10-01-2004, 02:04 AM
What was Kenshin's purpose.... for killing!!! Either way if you came face to face with tha legendary Batosai would you run or face him knowing that there's no choice.... Tell me what you'll do in that position.

Hi, please don't attach random images ~ Ndi

10-01-2004, 02:44 AM
i wuld probably face him even if i no i wuld losse id still go down wth a fight

10-01-2004, 07:29 AM
This is an absolutely ridiculous n00b thread. Totally stupid. It shows that you have no idea at all what Rurouni Kenshin was about.

10-01-2004, 10:52 AM
Hm... Kenshin's purpose for killing is kind of easy to explain. It's explained in the series rather well. Probably in the OVA rather than in the TV anime. I don't know.

Little Kenshin's parents had died from an illness, and the slave-traders who had, uhm, taken him in, were soon murdered by bandits, including the girls that the little boy had befriended. You could say that Kenshin knew how much people suffered under the many hardships caused by the situation in Japan.
And he himself had only survived because Hiko had saved him with his amazing sword-fighting skills.

Kenshin became Hiko's apprentice, and eventually feels that he wants to go to where the fighting is, partiicpate in the Bakumatsu, to help people with his sword skills.
That's the old argument between Hiko and his stupid apprentice: Hiko doesn't want Kenshin to take sides in this conflict, but Kenshin eventually leaves him and joins the rebels. Yeah, his wish is to help end this conflict, and create peace.

When Katsura makes this offer to him, he decides that in order to fight for peace, he's going to be a killer under Katsura's command.
Of course means and goal are contrtadicting, and once Kenshin has understood that (after making countless people suffer, after killing more than a hundred people and last but not least, after losing the person he loves), he decides never to kill anymore, and never to for anyone but for the poor people in danger, who cannot defend themselves.

So, Battousai's motivation for killing was actually helping people. He was misguided. I blame Katsura, who took that boy and turned him into a killer, DESTROYING HIS LIFE, BOO! >:

Note that Kenshin/Battousai didn't really enjoy killing, he just did it because he thought it had to be done, and he became kind of good at killing so coldly. :/

10-07-2004, 04:29 AM
Is that so.... hmm I see what you mean

10-14-2004, 12:30 AM
yes. Kenshin may had been misguided but its not entirely Katsura's fault. He had a quarrel with his master because he wanted to help others. Although the master had fed Kenshin to the wolfs as he dubs it, Kenshin thought what he was doing was right, to change the world into something new, not knowing that he's being used as a tool for the war. Kenshin found his light to change him and made him view things differently but alas, fate is too cruel and torned their eternal love apart. In memorance, Kenshin's doing this in part to what Tomoe taught him. But it is because of the X-crossed scar that constantly reminds him of his past and lost. He vow to protect his love's happiness only to lose her. That was a big blow to him and turned him around. :-(
In regards to the other question, no. Kenshin stated himself that he would never hurt an unarm person. I doubt he would hurt a child or woman...unless he had too..but he couldn't. So, I would face him and sees for who he truely is...the Battosai turned good.

Huntress Krystle
10-14-2004, 01:09 AM
since they already answered why kenshin kills, i'll jump to the 2nd one. yes, i would face him, even though i have no chance of winning against him or even of living. it'd be a great honor to face him and battle and it's ok with me if he's the one whos gonna end my life cos i worship him lol

10-14-2004, 03:31 AM
i admire your courage i would do the same but not without a fight heh i would probably last ten seconds since he might just banish and slash me to death

10-14-2004, 04:30 PM
The legendary Bautousi.... Heh i would face him only if it was after his vow. Im not a coward, just not stupid! Hed kill u without a though before his vow. Oh tell prak whoever he is to shutup bout the animes!

10-15-2004, 06:41 AM
Never! I might listen to you when you've seen a tenth of the anime I have. Maybe in a few years, junior.

11-07-2004, 03:24 AM
kenshins life is sad http://img131.exs.cx/img131/9046/kenshin_gets_x2.gif indeed it is...