ordinary person in a world of the Purge. What would living in a world where the worst human behaviour is permitted do to you, to society?

Most Americans never leave America. Only 15% have passports. Less than 1% serve in the military. That means most people in the U.S. have never seen the kind of violence like that in the Gaza Strip, Syria, the Congo or Ukraine. Never seen its effects up close. The gun violence we have in America is horrible but it's nothing compared to the rest of the world. The last time we had a conflict on U.S. soil was the Civil War and that was 150 years ago.

Civilization is the defense against the worst human impulses. It's protected us and allowed us to create great works of art, great leaps forward in science and medicine and maybe, just maybe one day become the best versions of ourselves. I don't like the idea of the Purge, and yes I know its a movie, because it discards the protections of civilization and lets the monster out of the box. But once it's out, you'll never get it back in. I've seen what happens when the monster escapes.

I've been to Iraq, seen what bombs and bullets do to human flesh. Stood next to a mass grave in Bosnia where boys and men were dumped after being shot. Felt and heard bullets fly past my head. Civilization is only a veneer, easily scratched away. It's imperfect, but it's better than the alternative.

they make films like this hoping it leads to this kind of out come the film is also trying to separate good from evil. there to busy making pessimistic film that when someone speaks out about it your negative but it totally true truth hurts.
there to busy making money out of films like this they fit no room in the cinema for COMEDY'S these days.

I wished Eveyone would get on with each other then there wouldn't be, and has you say i am very sorry to hear what you saw in Iraq and Bosnia horrid how because decent people don't want war and others do they get Cross fired on or even. The Gun pointed toward them,and another thing. Human being's are so tight up in there own life they don't care about anybody else and film's were made like this telling us where it is leading towards. Why it's Jealousy,Envy and so forth is part of this ill thought out world. That is why so many have been taken away from there own Life because of spite and it's very wrong.

---------- Post added at 02:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:34 PM ----------

Enjoyed the soundtrack. The film, The Purge, was stupid beyond belief.
That's one thing the Soundtrack doesn't have to be accounted for has wrong has the film is that is one thing
I Love soundtrack's that i wouldn't even want to watch the films too Horror's etc

---------- Post added at 02:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:47 PM ----------

I loved the movie. Refreshing. Ethan Hawk done good lately with this and Sinister, which was more disturbing than it was creepy. But thrillers like The Purge I love - something like this can (to an extent) happen.

This can only happen if people don't get along and every man for himself when we was made for this life to get along but sadly the small minority spoil it for the majority who want to get on.

---------- Post added at 03:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:48 PM ----------

Most Americans never leave America. Only 15% have passports. Less than 1% serve in the military. That means most people in the U.S. have never seen the kind of violence like that in the Gaza Strip, Syria, the Congo or Ukraine. Never seen its effects up close. The gun violence we have in America is horrible but it's nothing compared to the rest of the world. The last time we had a conflict on U.S. soil was the Civil War and that was 150 years ago.

They never leave there country very insular and nobody exist's apart from themselves. i am not American, but for starters why do they need to walk around or have about the house a weapon. If you get rid of weapon's from them basically they say, it's there right to keep one so they must want anarchy if they aren't bothered in shooting someone out right .For at least asking for help if they was bleeding to death just outside there house so it's there right what right is that help someone on there way for being outright shot from nowhere by someone and there wanting a decent thing in asking for emergency and to even phone for medic's and they act all every man for himself shot to the floor stay on the floor basically Why .

07-16-2014, 11:01 PM
It's just a movie, made for entertainment.

07-16-2014, 11:17 PM
It's just a movie, made for entertainment.

