fascist socialist
07-16-2014, 02:23 AM
hello, here is where we post our thoughts about dinosaurs and crumble topping

07-16-2014, 02:24 AM
http://www.literotica.com/audio/2006/sound_2006_07/dirtyjoe69_gettingmyassreamed.mp3 - NSFW

07-18-2014, 07:00 AM
I like crumble topping.

Which Dinosaurs? Avian or non avian? Ceratopsians, sauropods, theropods, what? I prefer the ceratopsians, and sauropods. Not much of a theropod/raptor girl. The armored ones I love. A good stegosaur/ankylosaur, that's for me. Now AVIAN dinosaurs....chicken. I eat a lot of chicken.

For folks who do not know, it is now generally accepted by most that a branch of the dinosaurs evolved into what we now call birds. Birds in fact living dinosaurs. So, roasted dinosaur for dinner. Or in tonight's case, honey mustard dinosaur served with fried rice.


07-28-2014, 09:32 PM
omg i like dinosaurs

not as much as ocelots tho