06-02-2014, 07:14 PM
I guess I should explain why this exist eh?
Well as many (or some) of you know there is a thread that had most of the albums and rips of Puyo Puyo's, Madou Monogatari's albums/gamerips.
Sadly after some silly nonsense over life and "Yahoo!" almost all of them are long gone, but after fixing up the shenanigans that was left behind let's go ahead and re-release everything shall we?

One more thing: You won't end up liking all of them... thought I just say that now.

Main Series

Puyo Puyo (MSX)

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Why not start with the game that started it all! Originally released for the MSX soon Famicom. This little title is merely just an endless tokoton, but hey some of the most noteworthy songs originated here! Admittedly the music is pretty good, though oddly I find the sped up versions quite funny. I'm not really sure why honestly.

Puyo Puyo (Megadrive/Arcade)

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Arguably what TRULY started the series. Puyo Puyo was first released in the arcades soon too many-MANY home ports all over the place. However the most memorable among them all is the Megadrive version. Though a slight downgrade from the arcade it's essentially the same. Only real difference is the voices are muffled, but that's the Megadrive for ya!

Super Puyo Puyo (Super Famicom)

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Supa Pu Puyo! That's what I thought they originally said whenever I first booted the game up back then! ^_^'
Anyway, like many ports this game surprisingly isn't much different in its gameplay. Other than the voices sounding more clearer, and the music sounding different that's about it. However at least in my opinion the music doesn't quite hold up compared to the other ports we'll be seeing. Not that it's bad it just a strange choice of instruments really.

Puyo Puyo (FM-Towns)

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It's amazing how many game systems existed back then. Even more surprising to see companies supporting them. The FM-Towns itself is but of many computers of the 90s, and much like many computers of that time they all quietly faded away into obscurity. Tis a shame too considering there's a lot of great games released for them. As for this game's music it's similar to Super's, but in a way that actually sounds better for some reason. Don't ask me why really.

Puyo Puyo '95 (Windows '95)

Download ('95_Soundtrack.rar)

If you love Marble Madness on the Genesis; you'll love this! (No, seriously you won't. This isn't really good. >_>)

Puyo Puyo (Game Gear)

Download (

Oops... I'm sorry, apparently I was stupid forgetting to bring my Game Gear! Much like many games released games for the Megadrive/Genesis Puyo Puyo saw a port to the SEGA's lovely handheld! How does it hold up you may ask? Well certainly better than the Game Boy port!

Pocket Puyo Puyo (Game Boy)

Download (

Hmmmm..... I know critiquing games this old can be excused for their hardware limitations, but even then the music sounds....
very obnoxious if I can put it any other way. It's so loud and scratchy it actually gives me a headache.
It doesn't help the gameplay doesn't fare any better, but I'll let you decide for yourself.

Puyo Puyo CD (PC-Engine CD)

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While the Pc-Engine/TurboGrafx-16 may not have had the success like Nintendo's or SEGA's systems. NEC was determined to make this little guy a big seller in both quality and quantity. What made it special was it's CD periphery; allowing games to have much more space be it sound, graphics, or anything that the designers were able to accomplish with what they can do. Compile having a rather nice relationship with NEC made quite a number of ports and original games for the system. Puyo Puyo CD was one of them. One apparent thing that stands out to me is its music. Despite its limited use of the CD hardware (save for maybe 4 songs I believe.) I don't know who did the music really, but they were able to create wonderful arrangements despite only using the main hardware. It's quite incredible, and something that I truly recommend!

Puyo Puyo DX. Complete Best Album 1

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Well calling this "Complete Best" would be COMPLETELY wrong in all honesty. I don't mean the grammar either! What I mean by that is a lot of the tracks are mostly the CD arrangements from well Puyo Puyo CD itself! Not that I'm complaining mind you, but... for some reason I see this as more of a quick cash in. If you want to get picky some the tracks are either taken/"remixed" if you will from other albums. Though Track 17 & 18 are actually original at least. I don't know I feel this album should've gotten more time and care. As it stands listen if you're really that curious.

