01-29-2002, 02:50 PM

Theres so many different ways you can take the end movie, whether it be the happy Rinoa and Squall Happily Ever After, or the Sad, Depressing Squalls dead. . .

So whats your take?

01-29-2002, 03:24 PM

Squall doesn't die, if you wait after Rinoa walks outside... You see another FMV them kissing eachother... (just like the redXIII kid thing with FFVII)
So.. you ppl shouldn't mourn about somebody that isn't dead :p
So... my take is the Squall is alive and kicking one ;)

01-29-2002, 03:54 PM


i agree, if u wait till after the credits u see squall standing out side on the walkway with Rinoa

01-29-2002, 09:07 PM
yes, but what if thats video from before the fight with Ultimecia?

01-30-2002, 01:08 AM
I don't think thats before the fight with Ultimecia because before the scene with Squall and Rinoa kissing it shows Seifer being friendly and all that beforehand.

I suppose it is possible though if there's meant to be some timeframe afterwards, but to me theres nothing to suggest far as I know. The story is a little ambiguous I guess...some people say that's Squalls ghost or spirit or something. But really, I thought the idea was that Squall finally realised his love for Rinoa and was brought back to life by the love and then stopped being a jerk....or...something.

I make no sense.

01-30-2002, 08:33 AM

no way the kiss scene could be before the fight with Ultimecia. It would make no sense, cus I mean right before the batteries go out in the camera you see Rinoa "giving the finger" (Rinoa style) to somebody. That somebody has got to be Squall sinse everyone else is in the ball room. So i think he's alive.

01-30-2002, 12:42 PM

The thing with Squall walking through the dessert type land, I think, is the end of time. And I liked the movie during the credits. It was funny, Zelly chkoin of hot dogs! Got Milk?

01-30-2002, 05:49 PM
Well I aint watched the ending (thanks for spoiling it...only joking~) :p
lol anyway, I know Squall dont die

02-06-2002, 02:09 PM

I think Squall did die, and that was his spirit with Rinoa on the ending FMV. Rinoa could view his spirit because she was the only person who ever cared enough to fall in love..

Even though that is my opinion, I would still like to think they found each other and had a happy life. :)

02-06-2002, 04:18 PM
Just recently I watched the ending to FFX-- one of the only endings I've seen rival 8's. At the time FFVIII's just looked very smooth, and detailed, one of my fav's ;)

02-06-2002, 05:25 PM
okay dudes, the ending isn't supposed to be sad or depressing. the whole point of showing everybody else before squall is to make you think that he's dead. then when rinoa walks out by herself, you're supposed to be like "oh, how sad, squall's dead" then he appears and it's all "yippee!!! squall's alive!!"

they did the exact same thing at the end of ff9, and it was just as predictable. it's supposed to be happy, i mean, just listen to how the music changes when squall appears, it's a happy ending.

so yeah.....squall's supposed to be alive

02-06-2002, 08:20 PM
I thought that when Squall was walking around that was Rinoas dream that she had because they are both looking for each other then Squall remembers the promise he made and then he seen what he could remember of rinoa and see who she is thats why you see the little glimce of ultimecia. Then squall faints at the thought fof I think then he realises it doesn't matter and he would be her knight.

02-11-2002, 06:03 AM
During the credits. I thought the Selphie cam (or whatever) was funny and the music was cool. For some reason, I was actually reading the credits...

02-11-2002, 06:07 AM
Okei, I was off the subject. But I really nearly cried when Squall fainted and then Rinoa found him...seriously the whole thing was very touching.

02-11-2002, 07:17 AM
I'd prefer it if they'd all die....
Then they show a movie of Biggs and Wedge taking turns pissing on their graves.

02-12-2002, 04:29 AM
I really doubt squall is dead. i think the ending is sooooooo sweet!! *hangs head and says, "Awwww"*

02-14-2002, 07:29 PM
I've never thought he died. I think he










collapses because he's just realised that the whole senario from the time they meet Edea again was his fault, andthat he'll have to do... i mean, he will have had to,, .... arggh!! To confusing. (hits self with frying pan)

Right. I think Squall's realised that he has caused the fact he had to fight Ulti, he has done it before, and will do it again (to paraphrase STNG final episode). He tries to reason with it, finds it as hard as I just have, and collapses from mental pressure. He figures it out woth the help of Rinoa, and they all live happily ever after (unless you believe that Riona is, or will be, Ultimecia, then they all die a slow, horrible death).

02-15-2002, 06:14 AM
the ending was ver confusing and hard to understand i watched it like 6 times but i think he lives but thats just me :)

Green Arrow
02-15-2002, 06:47 PM
Obvious spoilers but if you have read this far you must wanna keep reading.
If the ending was Squall dieing how on earth did the graduation party take place, coz surely they wouldn't be partying with a Sorceress running around the world trying to destroy everything in her way no would she. Although the ending was somewhat different, specially with the time compression that kinda freaks you out first time, the ending was quite good, very predictable, I mean, when does a FF game never end in a love story, do not say anything about FF10's ending that would be great coz I have not played it and wish to not have the end spoiled.
For my money I would say that the ending sequences out of 10 I would give a very cool 7.5-8. Could have been more, then again could have been less.

