Lunatic HighVII
10-08-2004, 04:26 PM
I know theres one for Cloud/Tifa, and Cloud/Aeris, but I've talked to a few people who agree that Yuffie/Cloud is a possible couple. Reasons for this...

Yuffie has an outgoing personality, like Aeris. She could bring Cloud out, and she is humorous as well. Even though some people tend not to like her because she "isnt nice", its not always nice that you look for, in a person. Yuffie is encouraging. When Cloud has his breakdowns, and hears voices, if youve ever had Yuffie in your party, youll know that shes always there to get Cloud to stop. Shell say something like, "Cloud, knock it off!" It might not be the nicest thing, but it probably helps cloud grow emotionally. Tifa, would try to say in a nice way, like "Cloud, please stop it," and not be firm enough with it. Sometimes, being TOO nice is a bad thing. Another reason, is that Yuffie doesnt take any crap from people. Aeris and Tifa, are both nice, but neither would stick up for themselves as well as Yuffie would. She knows how to take care of herself, and shes only 16! She also has guts! Shes the only girl thats actually got guts to KISS cloud! On their date, she tells Cloud EXACTLY what shes feeling, without hesitation. When she gets annoyed with Cloud, she punches him! You might think thats not what a girlfriend should do, but Yuffie gives Cloud strength. She isnt optimistic, nor pessimistic, but she's tough and strong. No matter what Yuffie goes through, she comes out on top. She steals the party's materia, and ALMOST gets away with it! Think about it. Its 8 against one, and she still finds a way. Cloud needs someone spunky and strong to take care of him, and Yuffie is exactly like that. She pushes the party on, too, and is almost fearless.

10-08-2004, 04:58 PM
Nah Yuffie/Cloud could never be! sides i think its better with Cloud/Tifa IT JUST WORKS THAT WAY!!!!! But if u really think that it is yuffie/cloud then thats ok. cya. Give my regards to your sisters. LOL

10-08-2004, 05:03 PM
What a stupid thing to say, cloud and yuffie.....
Could you just imagine it? some 16 year old mad woman going out with a blonde spikey headed sephiroth/zack/shinra soldier man.

so stupid....

Lunatic HighVII
10-08-2004, 05:45 PM
Stupid? If you say something like that, with out any proof or explanation, then you have no right to say its stupid. Yuffie has just as good of a chance with Cloud as Tifa or Aeris. 5 years, really isnt that far apart, when both people are mature. If you think Yuffie/Cloud isnt a good couple, at least explain why you think so. Ive already given the proof of why they could be good together, so take those statements into mind before you bash the characters and the thread for that matter. Some people really think they could be a couple, and that is their opinion.

Cloud 9
10-08-2004, 10:53 PM
If you are going to bash the thread instead of giving some real input, then dont post.

I dont know if they'd be a good couple, Yuffie may be good for Cloud, but while Yuffie may like Cloud now, the fact of the matter is that she is young and its probably just a crush. We have no way of knowing if she'd be into Cloud types when shes a little more mature. People change a lot between 16-21. If you mean just for the game, then sure, why not?

One of the most amusing parts of the game:
Yuffie: "Oh gawd this is embarassing"
Cloud: "..."
Cloud: "Something."

10-08-2004, 11:01 PM
I think it would be cool if Cloud was with Yuffie =)

10-08-2004, 11:19 PM
Yes. I believe its possible. Please to those who doesn't, take it into effect that this is something like doujinshi in Japan. No need to bash on the couple.
Cloud and Yuffie as a couple is possible. Yuffie has been there for Cloud as much as Tifa or Aeris,taken into effect that you get her early in the group. I know that there's an age difference and in westrenized views, we would see it as ewww or not right. If there is a bond that Cloud has with Yuffie, age difference doesn't matter as I'm looking at more of an Asian perspective. If the love is strong and both feel that way, let it be. There have been couples in the Asian culture who age differences are different from one another.
So, yes. Cloud and Yuffie as a possible couple can be one too. O:]

10-09-2004, 02:18 AM
yuffie and Cloud could make a nice couple to some people, but it doesn't seem right. but there are some people who date some at least 3 or 4 years older than them, and it works out! But, we all have our opinions whether Yuffie and Cloud make a couple, and that's that. ;)

10-09-2004, 02:46 AM
Nope. Not a good thought. Everyone knows Yuffie's true love is Red XIII. :p

Master Nabeshin
10-09-2004, 03:12 AM
Cloud with Yuffie? Hmmmm... it could work. I suppose if someone wrote an incredibly sappy love fic (and had some really good pictures to go with it), I could see it going even more. Though I see it as being more likely that Cloud would slap Yuffie with the broad side of his sword.

10-09-2004, 09:47 AM
Ewww! Lols, no way. I just didn't see any chemistry there. And besides, Cloud always seemed annoyed with Yuffie, dontcha think so? Whenever I see a CloudxYuffie fanfiction I read it for amusement, but really, that's all it is. I don't think they could stand eachother..They would probably fight too much. Even though she is spunky and outgoing, she's not hot. Tifa is my bitch.

10-09-2004, 11:33 AM
Ok then, if your too STUPID to notice that cloud and yuffie do not have any chemistry, do not talk, are about 6 years age difference, do i have to carry on?

If you seriously think that cloud and yuffie are the couple of ff7 rather then tifa or Aeris, you might aswell say barret and cait sith have a thing going on.