Bayoen!! The Megatracks of Puyo Puyo CD

Download (!!_The_Megatracks_of_Puyo_Puyo_CD.rar)

To put this bluntly: This is what DX. 1 SHOULD'VE been!!

At first I didn't care too much about this album, but after finally listening to DX. 1 I appreciated this album more. It has arrangements of 99% of the songs found in CD's library, and hell it even remixed a remix from a Disc Station Album! Admittedly this sounds rather silly, but I can say this is a really good album!

Puyo Puyo Tsuu (Arcade/Megadrive)

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After the success of Puyo Puyo Arcade and its many home ports Compile created its sequel in 1994. That game is Puyo Puyo Tsuu, with a small mechanic implemented of offsetting the game became insanely popular! Even getting as popular as starting tournaments dedicating to the game! Of course much to high sales and good reviews the game was ported to almost a ludicrous amount of ports, and that first port is the Megadrive. Much like the first game it's pretty much a word for word translation to the arcade. (Although it still has that problem with the voice-chain cut ins.) Now something I must make mention. I'm not a very big fan of Tsuu's music AT ALL. Maybe save for one or 2 tracks (depending on what version it is...) but don't worry despite that I won't be stupid in saying everything Tsuu related is bad. I promise!

Super Puyo Puyo Tsuu (Super Famicom)

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To a degree I do like the instrumentation done for the music here. It sounds a bit off here and there, but for the most part it's pretty good overall.
My only complainant is they got rid of "Steady Steady"! Who the hell gets rid of a classic tune?! That was some small sarcasm, but still!

Super Puyo Puyo Tsuu Remix (Super Famicom)

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Just mere months after the original Compile released a "Remix" version! What exactly is different about this game you ask? Nothing really. The only real difference (that I notice at least) is that the music is COMPLETELY arranged (for better or worse). Although they brought back "Steady Steady!" So huzzah~!

Puyo Puyo Tsuu '95 (Windows '95)

Download ('95_Soundtrack.rar)

Well it's better than the other one, but that's not really saying a whole lot.

Puyo Puyo Tsuu (Game Gear)

Download (

Hm... it's definitely laid back. I like that, but I think it could've been better if the tempo was upped a bit more though.

Puyo Puyo Tsuu (Game Boy)

Download (

Holy hell what an improvement! Of course we're going through the "Sequel fixes the problems with the original game." syndrome
THIS is what I really like! Though it still has that "loud noise" problem, but it's far from being apparent. Only question is, can the other ports follow a similar route?

Puyo Puyo Tsuu (WonderSwan)

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Ah Bandai, I never thought I would be seeing your little handheld here!
The WonderSwan itself is merely an upgraded Game Boy essentially not that there's anything wrong with that of course.
Despite it's lackluster marketing it did pretty well having unique and exclusive titles that I may get to someday, but back to Puyo Puyo Tsuu however!
The music here is a hybrid of the Game Gear and Game boy. While I like both of them I do think the mixture... wasn't as successful. (At least to me.)

Puyo Puyo Tsuu CD (PC-Engine CD)

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Hey! The sequel to Puyo Puyo CD! They made the original sound so good, so this must be just as good! It might even be better!
Holy hell this is just horrible!! Stay away from this putrid madness!

Puyo Pop (Neo Geo Pocket Color)

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If the WonderSwan was to the Game Gear; The NeoGeo Pocket would be to the Game Boy. Only just a lot more annoying.
Hm? No trivia about the Neo Geo itself? Ummmm.... Apparently it's the successor to the original monochrome, but apparently was killed off due to lack of 3rd party support. (And Pokemon.)

