07-04-2014, 07:23 AM
Does anyone know where I could find Chance Thomas's score to X-Men: The Official Game? AKA The tie-in game to X-Men: The Last Stand. The game itself was not rated very highly, much like the film, though it was not an adaptation of the film per se. In fact, it was meant to bridge the gap between X-2: X-Men United and X-Men: The Last Stand, and explain things like Nightcrawler's absence from the third film, as well as Wolverine's more active role in teaching the younger students at the academy, and to set up plot elements and characters explored in the third film and dealing with some plot holes left from the second film. The game was fairly well-written, and had they had more time, it could have been a great game. The voice-acting is also quite good, with many of the cast from the films reprising their roles in the game. And the music is awesome. Chance Thomas opted to use John Ottman's theme from the second X-Men film, and again, in a better game, that could have added to the game feeling like a real cinematic experience. As it is, it's quite a superb soundtrack, and easily one of the games good points. So if anyone knows where I could get it, I'd be much appreciated.