Not sure if such a movie can entertain a normal person... such a movie plot is kind of sick.

entertainment: The action of providing or being provided with amusement or enjoyment.
( source: entertainment: definition of entertainment in Oxford dictionary (British & World English) (http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/entertainment) )

07-16-2014, 11:29 PM
Not sure if such a movie can entertain a normal person... such a movie plot is kind of sick.

entertainment: The action of providing or being provided with amusement or enjoyment.
( source: entertainment: definition of entertainment in Oxford dictionary (British & World English) (http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/entertainment) )

Oh how cute, you pulled the old dictionary definition of a word on me and tried telling me I'm not "normal"

What, exactly, is a "normal" person? Clearly there are not many "normal" people out there, considering the success of The Purge and the anticipation for Anarchy

<a href="http://imgur.com/t6gYA3j">

The Warriors
07-16-2014, 11:55 PM
It's just a movie, made for entertainment.
entertaining they have run out of ideas of what entertainment means Anarchy on the street the last man standing yeah right cool soundtrack not a very good film for anything to go by with the trailer should archive it even before they put it into cinemas let it get dust.

it might be JUST a movie but they have JUST lost the plot it's bad enough with horrors but fabulous to see moronic horrifying films are coming out and Comedy's aren't being made enough and when they are they are going back for remakes of the originals but never horrors they always carry the original after original never lose the plot with them they don't look back and find inspiration from the last film they did to remake it they do one after another why because there is no need for remake your just taking someones life for no reason which is what the directors of horrors have lost the plot.[COLOR="Silver"]

today they want Destruction but that doesn't mean tomorrow your going to get a better world

07-17-2014, 01:40 AM
It's just a movie, made for entertainment.
Yeah... with a premise as absurd as this one, it seems a bit silly to try to distill any kind of logic. I think the marketing campaign has successfully tugged some chords with the American public. Anyway, thanks for the upload.

Would anyone be willing to re-upload the OST from the first movie? All the existing threads have expired links, and I really enjoyed that soundtrack. :(

07-17-2014, 03:07 AM

07-17-2014, 03:42 AM
Logic. Hmm. Is Justin Bieber logical? Is his music? No, but it keeps happening. People eat that shit up. There doesn't need to be logic for it to be entertaining. Now I'm not saying Bieber is entertaining - quite the opposite, actually. But he's still around, still making music, which means people are buying his music. Why did the first film not get shit on by all you guys? Did I miss something?

The Warriors
07-17-2014, 04:46 AM
Logic. Hmm. Is Justin Bieber logical? Is his music? No, but it keeps happening. People eat that shit up. There doesn't need to be logic for it to be entertaining. Now I'm not saying Bieber is entertaining - quite the opposite, actually. But he's still around, still making music, which means people are buying his music. Why did the first film not get shit on by all you guys? Did I miss something?
I've never seen it and it will be has Dark and Dismal has this one is anything to go with this second one i don't want to see the trailer to the first.

07-17-2014, 01:28 PM
Thank You

07-17-2014, 04:49 PM
Respectfully, I must disagree. The Purge is one of those films that fulfills our desire to commit violence without consequence. It makes murder and rape into a video game where there are only victims, never any perpetrators, no one is guilty. It's the ultimate stay out of jail card. Let's take a for instance:

Under the Purge scenario a child could be gang raped and the criminals never stand trial. They wouldn't need to kill her because they're not guilty of a crime. But she would see the men who violated her because most rape victims know their assailants. So, she would be a perpetual victim and relive her rape over and over. And if anyone would attack her attackers that person or persons would go to jail.

Hell of a system. But let's dig deeper into the consequences of such a system...
Well put, sir; I suspect neither movie really looks into this at all... or explores the thought process that led to folks thinking this scenario is a good idea, damn the consequences (a criticism which, I think, could also be leveled at Battle Royale (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_Royale) and its adaptations).

Consider by way of contrast the 'No Man's Land' (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_Man's_Land_(comics)) arc from the Batman comics, or Ubisoft's upcoming open-world game The Division...

07-17-2014, 08:56 PM
The mindset of "what happens in Las Vegas, stays in Las Vegas" and how it seems to be expanding through so many levels of American society is what disturbs me. (And lest anyone think I was directing my rather lengthy rant at DAK, I was not. And DAK if it seemed that way I apologize. That was not my intent.)

Maybe I am looking at the past with rose colored glasses but I remember when a defining hallmark of the American character, a point of pride in fact, was the willingness to accept responsibility, that we were a nation of adults who accepted the consequences of our actions. Now it's reversed: it's a badge of honor to avoid responsibility at all costs and that seems fine with the country as a whole. When was the last time someone stood up and said: "I was in charge, I accept the blame. it falls on me." If someone actually did that I think, and I would hope to be wrong, most people would call that person a fool.

