10-02-2004, 04:23 PM
okay kaworu is the 5th child and 17th angel and he is the image of shinji (same clothes and stuff), he is also like rei, because she is the 2nd angel (same silvery/grey hair, red eyes)

on many occasions he has refered to 'loving' shinji, i don't know, but i just think they made his character too gay....

Kaworu & Shinji ()

>.< that just aint RIGHT!!!! ()

Shinji isn't gay...i don't think so any way 0.o ()

see what i mean?

10-02-2004, 05:09 PM
Same clothes? Erh, isn't it a school uniform, and therefore, like, supposed to be the same?

Anyway, better add a spoiler warning...

10-02-2004, 05:23 PM
Originally posted by Tokiko
Same clothes? Erh, isn't it a school uniform, and therefore, like, supposed to be the same?

oh i didn't realise, it's just that shinji seem's to wear that all the time, not just at school

toji just wears a jogging suit i guess that's why i got confused lol

10-14-2004, 12:37 AM
Uh, is there really a point? And why the hate? Just because Kaworu is like that doesn't make Shinji any better. Shinji was already a mess up kid who was confused,lonely, and can be rebellious at times. Of course, he also cared about his friends too but most of the time, he look sad and lonely. Kaworu is just fine the way he is just as Shinji is. Besides, Kaworu wasn't in the series for too long, his life got cut short. So his character didn't even get develop..neither Shinji's. His develop a little but not a lot.

10-16-2004, 12:15 PM
yeah i guess that's right, so was Toji being an eva pilot....acctully...i don't think he ever got the chance 0.o

but hey, you know the movies? are those just the episodes strung together? or are they Actual movies??

Dot Centaur
10-18-2004, 04:38 AM
Kawarou is nether gay or straight because he isn't human in the first place. He just had this big interest in man-kind, so he flirt with Shinji alittle as a study into more of mankind. It just make's him look gay(at least this was my friend's explanation).

10-18-2004, 07:40 AM
but hey, you know the movies? are those just the episodes strung together? or are they Actual movies??

The first movie, Death and Rebirth, consists of two parts. The first part is a series of clips from the tv series with a little bit of extra material added. The second half is completely new, but has a cliffhanger ending.

The second movie, End of Evangelion, first replays the second half of Death and Rebirth. Then it goes straight into the rest of the story.

Essentially, Death and Rebirth is a series of clips from the show and the first half of the movie. End of Evangelion is the complete movie.

10-18-2004, 07:59 PM
yeh i thought that, i seen the 'Director's Cut' DVD in a shop and you know the little pics you get on the back? i saw them and it was just pictures from the series, need to get my hands on them!

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
10-27-2004, 02:03 PM
I thought there was another Evangelion movie coming out... ?

Resurrection or something like that.

10-27-2004, 07:27 PM
i don't quite know, i think there is 2 at the moment;

'The End of Evangelion'


'Death and Rebirth'

haven't heard of them bringing out another

10-27-2004, 11:48 PM
Odin, Neon Genesis Evangelion: Resurrection is simply a remake of Episodes 21 - 23, with the deleted scenes included.

The same version is being included in the remastered Platinum range anyway, so it's better off to wait for them.

EDIT: Neon Genesis Evangelion: Genesis Reborn is the remakes of Episodes 24 - 26. It also includes an interview with Richard Taylor (the guy in charge of WETA) about the new live-action Eva movie! Cool :D

10-29-2004, 05:17 AM
it's hard to understand Karouw (how on earth does Tabris spell his human name anyway?) without seeing the entire series and watching Shinji develop through the things that happen. He isn't human, he doesn't understand them, but in the end, - well, that's a little TOO big of a spoiler (though if anyone wants the full explination and no one objects, I'll gladly post it)

Yes, Toji is a pilot. What happens afterward differs between the anime and the manga.

I think I've watched Eva one too many time....

10-29-2004, 05:30 PM
what happened to toji and kensuke after it was over? i recall shinji saying that 'toji and kensuke have moved away now.' so is that it? did they just leave or something?

ah well, i'm still hoping to get that 'directors cut: end of evangelion dvd' have to wait awhile longer though >.< getting it for christmas i hopes!