Puyo Puyo Tsuu Ketteiban (PlayStation 1)

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The PlayStation, what hasn't been said already? The original idea was from Nintendo and Sony's deal to create a CD add-on for the Super Famicom. Due to disagreements or what have you Nintendo cut off the deal from Sony, and roughly soon after the PlayStation was born. Now bear mind you there was A LOT more to it than just that, but we be here all day if I talked about how the whole thing went on. ANYWAY! 2 years after its release Compile went and made Ketteiban! Which sounds rather redundant considering Tsuu is a pun off of "Master" as is Ketteiban. Regardless of such it too was popular boasting CD quality music! (Better than that piece of-)
A bit of small trivia the music here closely resembles that of Super Puyo Puyo Tsuu's!

Puyo Puyo Tsuu (Sega Saturn)

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Ah the Saturn. Considered to be a flop financial (Mostly in the western side of things at least.) It may not have been a system for 3D, but damn this thing is one crazy 2D horse! If only they didn't cut the plug on this thing so soon, but that's poor decisions and bad marketing for you. As for the music itself this is the only version of Tsuu that has the best arrangements honestly. Most of it's music similarities attribute to Super Puyo Puyo Tsuu Remix.

Puyo Puyo DX. Complete Best Album 2

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This is essentially the Saturn's music all over again. HOWEVER it's "slightly" altered just slightly. There are a couple of new tracks and for the most part it's actual pretty good! Again it's nothing noteworthy, but it's FAR better than DX. 1 at least.

Puyo Puyo SUN (Arcade)

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With the success of Tsuu Compile released the next game in the main series, Puyo Puyo SUN!
First starting it's life in the arcades (and also being the last game in the main series to appear in one.) Sun introduces quite obviously enough Sun Puyo! When popped these little guys will increase the power of your chains by a slight margin. While in idea this could've worked execution is everything. Sadly Sun Puyo act as much the same as garbage, and where they drop on the board is usually random (especially if your luck is horrible...) causing many frustrations around. Though not a big seller the game was still pretty popular among many. Though my only real complaint would have to be the music. The whole thing is centered around a beach or tropical theme, and because of that it gets rather stale. However when there's a track that's really good; it's REALLY good.

Puyo Puyo SUN (Nintendo 64)

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Hmmm.... it sounds interesting? I'm not quite sure how to put it honestly. This is... erm... never mind let's just move on! >_<
Definitely not a very good port in terms of music that's for sure!

Pocket Puyo Puyo SUN (Game Boy Color)

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Well I'll be damned the handheld saves the day! This is actually some pretty good tracks we have here! Though that persistent loud noise STILL rears its ugly head again.

Puyo Puyo SUN DX. Complete Best Album 3 (Saturn/PlayStation/PC)

Download (ぷよぷよ_Sun_DX._Complete_Best_Album_3.rar)

This might as well be the original soundtrack for Sun. As it stands I've grown more attached to plentiful of tracks, but... oh never mind you get the idea!

Puyo Puyo~n (Dreamcast/PlayStation)

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Download (Mediafire doesn't like Puyo Puyo~n Apparently.) (!vcUxDa4S!aLKLpRtXwbIEMYZwYvbErwrloKjhnFfAsn591dx CldY)

In 1999 the 4th title in the Puyo Puyo Series was released, Puyo Puyo~n. The game itself took a much darker tone compared to the previous entries (from both art and story.) Also introduced are Special attacks each designated to each character. Again idea was interesting, but execution is ALWAYS everything. Sadly these specials were more of a curse than a blessing. Many of these abilities only made battles draw for so long it can get tiresome. (Though this was somewhat fixed in the GBC port at least.) However despite its gameplay not holding up what does though is its music. This is the kind of music I was waiting for a loooooong time! It has diversity, charisma, and best of all it comes together so wonderfully~! Now I'm not saying every song is good, but there's far more good than bad here. That's for sure.