I wrote my guided missive against The Purge after a day of listening to reports how Detroit is shutting off water to its poorest residences who can't pay their bills (but letting big businesses run up huge water debts), the former mayor of New Orleans convicted of graft, bribery and price fixing after Hurricane Katrina and him and his supporters protesting how the mayor is a victim, General Motors allowing people to die rather than do a recall on a 57 cent switch and the final straw was another child dying in a hot car because his mother had her head firmly up her ass and forget him while she went and had her hair done. (By God, one must have one's priorities straight: hair first, child second.)

The Warriors
07-17-2014, 09:30 PM
The mindset of "what happens in Las Vegas, stays in Las Vegas" and how it seems to be expanding through so many levels of American society is what disturbs me. (And lest anyone think I was directing my rather lengthy rant at DAK, I was not. And DAK if it seemed that way I apologize. That was not my intent.)

Maybe I am looking at the past with rose colored glasses but I remember when a defining hallmark of the American character, a point of pride in fact, was the willingness to accept responsibility, that we were a nation of adults who accepted the consequences of our actions. Now it's reversed: it's a badge of honor to avoid responsibility at all costs and that seems fine with the country as a whole. When was the last time someone stood up and said: "I was in charge, I accept the blame. it falls on me." If someone actually did that I think, and I would hope to be wrong, most people would call that person a fool.

I wrote my guided missive against The Purge after a day of listening to reports how Detroit is shutting off water to its poorest residences who can't pay their bills (but letting big businesses run up huge water debts), the former mayor of New Orleans convicted of graft, bribery and price fixing after Hurricane Katrina and him and his supporters protesting how the mayor is a victim, General Motors allowing people to die rather than do a recall on a 57 cent switch and the final straw was another child dying in a hot car because his mother had her head firmly up her ass and forget him while she went and had her hair done. (By God, one must have one's priorities straight: hair first, child second.)

your looking at it has a bigger picture films like this helps to make you think how mental people are becoming.

07-17-2014, 09:34 PM
The mindset of "what happens in Las Vegas, stays in Las Vegas" and how it seems to be expanding through so many levels of American society is what disturbs me. (And lest anyone think I was directing my rather lengthy rant at DAK, I was not. And DAK if it seemed that way I apologize. That was not my intent.)

Oh I didn't take it as that. We're all just expressing ourselves here, I'm actually enjoying it. This is a free country (speaking on behalf of 'Murica). Glad it didn't turn into Lockdown's T4 thread, as unfortunate as that was. Rocklegend has been banned for a bit, and things have been chill.

I wrote my guided missive against The Purge after a day of listening to reports how Detroit is shutting off water to its poorest residences who can't pay their bills (but letting big businesses run up huge water debts), the former mayor of New Orleans convicted of graft, bribery and price fixing after Hurricane Katrina and him and his supporters protesting how the mayor is a victim, General Motors allowing people to die rather than do a recall on a 57 cent switch and the final straw was another child dying in a hot car because his mother had her head firmly up her ass and forget him while she went and had her hair done. (By God, one must have one's priorities straight: hair first, child second.)

How about what's going on in the rest of the world? This morning, another Malaysian passenger plane was shot down by either a Ukranian or Russian (I think the details are still hazy) Buk missile. And Isreal now has ground troops in Gaza. Seriously, I feel like WWIII is about to break out

07-21-2014, 06:19 AM
Mega link appears to be down. Any news on a higher-quality rip?

07-21-2014, 10:40 AM
link is ok

07-27-2014, 06:35 AM
Just saw the movie... Let us take care of you is epic

07-27-2014, 05:16 PM
for people who knows how to separate fiction from reality this film won't be a problem but unfortunately that may not be the case in general. this film obviously conjures the idea of taking someone else life without ever having to worry about the consequence later on under the rule of law or the norms of what is considered human and just. this film is really not for the faint of hearts nor the minors who is the most vulnerable bystander to such gory display of cinematic foreplay. best thing to do is either to stay away and not support this kind of genre so it won't get too much attention or just hope that its just a fad in passing and soon going out of the drain. well that's just me.

but as a fan of horror genres and slasher films i believe this one i can handle quite well. how about "faces of death"? now that one's a real killa!