11-01-2004, 12:32 AM
Shinji said "The city's destroyed - there's nothing left for anyone here now. Even Toji and Kensuke have gone."

Basically, with the destruction of Tokyo-3, there was nothing left - no school, no living quarters, nothing. It couldn't function as a city, so any non-combat personnel had to be moved away. There was no need to have the Marduk Children nearby, because the EVA Production Series could be piloted by the dummy plug, so there was no reason to keep the innocent around in danger.

11-01-2004, 12:43 AM
i see, well that's quite understandable but poor shinji, freindless and feeling really down, does he meet them again? because toji is on the cover of the film covers,

another thing, if they can be piloted by the dummy plug, then why are there so many movies coming out?

oh and another point! didn't mitsuke distroy the dummy plug system?

11-01-2004, 01:39 AM
i see, well that's quite understandable but poor shinji, freindless and feeling really down, does he meet them again? because toji is on the cover of the film covers

Kensuke and Toji aren't seen again in Eva - they're on the cover of Death and Rebirth because it's a remake of the entire series. They aren't in End of Evangelion.

another thing, if they can be piloted by the dummy plug, then why are there so many movies coming out?

oh and another point! didn't mitsuke distroy the dummy plug system?

There are no more movies coming out - End of Evangelion is exactly that, the last Evangelion movie. It's not fully explained what happens, but the production model Evas aren't built by NERV, but rather by SEELE, the mysterious governing body. When the 'entry plugs' go into the production Evas, you can clearly see "KAWORU DUMMY PLUG", or something to that extent on the side.

While Ritsuko did indeed destroy the dummy system based on Rei, somehow SEELE had managed to create one using the 5th Child - the 17th Angel.

11-01-2004, 08:46 AM
damn...that shut my mouth :|

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
11-01-2004, 04:10 PM
Yeah, about the live-action Evangelion movie that they're making... I hope they don't utterly bastardize everything in the anime with it.

And they had better make a Region 1 version of that Evangelion game for the PS2--I want to play that game so bad it's unreal. :(

11-01-2004, 08:09 PM
hey about this game! i'm totally confused, whenever you see pics of it, it's like an anime (my sig is a fanart of the game, the girl in the middle likes shinji XD) but i don't get it? how do you play? is it a kind of 'Monkey Island' thing? like it's animated? it's 2D and not 3D? like that?

would it be like Z.O.E? or like an RPG???

11-02-2004, 02:03 AM
The game that your sig is probably fan-art of is Steel Girlfriend - one of those oh-so-popular Japanese dating sims set in the Evangelion alternate universe (you know, the one at the end of the series where everyone is uh... 'normal'.)

The one that Odin is referring to is an actual game based of the TV series, which not much is known about - but it will be 3D, and based on the series itself.

11-02-2004, 06:51 AM
Actually, the new game is supposed to completely rewrite a lot of the story and tie up all the loose ends. I don't know much about it, but it will have multiple paths and while the truth behind all the mysteries is in there, it will be hard to find.

11-04-2004, 12:36 AM
Yes. That's exactly right. The game is suppose to be for the PS2, although I'm not even sure on the release date or if its release in Japan already. I doubt it'll be release here in the US but its likely but doubtful.
I heard you can also interact with other characters too and that'll also determine your ending.

11-14-2004, 05:17 AM
oh don't remind me I can see his head getting remove yuck but yeah he does look like rei just a little

11-14-2004, 11:03 AM
shinji just like puts his finger (well the eva finger) against his neck, then after a long silence 'Plop' LOL i was like OMG!! i liked him!!

hehe i did like him, just thought he was gay lol

01-31-2005, 06:03 AM
actually, they are revamping the while series. it'll be called Neon genesis evangelion: platinum edition, or something like that. sould be intresting. they already got the art box+ the first episode, saw it in suncoast and all most bought it cuz i though it was the complete collection for the original.

01-31-2005, 07:27 AM
Uhh... it's just been remastered and had some new extras and stuff put on it. That's all.