Lagunas Backup
01-29-2002, 11:53 PM
what in the hell is ultimta weapon????

how do u beat him and is there a save piont right before him bc i dont want to go through all that fighting to get back down there.:eye: :eye: :eye:

01-30-2002, 10:09 AM
Ultima Weapon is the ultimate weapon. It's one of the strongest monster in FF8 ;) and Somewhat hard too beat.
I had no real tactic when fighting him and btw.. He lies in the Sea research facility and yes, there's a save point before you can fight him. He's part of some sidequest.
I used some Holy wars and Hero's.... aura and meltdown.. and I had Squall and Zell attacking.. and the third member... (Quistis or Rinoa) healing all the time and attack when her limit came up.
hope that somewhat helps you :) Perhaps other ppl know a good strategy to beat him ;)
Remember: To draw Eden from him and you could stock up some Ultima's as well.

01-30-2002, 11:03 AM
there is a hidden savepoint in the same room were you fight Ultima Weapon. Use the 'See/Hidden' (or whatever it's called) ability to find it.

01-30-2002, 11:53 AM
well, ultima weapon is really powerfull indeed, I just lucky i can beat him:D

But, what is really powerfull i think is Omega Weapon, untill this time, i can't beat him!!!!:mad:

01-30-2002, 12:52 PM
Ultimate Weapon is a wuss. If you want a real challenege take on Omega. 0.0

Dark Messenger
01-30-2002, 06:26 PM
Ultima weapon is one of the strongest bosses in the game, there's not a save point that I know of but if you junction encounter-none then it doesn't take to long to get to him.

When the battle starts you'll be best off drawing Eden from him straight away. You'll want your weakest character (physical) to keep using healing magic and items, and the occasional Aura when its needed. If you want any real chance against him then you'll have to have Lionheart and hope it connects. The best way to get a good chance is use ome weaker magic under HP, just about getting you to 9999 health and Ultima or some other powerful magic junctioned to Squall's STR.

Another good character to have is Irvine as his pulse ammo is really powerful, with reasonable strength one attack will take off 9999 and you can usually get in five attacks making a total of just under 50,000.

P.S: Use Hero's, especially on the character/s with healing or reviving powers.

01-30-2002, 06:34 PM
what do you mean hes hard, I used one aura on Squall after he already had low life, had his strength maxed out best I could, use one lil' holy war, and LionHeart his ass till he says my name and calls me daddy.

thats all it takes

01-31-2002, 01:26 PM
Ultimate Weapon is easy. 1 or 2 good limits will put him down at about 160000hp. BUT Omega is totally different, as he has about 1160000hp at lv 100 and is alot more powerful.

Divine Strike
01-31-2002, 03:40 PM
I found ultima weapon harder than omega becase first of all he was much faster than omega and i did not use holy wars or any other invincibility
just one lionheart

02-05-2002, 02:00 PM
I also found Ultimate weapon harder than Omega (which i beat easy). I actually trained for ages to get lionheart (After i couldnt beat ultimate the firstime) then trekked all the way down again to fight him, but i was so unlucky to not get lionheart when i used squalls limit! it was a quite long battle, i used 1 holy war and eventually killed him. Omega was easy i just used squalls limit while 1 character continuously uses Defend to ensure your team is safe, if theother 2 die he can revive

02-05-2002, 03:14 PM
How is Ultimate weapon possibly harder????? Ok he is faster, but big deal. His strongest attack will do 9999 on one character. Omega can wipe your whole party just like that. And you can easily kill Ultima in 1 hit! Omega takes many and over all his attacks without invincibility are way more powerful. If you fight both without any holywars or heros, Omega is in another league.

02-05-2002, 06:08 PM
I didnt mean that Omega is weaker than Ultimate, i meant that i found Ultimate harder than Omega, possibly because i was at lower levels.
I couldnt kill ultimate with 1 hit dispite the fact i had managed to get Lionheart, because i kept getting blasting zone lol.