---------- Post added 07-28-2014 at 12:16 AM ---------- Previous post was 07-27-2014 at 11:53 PM ----------

btw thanks Dak for this share!

07-27-2014, 06:20 PM
a movie that deals with the survival of the fittest, the strong survive and the week parrish...what�s there NOT to like :) it�s Americans killing of Americans *LOL*
and...IT`S ONLY A MOVIE, no biggie...

07-27-2014, 09:59 PM

07-29-2014, 08:00 PM
What a powerful score. Thank you very much.

08-12-2014, 12:38 AM
thanks for sharing:ohyeah:

08-13-2014, 07:36 PM

Label: Back Lot Music
Composer: Nathan Whitehead
Format: MP3
Bitrate: 320
Duration: 01:02:14
Size: 137 MB

01. Don't Do This (02:34)
02. Pictures (00:52)
03. Unlock the Car (01:29)
04. Did You Get the Raise? (00:35)
05. Driving (02:56)
06. Commencement (02:56)
07. Foot Trap (01:20)
08. Diego (04:36)
09. Two for Big Daddy (06:01)
10. I'm Doing God's Work (01:42)
11. I'll Be a Martyr (02:19)
12. New Rule (01:48)
13. He Stole Our Pensions, Now He's Gone (04:13)
14. Subway (02:54)
15. Running (02:00)
16. Money (06:21)
17. Hunting Grounds (04:34)
18. I'm Sorry (03:18)
19. This Is Our Time Now (01:06)
20. Better Citizens (02:31)
21. A Nation Reborn (03:18)
22. Please, Let Us Take Care of You (02:39)


08-13-2014, 07:37 PM
Oh. Thanks, I shared it in 320kbps in DAKoftheOTA's thread.

08-13-2014, 09:19 PM
The Purge: Anarchy - Nathan Whitehead (OST) (2014)

The Purge: Anarchy
Nathan Whitehead
Released: 2014
Format: MP3 @320kbps
Size: 141 MB


"01. Don't Do This [02:34]
02. Pictures [00:52]
03. Unlock the Car [01:29]
04. Did You Get the Raise? [00:35]
05. Driving [02:56]
06. Commencement [02:56]
07. Foot Trap [01:20]
08. Diego [04:36]
09. Two for Big Daddy [06:01]
10. I'm Doing God's Work [01:42]
11. I'll Be a Martyr [02:19]
12. New Rule [01:48]
13. He Stole Our Pensions, Now He's Gone [04:13]
14. Subway [02:54]
15. Running [02:00]
16. Money [06:21]
17. Hunting Grounds [04:34]
18. I'm Sorry [03:18]
19. This Is Our Time Now [01:06]
20. Better Citizens [02:31]
21. A Nation Reborn [03:18]
22. Please, Let Us Take Care of You [02:39]"









Enjoy and Please Say Thanks :)

08-13-2014, 11:23 PM

08-14-2014, 04:15 AM
thanks to the original poster and thanks to Lockdown for the update.

08-14-2014, 01:23 PM

The Purge: Anarchy (2014) Soundtrack Score
Composed by: Nathan Whitehead

Link 320kbps: PurgeAnarchy.zip (145,37 MB) - uploaded.net (http://uploaded.net/file/g238b7o8)

01. Don't Do This (02:34)
02. Pictures (00:52)
03. Unlock the Car (01:29)
04. Did You Get the Raise? (00:35)
05. Driving (02:56)
06. Commencement (02:56)
07. Foot Trap (01:20)
08. Diego (04:36)
09. Two for Big Daddy (06:01)
10. I'm Doing God's Work (01:42)
11. I'll Be a Martyr (02:19)
12. New Rule (01:48)
13. He Stole Our Pensions, Now He's Gone (04:13)
14. Subway (02:54)
15. Running (02:00)
16. Money (06:21)
17. Hunting Grounds (04:34)
18. I'm Sorry (03:18)
19. This Is Our Time Now (01:06)
20. Better Citizens (02:31)
21. A Nation Reborn (03:18)
22. Please, Let Us Take Care of You (02:39)