*waits for insults*

10-09-2004, 01:52 PM
I don't think Cloud and Yuffie would be a good couple. Cloud's not really open with Yuffie, and most of the time Cloud is just plain annoyed with her. Age might be a factor, but I see Yuffie as ... immature? But that's just my opinion. But screw Cloud/Yuffie, I think Vincent/Yuffie is much, MUCH ... worse. I don't even understand how Vincent/Yuffie would ever even work! o.O

Lunatic HighVII
10-09-2004, 02:05 PM
Ok then, if your too STUPID to notice that cloud and yuffie do not have any chemistry, do not talk, are about 6 years age difference, do i have to carry on?

If you seriously think that cloud and yuffie are the couple of ff7 rather then tifa or Aeris, you might aswell say barret and cait sith have a thing going on.

*waits for insults*

Its actually 5 years difference, ;) and you cant call someone stupid for having a different opinion than your own. This is to discuss the couple, not get mad at people for their opinions. Some people think it could work, some dont. :) You already said no, so... you dont need to say it again.

10-09-2004, 11:15 PM
It can work, and its true Yuffie is supportive most of the time when cloud is sad or down, like after he has that episode in the Ancients Temple, If you have Yuffie in your party she asks cloud if hell be alright. It was surprising, since she seemed different, but her character does develop if you have in your party.

So I can see it as a possiblity. And it would seem cute too..

10-10-2004, 12:07 PM
That's all very well, but Yuffie would steal Cloud's possessions.

10-12-2004, 04:27 PM
Then that's a no-no.

10-13-2004, 11:02 PM
That's all very well, but Yuffie would steal Cloud's possessions.

all is fair in love and war =)

10-14-2004, 12:15 AM
Well, there's really no reason to called this 'STUPID' by those who did called it that. You might of well state some reasons or back it up instead of flaming or name calling others for their liking. But since you didn't, that name calling just points itself back to you.
Yuffie and Cloud as a couple? I see why not. It never did stated that Cloud can only end up with Aeris or Tifa. Cloud can be with Yuffie too. Yuffie is not a selfish spoil brat like some have deemed her to be. She is caring and supportive to the team members and Cloud. To those who never put her in the group and deemed that they have no chemistry, obviously some of you never did put her in the group. Before they get thrown into the pit and meet Dyne, if you have Yuffie in the group and Cloud runs to the Battle Arena, Yuffie gets worried about Cloud but also afraid of what might happen to Cloud. Cloud and Yuffie also have normal conversations, long ones, unlike his very short or silent ones with Tifa. Cloud is not annoyed by Yuffie like some states, No. He actually is able to have some decent talk with Yuffie. When Yuffie is airsick, Cloud tells her to take it easy and tells her how he would get through the sickness.
Obviously, some of you ruled it out or make harsh jugements on Yuffie without ever playing her or letting her develop as a character in the team. Yuffie has spunk and attitude but it may just be a front to shield her kindness. So Cloud and Yuffie as a couple, you bet in my eyes. O:]

Huntress Krystle
10-14-2004, 12:37 AM
Even though i could see cloud treating yuffie more like a younger sister, i dont think it's really stupid to think that they could be a couple. and though i prefer aeris to be with cloud, yuffie could qualify too. It all just depends on cloud actually lol.

10-14-2004, 03:55 AM
In the game if you only talked to Yufie and none of the other female characters you got a speicial date with Yuffie. So they could become a couple it just depends.

10-15-2004, 11:15 PM
More or less. Cloud and Yuffie as a coule can be a good thing. Some great remarks, shinobiyuffie. I thought about that too. Somehow Cloud seems comfortable talking to Yuffie when she's airsick. I would see that as a caring gesture from Cloud. O:]

09-23-2014, 01:08 AM
Just realized if I made a count of the number of hits in Doom of the Living I may have quoted the wrong number in Doom of the Living, it is actually 15 times and Omnislash is 15 hits as well, which I just recently found out (last time I counted the number of hits was when the game first came out and I first got Doom of the Living and Omnislash, sorry about that)

04-13-2019, 07:29 PM
This is perfect. It makes a lot more sense than Cloud X Tifa. Tifa can finally move on and find someone else who will appreciate her more, like Barret.

04-14-2019, 08:08 AM
Cloud was already 'brought out' - don't you recall? Wrapped tightly in his hard exterior, Cloud finally comes out of the closet thanks to his childhood friend and confidant, Tifa. The scene in Nibelheim, where Tifa and Reno help Cloud pick out a lovely dress for his marriage to Don Quixote.

For you to think Cloud needs Fluffie for that is utterly asinine.

04-14-2019, 10:29 PM
Given the low polygon count back then, pretty much every character back then could have passed as a woman including Barrett.

Yuna's Hedgy
04-15-2019, 11:48 PM
Although they have known each other for a while. It seemed hard for Tiffa to get Cloud to take her as more than friends. There again if someone hadn't died, things might of ended different.

04-17-2019, 05:55 AM
Given the low polygon count back then, pretty much every character back then could have passed as a woman including Barrett.

No joke, I was convinced Tseng was a lass. Same for Reno. There's more gender definition in bloody lego pieces than FFVII avatars.

Yuna's Hedgy
04-20-2019, 01:24 AM
Given the low polygon count back then, pretty much every character back then could have passed as a woman including Barrett.

But it's not just back then. Some of the guys in the ffvii film looked a little girly. I nearly fell in love with Reno lol