Puyo Puyo~n Party (Nintendo 64)

Download (

Download (All hail the Megas.) (!2V9WVaRD!b1c6DOnUcJlVtjLZuSycwV35fsFfz7FT_29iShM ojuw)

Just take everything I sad about Sun 64, and you'll have the description for this.

Pocket Puyo Puyo~n (Game Boy Color)

Download (

Download (In case Mediafire screws with you.) (!WBtkFYYI!yzGqQIgaK8cFALjKG2lStvhouGQId_q-OrmnK3-GGFo)

I guess being spoiled by something with more superior technological aspects can usually make others with lower techs worse huh?
Well to be perfectly frank here it isn't anything bad, but it's somewhere in the middle. Some good tracks here and there.
Thankfully this is the last time (hopefully...) we won't be hearing that loud noise!

Puyo Puyo Fever (Game Boy Advance)

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SEGA wanted to "reboot" the franchise, and so this game was born. Puyo Puyo Fever considered the fifth game in the main series; introduced a whole slew of new characters, and a new gimmick. (Though Arle & Carbuncle are both playable cameo characters.) The new mechanic introduced is redundantly enough "Fever!" Following a similar idea from Yon's special attack; the idea of Fever is after continually offsetting enough garbage you'll enter fever. Which in then create preset chains for you, doing each successfully will add one chain more; failing will decrease by one. Getting an "All Clear!" will add 3 (Also getting a clear before entering will start you off with a 7 preset.) Each character in of themselves have their own power both outside/inside from fever, and coming with their own dropset. Bringing favoritism in this am I? Well as a final note, all the new characters introduced here are amalgamations, and/or references from older characters of previous games.

After Compile's bankruptcy many of their brands simply fell into obscurity or sold to other companies. The Madou Monogatari name was bought over by D4 enterprise. While Puyo Puyo & its characters were taken under SEGA's brand. While a successor to Compile; referred to now by Compile Heart. (Who you may know them for their Hyper Dimension Neptunia series!) While they Did eventually bought back the Madou Monogatari name. As for the Puyo Puyo franchise the series has since been developed by Sonic Team. Though technically the first game would be Minna de Puyo Puyo, but we'll save that for later.

Puyo Puyo Fever DX. (Mobile Phone)

Download (

Oops~! I got a little carried away from that small history lesson I COMPLETELY forgot to mention the music! Though this version does not have all the tracks, but for a game on the phone it sounds pretty good!

Puyo Puyo Fever 1&2 (Nintendo DS)

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If you're wondering about the cover all it says is: "Everybody Play Puyo Puyo Fever!" or something around those lines.
Anyway commenting about the music itself for once. This is some pretty damn good stuff!
Though the tone may be happy and childish (Though it does have a few darker themes...)
I think it does that much better compared to a lot of other games we'll be seeing. (Soon... very-very soon...)

Puyo Puyo Fever 1&2

(DreamCast, GameCube, PS2, Original XBOX, PlayStation Portable, and PC)

Download (

Did I mention that the original Fever was ported all over the place? No? Well now you know! As for the official release it comes with arrangements of Sticker of Puyo Puyo & Quickly Difficult, but other then that it's pretty much a more glorified version of the DS music.... and I absolutely cannot stop loving this soundtrack!

Puyopuyo! 15th Anniversary (Wii, PS2, PlayStation Portable)

Download (!_Original_Soundtrack.rar)

HMM??!! What's THIS doing here?! I said main series first! Well the reason this (and 20th when I finish it~) will be here because while they're considered spin-offs, and NOT part of the main series. Apparently the writers still "continue" from where these two games left off. (In terms of characters so to speak) It's incredibly dumb, but hey they thought it was for the better I guess.

