06-04-2014, 01:10 AM
Okay, this is a bit far-fetched, seeing as the film was released 5 years ago... but does such a thing exist?

I know for a fact that at least the instrument portions of the songs are studio-recorded and not recorded from the live performance.

Is there any clean versions of the soundtracks anywhere, without the audience in the background? I have high reason to believe that the audience is edited in afterwards- at the very least are the instrumentals available, since they were recorded cleanly.

I just wanted to know if such a thing would exist, cause I've fallen in love with the songs in this musical, and the renditions in this performance are absolutely my favourite ones out of all the ones I've heard (even more than the original cast recordings.)

Thanks in advance

Well, I'm going to try and get the instrumentals. I know there's a clean recording somewhere.