06-06-2014, 09:58 PM
Soooo is that ALL of them now? What Game & Wario you say? ... I'll see what I can do! (Maybe....) Anyways,

Download (,_Inc._Mega_Party_Game$!_$oundtrack.rar)

I must go now. I smell hot chicken pepper curry in the kitchen! *Flies off*

The Ultimate Koopa
06-07-2014, 02:47 AM
I really, really hope this isn't that same rip that I hear on YouTube which has a LOAD of really annoying skipping.

06-07-2014, 08:39 AM
Thanks a lot!

06-07-2014, 11:11 AM
It's a very clear rip I can assure you of that.

Also did someone REALLY upload that? Jeez the people would go to just to upload rips in being first or something... now THAT really infuriates me!

06-07-2014, 06:32 PM
Still has some little cuts here and there. Seriously, what's wrong with this game's soundtrack? Are its sound files damaged or what? All rips I found have those little cuts. :P

Thanks a lot, anyways, it's a lot clearer than the other Youtube rip I had. :)

06-07-2014, 07:05 PM
I guess it might be because in this day and age we have much more powerful speakers, and since a lot of people wanted their music to be played on high definition or something. Not to go on to much of a tangent, but seeing people recording games in HD with the up to standard computers and etc can make it look & sound REALLY off! Well that's the world we live in I guess! Hahaha~!

And you're welcome! This may not be a perfect rip, but it's far from the worse! ;P

The Ultimate Koopa
06-07-2014, 08:05 PM
No. "HD" has nothing to do with it. There should be NO logical reason as to why EVERY SINGLE RIP of this game has cuts. It's like people deliberately went into audacity, selected a second of music in the middle, and deliberately deleted a small part of it!

ALL the music in this game, is sequenced, therefore, it's NOT the game files, because the game files can't even be ripped. The ONLY way to get the music in this game, is to record it directly. But people can't do that. They can't just record music without fucking it up with skips.

I might just have to re-record all the music myself, and see if it's REALLY the game that has the skips.

06-07-2014, 08:31 PM
I was being a bit broad with that whole nonsense, though I probably should've worded that better admittedly. The only time I ever use use Audacity is with handheld rips. (Since they like to be one giant file than multiple ones.)

If that's the case I may ask my friend about this. Considering he did this particular rip. (Maybe this game is sentient?)

I recommend recording the ones that you notice the skips the most, and maybe do a side by side comparison. Actually I might go and do that as well.

06-07-2014, 09:09 PM
Yeah, it's so weird... I started to think it was the game's fault! xD

Anyways, as far as I know, Stealth Turtles and Judo Straight Line have cuts towards the end. Those are the ones I spotted, but there could be more.

06-07-2014, 11:51 PM
When my friend and I did another rip some of those cuts persisted still. Though I think we may(?) have found the problem. Apparently our copy is scratched to hell. However the game still plays fine, but could it be affecting the audio? We're not really sure. Maybe the computer has trouble reading through the scratches? Again, we don't know. I'll try to get an iso for this game and see if the audio will come out better. If the problem persist then *Shrugs* sorry.

The Ultimate Koopa
06-09-2014, 03:33 AM
I believe Run! Men In Tights is bad. At least it is on every YouTube video of the song (most of which are 5-6 years old)

06-10-2014, 02:12 PM
ISOs I found on the internet prove to be failures all around. *Sigh* Unless someone out there can really do a "perfect" rip of this game, this one is going to be left alone.