Now this is going to make a lot of fans of this game angry, but here me out. I loathe this game with a serious passion, and the reason for that is because it's change in direction. You see some old faces have somehow blasted themselves to the world of fever, and for that many characters from fever have "disappeared". Why is that a bad thing you ask? Because it lost what made it unique for a lack of a better word. I love the fever games (Fever 2 especially) for their fresh look to the whole thing. Yes. I mentioned the characters were references from older cast, but they made them distinctive enough to make me not even noticeable. *Sigh* I understand if it's nitpicking, but you're here for the music; not my ramblings. While I may not like every track the ones that I do like are wonderful! Even more old themes make a comeback. Do I recommend this? For the most part, sure. However I'll just say there's ALWAYS room for improvement!

Puyopuyo! 15th Anniversary (Nintendo DS)

Download (!_15th_Anniversary_DS_Soundtrack.rar)

Emmmm.... Some of the tracks I didn't like from the consoles/CD are slightly better here at least! To an extent.

Puyo Puyo 7 (Wii, PlayStation Portable)

Download (

7? Where in the world is 6? Well apparently Fever 2 is in fact the sixth game in the main series. Where was this said exactly? Well from what information I can dig up the game was marketed as such. Though 7 doesn't really follow neither Fever 2 or 15th, so in all honesty the numbering at this point should've been dropped. 4 new characters were introduced, and a new game mechanic has been added, Henshin; which gives characters a total of 3 new designs for each! Now I don't want to get to depth into the workings of it because we'll just be here for 7 days honestly, so about that soundtrack! Masaru Setsumaru has done the soundtrack for this game. Though some tracks from previous games once again make a return. (Along with more familiar tunes!) As it stands this soundtrack is brilliant in my eyes. Considering the influence is closer to Yon once again. It's no surprise I would love the music. Though having that cheery feel a lot of it differentiates it enough to stand on its own.

Puyo Puyo 7 (Nintendo DS)

Download (

Sorry DS, but the consoles spoil me again. Quite frankly it's something that can't really be help. Wait didn't I just said that already? Hmmm.... I'm probably just imagining things!

Puyopuyo!! 20th Anniversary (Nintendo DS)

Download (!!_20th_Anniversary_DS_Soundtrack.rar)

During the time of Sonic's 20th Anniversary. SEGA thought "Why not do the same for Puyo Puyo?" and so they did. Celebrating 20 years, this game is essentially 15th Anniversary 2.0. Most of the cast from 15th-7 were brought back, many more games based off Tsuu were introduced, and small little details that would take me another eternity to go over is all here! Though normally I shouldn't be complaining. I find it silly we just got an anniversary title ONE GAME AGO!! Seriously it's incredible idiotic, but ignoring that at least this game is quality regardless. How about the music? Much like 15th most of the music is comprised of character themes, few returning classic themes, and some extras that should've been in the last games to begin with! Ignoring my nagging however. This game and its soundtrack is absolutely wonderful. I just hope they don't make another anniversary title anytime soon. Otherwise you'll ruin the magic! (Wow, that sounded cliche as hell!)

Puyopuyo!! 20th Anniversary (3DS, Wii, PlayStation Portable)

Download (!!_20th_Anniversary_Original_Soundtrack.r ar)

What the hell?? Merely MONTHS after the original DS came out we get updated versions! Apparently had something to with the DS version not selling well... (or they didn't do very good marketing!) All the tracks are present in HIGH DEFINITION CD QUALITY!! *Ahem* I really do like the arrangements though! THIS is what you call... ummm.... damn there goes my train of thought! Oh well really good soundtrack! Blah blah good music blah blah you get the idea~!

Puyo Puyo Tetris (Nintendo 3DS, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, Wii U)

Download (

The first ever Puyo Puyo game to be officially in HD! Like that really matters! So now we have ANOTHER gimmick to the franchise, and lord behold we a crossover!(?) with Tetris! Now all need is one with Dr. Mario, and the circle is complete! Anyways how bout that music? It's pretty good overall. Though admittedly it kinda pales to 7's, but on its own stand it's definitely some fine stuff to be had!