I will shut up now...

Divine Strike
02-16-2002, 05:03 AM
Squall is alive because rinoa and him kiss, it is not a spirit or an illusion, it is Squall.

02-17-2002, 09:32 PM
My good friend at school, Angie... gave me a very interesting theory, and now that I look at the ending again, I'm starting to beleive it.

One day, at PE, we were talking about the ending to various FFs, and our opions on them.

(WARNING: Spoilers if you haven't beat FFVII)

We first discussed the ending to FFVII, and she told me that she believed all humans were wiped out at the end, which kinda does make sense. And then I told her how I watched the stars wiz by for about an hour, and how creepy that children laughing sounds were... and how the hell Red XIII reproduced, seeing as he was thye only one of his kind left.

Anyways... we started talking about FFVIII ending, and I said how much I diliked it because it was to... happy for my taste. Then she said this... that she beleived Squall died at the end.

And now that I look at it, it could be a possibility.

First off, if Squall did die... then the part with him and Rinoa on a balcony was prolly just another one of Rinoa's dreams. Beacause he NEVER smiled.

And... and... I'm going to shut up now... I'm rambling.

02-17-2002, 10:00 PM
i wish i would get the game finished sooon :(

02-19-2002, 07:48 PM
SeksToyVash, Squall smiles at the sorceress memorial when he hugs Rinoa.

02-20-2002, 06:09 AM
What I think is that when Squall is walking around in the desert that's a void in time and he's stuck there by himself and he can't get out, Rinoa is stuck in her void but she makes it to the place where they said they would meet because she remembers and she holds her charm and prays for Squall, Squall grabs the feather and remembers but instead he has a freakoid dream and he sees visions of everything that has happened recently and he imagines Rinoa dying in space and it's too much for him, so he collapses(Probably also cause he's tired from walking) so instead of Squall finding his way to Rinoa, she finds her way to him and once they're together they end up in the place they were supposed to meet and I've written a lot without pausing and my brain hurts so bye!

02-20-2002, 05:53 PM
I don't really know. First of all, where the hell is he, second, how did she get there, how did they get away. There's too many question for anyone to know what the ending really is. Squall and Rinoa kissing at the end could just be thoughts of Squall.

Ghost of Zaon
02-22-2002, 07:07 AM
I'm not sure what version everyone else is playing, but the last cutscene in my game shows Rinoa seeing a shooting star, and pointing it out to an unseen person, who is obviously Squall...this was also the very first thing she pointed out to Squall when she first met him at the seed reception party, so the importance of them sharing that "moment" in time is signifigant to their relationship...much like meeting in the flower field behind Edea's Orphanage.

Ultimately the ending borders on Passionate ambiguity...Square is famous for this type of "you decide what happens next" kind of ending...isn't it what RPGs are supposed to be all about anyway...creating your own story?

I did like it enough to tape it, heh heh.

02-22-2002, 03:45 PM

Alright, just re-finished the game; got it on tape.
I laughed, I cried like a schoolgirl who didn't get invited to the prom....cried when I saw Fujin kick Raijin into the water...cried when I saw Seifer fishing, cried when I saw the entire Laguna sequence, cried when I saw Ward and Kiros, laughed when Zell choked on the hot dog...and oh yeah; without a doubt, Squall's alive. You know why?

All the people who think he died missed one important thing...the guy holding the camera waves to a group a SeeDs....if you look at his hand, he's wearing Squall's unless someone stripped Squall naked; and is wearing his's Squall.

02-22-2002, 09:22 PM

I think Squall didn't die. Endings are always happy and to make him die would be the last straw for Rinoa with all the hardship she went through to get him.

02-22-2002, 11:25 PM
Enough discussing it, I've already proved that he didn't die.
The person holding the camera is wearing Squall's glove.
Either Rinoa is in love with a grave robber or Squall is alive.
'Nuf said.

02-23-2002, 02:46 AM
Just 'cause someone cries and then falls over doesn't mean he's dead. Squall is a, emotional. I think they were trying to make it LOOK like he died, but he really lived in the end. FF VIII was supposed to be the happy, bright one (after FF VII) so they'd live happily ever after, I should think. But FF VIII is so vague it's like finding hay in the needlestack.

PS. It wasn't Squall holding the camera. it switched from Selphie to Irvine. Squall is on the balcony with Rinoa.

09-12-2002, 07:23 PM
I'm not even sure why people are under the impression that he died. There isn't any evidence that would suggest that he is a "spirit" or that Rinoa would suddenly be dreaming. I didn't even realize people were under that impression until I came across this just now. I think all you people are searching a little too hard for a tragic ending.

09-13-2002, 12:21 AM
If he died, the others wouldn't be partying. It would be a funeral. But I think it's pretty obvious from how everyone acts that no one died and everyone's happy. That whole thing with the floating island was sort of a symbolic representation of Squall's emotions. Squall was an island. He had no ability to connect with other people. He was completely alone. But Rinoa changed him, made him able to trust others.

