06-11-2014, 07:43 PM
Right, i am on the verge of running out of space on my iPod touch 64gb. i have an iPod classic 7th gen 160gb but i find the sound to too aggressive and bright with my headphones (ie80/ sennheiser aluminium), plus volume levels on this aren't very hi due to eu standards (even though it can be turned off levels aren't hi enough) so i use this for my hifi setup.

I have been looking at either the ibasso dx90 or the fiio x5. there seems to be a huge buzz for these two atm so i real would like a little bit of advice on which to choose from. i own a few sets of headphones but mainly use my sennheiser ie80 or my sennheiser aluminions which i love the most!! my music varies from,rock, metal, classical (movie scores) and a little bit of electronic. i want something that can drive this type of music.

any help would be great! thanks!!!