10-01-2004, 01:21 PM
I dont know if this counts as artistic according to the rules of the forum, but I think it is. I'm talking about Ultima Island. Ultima Island is a new website (Which I made) and I think it's pretty good. I would love to hear your feedback and thoughts.

Ultima Island version 1.0 is now up and running.

[URL=]Click Here to go to the Ultima Island Forums (]Click Here to go to Ultima Island[/URL)

It's a great website I found a while ago while it was still in the production stages. Now it has great FF coverage (though not as good as FFShrine, of course) and loads of other cool stuff too.

Also, the webmasters name is Seraph. How cool is that?

If any of you have ever used Rpg Maker you may like this site, as it has tools and resources to help your game development. Anybody else will love to download some of the RPGs and other games that people have made, they're really good.

Also it has Flash resources, tutorials, games and movies. I love this site!

I urge you all to visit and join Ultima Island, it's fantastic.

10-01-2004, 03:27 PM