Originally posted by TheTest
cried when I saw Fujin kick Raijin into the water...

All the people who think he died missed one important thing...the guy holding the camera waves to a group a SeeDs....if you look at his hand, he's wearing Squall's unless someone stripped Squall naked; and is wearing his's Squall.

1) CRY? WHY? FUNNY. :D But I agree that it was an emotional scene when Seifer laughed. It was good to see that he can recover emotionally from all that happened.

2) Irvine was the one filming, not Squall. Squall was on the balcony with Rinoa. Alive. :)

09-13-2002, 03:40 AM
People think that Squall died? Okay, that is a completely new one on me. :::shakes head in surprise:::

Okay, my take. I love it. It's my favorite ending of all of the Final Fantasy games I've played so far. It's a bit tedious at first, but once you get to the actual cinematic, it gets a lot better. Very emotional. I think I first broke down at the Laguna scene where he's placing the flowers on the grave. As I've mentioned elsewhere before, I thought the whole Seifer/Fujin/Raijin thing was a very nice touch. And I think giving us something to watch during the closing credits was brilliant.

09-20-2002, 02:11 PM
Errrrrrrrrrm, sorry to disappoint Squall haters but he didn't die. It wouldn't be logical. No main character dies right at the end of an RPG.

09-20-2002, 11:59 PM
I want to say a spoiler for another FF game so badly.... :uh?:

10-18-2002, 08:16 PM
I don't think they would be celibrating if they're friend, and the person who saved the world died :-P I think the desert, was the very same desert that was present in the entire game. When they defeated her, they all got scattered, and Squall ended up there :-P Rinoa and the others looked for him, and squall passed out from the heat and walking and that is where Rinoa found him :-P Then they went back and celibtated, and that is how it ended. Ill share my thoughts on the ff7 ending in the ff7 forum. I think most ppl want a sad ending rather badly, that they look for a way to enterpret it as sad. That's all good and dandy for you :-P But I always liked happy endings that reward you for beating the game.

10-29-2002, 05:17 PM
I don't think anyone pointed this out yet, but you know how Rinoa drops her head on Squall's chest and the place turns into the flower field? Rinoa looks away at the flowers, then back at Squall, and smiles at him. I think he came back from wherever he was at that moment. And plus the whole movie at the end that has already been pointed out.

Ahh, such a lovely ending. :)

FFE Reno
11-09-2002, 05:56 PM

Okay now I jus took the time 2 dload the ending video (Japenese Version) so Im gonna put my 2 centz in on this one. First of all I didnt know he was walkin threw a desert I thought he was just in a time void, a completely blank place lacking anything (kinda like Squall). He passes out because he gives up hope on ever seeing anybody again which is to much for him to handle. Rinoa finds him on the ground and grabs him, when she places her head on his chest I think he comes back because a bright light shines threw the darkness and the ground becomes filled with flowers (now I may be wrong but where they promised 2 meet was filled with flowerz right?). The next bunch of partz were completely awesome, specially Zell choking on the hot dogs and then throwing one at the screen. Squall is not holding the Camera if u watch Irvine walkz over to the camera and takes it while Selphie takez his hat. My video doesnt have the kiss scene but I remember it from the game so i think that Squall is still alive n well!

11-09-2002, 10:04 PM
First of all I didnt know he was walkin threw a desert I thought he was just in a time void, a completely blank place lacking anything
That's what I think too. He's on a barren island lost in time.

now I may be wrong but where they promised 2 meet was filled with flowerz right?
Yep, that's exactly where they promised to meet. "If you come here, you'll find me... I promise..."

My video doesnt have the kiss scene but I remember it from the game so i think that Squall is still alive n well!
I don't think they kissed, but there is definitely a video of them looking at the moon together at the end. And if you ask me, that Squall definitely doesn't look like a ghost.

Edited to add, here's how the FFVIII script describes it, so there's no confusion:

"Balamb Garden flies over the seas at night. On the balcony outside the ballroom, Rinoa watches the beauty of the stars in the night sky. She smiles as she sees a shooting star. She turns and raises her index finger. Squall looks to her and smiles. He then takes her hand and the two begin to dance together. The shot pans away from the Garden, and the letters B G can be seen on the tail. The Garden rises towards the moon."

11-11-2002, 05:06 PM
I concur, Squall is not dead. He's on the balcony with Rinoa.

11-16-2002, 06:58 AM
you guys know what really sucks? i beat the game an computer and rite bfore the ending fmv my computer has one of those "illegal operations" things

11-17-2002, 02:14 AM
That sucks. Does it crash every time you do it, or did it crash one time? Have you tried it again?

11-17-2002, 04:51 AM
yeah i have tryed it twice and got through that stinkin hard boss ultimecea.

12-01-2002, 01:12 PM
All i wanna say is, Squall isnt dead (Plus hes in kingdom hearts lol) jk

12-01-2002, 07:00 PM
Originally posted by Draven
All i wanna say is, Squall isnt dead (Plus hes in kingdom hearts lol) jk

But so is... y'know, the big spoiler from another FF game. :uh?: