06-15-2014, 01:27 AM
Oh Telenet, your games are the definition of mediocrity. That doesn't mean they're bad, just... not very good. Still they brought us a unique array of games during their limelight! For now we'll start off with the Earnest Evans series! All the games were developed by Wolf Team with mixed results...
let's take a closer inspection shall we?

Earnest Evans (Mega CD)

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From what I understand this and its sequel were released at the same time. They might've been made roughly at the same time though this is entirely speculation. Whatever the case was this game isn't very good, but the music is pretty damn sweet! Well... for the most part~! Still I come back and enjoy playing this game despite its flaws.

Earnest Evans (Genesis)

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This is essentially a watered down port over the CD version, and sadly the music took a bit of a hit as a result. I wouldn't really recommend this, but hell I won't stop ya! Also in a strange case of marketing the CD version is a Japanese exclusive while this version is an American exclusive! Why did they do this? I have NO idea. >_>

El Viento (Megadrive/Genesis)

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Of the three this one is generally considered the best. While I myself can't tell you this personally. I did listen to the music, annnnnd it's ok I suppose. Whenever I actually get some time to play this game I'll probably have a more proper opinion, but what I did hear again is generally pretty good if I can say that at least!

Annet Futatabi (Mega CD)

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And so we end this trilogy with a... really bland game. It's not because of it's change of gameplay no-no! The problem here is that it's unpolished; lack of variety of moves, enemies barely act different from each other (Some bosses too!), and it can get rather brutal in difficulty if you bum-rush everywhere! Hell even the music is pretty par for the course sadly. Though there's a few mildly good tracks here and there.

Well that ends that I suppose! While I had some mildly stupid fun with the first and third games. It's a tad shame these didn't get some time for more polishing before being released, as this is a problem with MANY games out there. Still there's some fun to be had with all of them!
(In some weird way I suppose.) So enjoy everybody~!

06-15-2014, 03:53 AM
At long as Motoi Sakuraba provided the music for a Wolf Team game, then I'm a happy camper. Thanks!! :D

La Grenouille
06-15-2014, 07:35 AM
Thanks !

06-15-2014, 02:48 PM
El Viento is one of my favorites videogame of all time :)

06-17-2014, 11:44 AM
I'm especially glad to see this, since Retsupurae just reuploaded their video on the game, and I've really wanted to listen to the Mege CD soundtrack ever since they originally covered it a few years ago.

06-17-2014, 01:13 PM
It's not surprising people REALLY love the music for the 2 Mega CD games. After playing through El Viento I can honestly say it just wasn't for me. The music wasn't particularly very interesting, and it really took a lot out of me to finish it. Though the other 2 are much worse in design I can have some cheesy mild fun from them. Especially with Earnest Evans since I absolutely love the main theme they have; just pumps me up for some wild action! While Annet may be just outright bad the music is what kept me going, and hell I'd say it was a more thrilling experience than El Viento! Though that's just how I feel really.