06-09-2014, 10:34 PM
Does anyone have Crash Boom Bang's soundtrack? It's a DS game which was released in 2006 and it's also known under its Japanese title : Crash Bandicoot Festival. I remember there was a gamerip of 22/23 tracks but I can't find it so I'd be grateful if somebody could upload it please.

06-10-2014, 06:05 PM
Does anyone have Crash Boom Bang's soundtrack? It's a DS game which was released in 2006 and it's also known under its Japanese title : Crash Bandicoot Festival. I remember there was a gamerip of 22/23 tracks but I can't find it so I'd be grateful if somebody could upload it please.

Thread: Thread 174917

06-11-2014, 10:37 AM
Yeah thanks, I downloaded the Boom Bang soundtrack from your thread but it is not the full album with 23 tracks.