Tip: That attack that omega uses on you, Terra Break, it hits at least 15 times and dealt 4500 per hit on my team, the only way apart from getting phoenix, was to cast defend with 1 character EVERY round, that way when terra break was finished you can use that character to revive and heal. The other character i used to heal and i used squall to use his limit breaks, easy as pie =)

02-06-2002, 05:35 AM
It's simple... Have Squall, Irvine and Zell in your team. Make all three have Triple so that each one can summon Protect, Shell, and Regen. Then use Aura on Squall and Irvine.... make Irvine use AP ammo, it really works and effective on Ultima Weapon

BTW... where can you find Omega Weapon?????

02-06-2002, 11:48 AM
For Omega Weapon ya gotta ring the bell in the future castle and quickly go to where the piano is before the timer runs out. hey presto, ya get killed by him


02-06-2002, 07:57 PM
Ultima weapon is simple.
It took me a good....ehh....4 minutes to beat him.
He's part of the Deep Sea Research/Bahamut sidequest, available on Disk 3; after you get the Ragnarok.

There is a savepoint, it should be to the left of the machinery; you have to use the move-find ability to find it, though.

I had previously went to Cactuar Island and beefed up a bit; then made a few trips between the Islands closest to hell, and heaven.
Stocked up on Ultimas for Squall...
Set them on Strength-junction.
One thing, is be sure you don't have any skills like Str Bonus or any non-combat skills equipped; because you could use those spots for Spr +40% , Luck +50%, etc...And since you don't gain XP in this battle, it's the smart choice.

Anyway, since Squall had 100 Ultimas Junctioned, and had Str +40% equipped; he had 255 str.
Equip Blizzaga from Elem Atk-J on everyone, because I believe (Not positive) that Ultima Weapon absorbs Fire attacks.
Anyhow, I had modded some Chef's Knives into Aura Stones, using the tool-rf command. Then, since I had a good 20 or 30 tonberries and tonberry king cards, I refined most of them into more chef's knives; then refined the Aura Stones into Aura spells for Squall. Then made 50 or so more Aura Stones. This way, I was stocked in Aura.

I got into the battle, didn't use a single Holy or Holy war, had Irvine equipped with "RECOVER" and "REVIVE" abilities.
So he could heal anyone that went down.
I had Zell using Aura stones on Squall, Irvine, and himself.
Squall did two or three limit breaks, Zell did one, Irvine did two; and BAM, Ultima weapon was gone. He was easier than the guys you had to fight to get to him.

He and Bahamut were pushovers...sadly.

By the way, I had Lionheart; but the highest-break that Squall used was Blasting-Zone, which only caused about 6500 damage.

02-08-2002, 02:26 AM
just used renzukoden/ lion heart a few times and its over. he is pretty easy. oh and whats all this about drawing eden from him? i got eden form tiamat in ultamecias (spelling) castle.

02-08-2002, 07:17 AM
You can get most of the Draw-GFs from Monsters in Ultimecia's Castle, if you missed them earlier in the game. It is better to draw Eden from Ultima Weapon in Disk 3, though; if you don't, you kind of miss the whole "Devour" thing, since most of the stat-bonus monsters aren't in Ultimecia's castle.

02-08-2002, 07:58 AM
thanks for the info ^_^

02-08-2002, 08:25 PM
Yes!!! just as the guy before me said there IS a save point before you meet Ultima Weapon, but you must use GF Sirens abillity to se hidden Save/Draw point to be able to use it - USE IT!.
I do not think it matters who you use to fight UW, just make sure your health is at max before the fight and you will be OK.
UW "Light Pillsr" attack does 9999 damage (killing anyone nomatter how high your HP is.) B U T it only kills one character at a time, so just make sure to use Life/Full Life or use a PhoenixPotion on a falle friend. First of all use MELTDOWN on UW, you may have to use it more then once depending on if you had the luck to make it work. Also use GF CERBERUS as soon as you can (MY FAVOURITE GF) as he will give you the abillity to use 3 spells at once. Just kill the bastard, use Squalls limitbreak.
Good luck.

02-13-2002, 12:09 AM
He was actually really easy compared to Omega Weapon... but i messed up so i had to reset it and get Eden the GF.