Seriri's Happy Birthday! (Windows)

Download ('s_Happy_Birthday_Original_Soundtrack.rar)

Having no friends as always, Seriri spends her birthday lonely at the bottom of her lake. However, one fish gives her a present: with it, she is able to come out of the water and spend time like human beings. With this, she starts on her journey to make new friends to spend her next birthday with! This game is a visual novel from top to bottom. It does have a few minigames as well. While the music itself may not be particular memorable it's not halve bad. As a nice bonus I happened to find a Midi format of the tracks as well!
So go have happy birthday!

Broadway Legend Ellena (PC98)

Download (

"The legend that a girl who wanna get a chance with her DANCE be cool"

That sums up just about the whole thing really.

Kikimora's Clean Up (PC98)

Brought to you by Ciel (;

This is pretty much a Pac-man clone. It's also pretty short, but all things considered it's still pretty enjoyable regardless! The music isn't halve bad either!

Banana Squash (PC98)

Brought to you by Ciel (

Essentially a Breakout clone. Now you're probably wondering "What does THIS have to do with anything at all?" Carbuncle is a playable character!... That's about it. What? Compile is strange sometimes!

Madou RUN (Windows)

Download (

Ever played Tag? That's what this game is basically! As for the music it's sort of stuck in the middle. Some good some generic, but I'll let you decide that.

PuyoLympic (Windows)

Download (

It's pretty much a bunch of minigames! Music is certainly something noteworthy! As a funny little remark I wouldn't be surprised if this game was the precursor to Decathlete! What? It can happen! (Past me should've done his research; this game came out AFTER Decathlete!!)

Comet Summoner (Windows)

Download (

This game plays about as close to Bubble Bobble, soo there's not a lot to really say about the gameplay! Although it's pretty fun, and really short. Seriously it's about 15-20 minutes. Now for the music it's actually pretty good! What too generic? Hmmm..... IT'S SUPER EXTRAORDINARILY ENGAGING! Happy?

Puyo Card (Windows)

Download (

This is interesting to say the least. It plays like an RPG while the Puyo themelves are cards... Yea certainly something you don't hear everyday. The only song that stands out for me is Satan's theme sadly. Everything else is kinda meh.

Daimadou Senryaku Monogatari '95 (PC-98)

Download (!CMF2wKKb!ewTnmt4B4mvvhSn17tw112TFsCZmsSxSWnAStfCGRLM)

Encase MEGA wants that unneeded password: !ewTnmt4B4mvvhSn17tw112TFsCZmsSxSWnAStfCGRLM

Technically 2 games '95 is in fact a more "complete" version between the two. How so? Mostly due to the music, which the original uses mostly stuff from 1-2-3, while the latter is entirely remixed and original to itself. So how do they fare? Well they're strategy games once again, and you know me; not a fan of them. BUT the music for '95 is absolutely incredible! Ok, maybe not that amazing, however there's some genuinely good remixes in this game. And in case you're wondering this does include the exclusive tracks from the original as well. Really if it weren't for the music, this wouldn't be anything special in my opinion. Still that's what you get for trying to expect the expected! :)

Spin-Offs & RPGs

Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine (Genesis/Megadrive)

Download (

Back in the ye old 80s & 90s many games that originated from Japan tend to be drastically different in the western territories. Said changes can be of many things; for Puyo Puyo's case, changing the name/brand marketing. While gameplay they remain pretty much intact both the Genesis & Super Nintendo ended up having (Original?) Puyo Puyo games of their own. For the Genesis we have Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine (Though it was also released for the Game Gear and Master System!) being based off The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog! I may know of this show, sadly I only watched maybe 2-6 episodes. Thankfully you don't really need to know the show to understand this game. As for the music it's mostly bland. However there are some arrangements of the original music roaming about. (Some shorten, some were never used.) It's decent to be fair at least.

Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine (Sega Master System/Game Gear)

Download ('s_Master_Mean_Bean_Gear_Machine_Sound track.rar)

Well I thought there was going to be 2 separate versions, but it turns out they both sound EXACTLY the same! Though I shouldn't be surprised since the Game Gear is essentially a slightly upgraded Master System. As for the music? Meh. What? It wasn't particularly notably from the original, this isn't much different in my opinion!

Kirby's Avalanche/Ghost Trap (Super Nintendo)

Download ('s_Avalanche_Soundtrack.rar)

I think the Super Nintendo version might've won this round in all honesty! However that's only because of its music! Much of the music here is arrangements from past Kirby titles. Some originals here and there, but mostly familiars. Still it's FAR more memorable than a lot of the tracks from Mean Bean Machine!

Qwirks (PC)

Brought to you by Ciel (

Saying the music being weird is an understatement honestly, but does that make it bad? No. However this is certainly out there especially when you start playing it. Kinda reminds me of WARP's style of games... Hmmm...

Minna de Puyo Puyo (Game Boy Advance)

Download (

........ It's Tsuu with a more "detailed" plot. Though most of the characters in this game are from SUN. Music is decent. It looks nice.
I'm making some very boring and broad statements. My tone pretty much sums up the game.
Nothing good nor bad, but nothing that makes it interesting.

Nazo Puyo (Game Gear)

Download (

The Nazo Puyo Series in of itself are puzzles within a puzzle!
They can range from clearing the board completely, or trying to do outrageous tricks that involve defying the laws of physics.
The only problem is I don't care about these particular games, so unfortunately there's barely much I can truly say about these games.
Hell not even the music is particular notable from any of these! I'll "try" to give a thorough opinion with these games, but that's going to be one hell of a time in all honesty! >_>

Nazo Puyo 2 (Game Gear)

Download (

Nothing really new here. I'm just playing DDR with a controller. Now why in the world would I that? Because, I have absolutely NO clue really! Mmmmm chicken tenders... what? What's wrong with chicken? It's delicious! Hm? The song? It's "From the Far North Country '90". Damn it! I got a C! ;_;

Nazo Puyo: Arle's Roux (Game Gear)

Download (

Same game just with an overworld added, and some RPG mechanics. Now if excuse me I have some chicken salad to fine dine on!

Super Nazo Puyo: Rulue's Roux (Super Famicom)

Download (

Rulue is the heroine this time, and that's about it. Now Hamster Dancing!

Super Nazo Puyo 2: Ruru no Tetsuwan Hanjyou ki (Super Famicom)

Download ( dtrack.rar)

I do apologize for skimming through all that. If I can truly say something, I do like the Super Nazo game's music. Not ALL of it mind you, but there's a nice handful of tracks that really stand out! Both in atmosphere and just being pretty damn over the top. There I actually said something that wasn't completely random! Actually what the hell one more random silliness! Why is Google telling me "Won't" is "correctly" spelled as "wont"?! What are they teaching kids these days?! >_>

Puyo Puyo DA! -featuring ELLENA System- (NAOMI/DreamCast)

Download (!_-featuring_ELLENA_System-_Complete_Album.rar)

Certainly an interesting game that's for sure. Apparently Compile REALLY loved Broadway Legend Ellena, so they decided to make this! The music is quite an interesting sort. Mostly featuring Katsumi Tanaka's work, and some original generic stuff here and there. Although the Euro Version of Memories is absolutely amazing! As a final note I went out of my way to get EVERY song in this game. You're welcome!

Puyo Puyo BOX (PlayStation)

Download (

Before their eventually bankruptcy Compile released Puyo Puyo Box. Their last game contributing the series, Box is essentially a compilation of Original and Tsuu for the Megadrive, has 4 player support allowing the players to use rulesets from the first 4 games, 30 round mode containing (almost) EVERY character relating to Puyo Puyo, the first appearance of excavation mode, and a quest mode. This game is quite a package. Though most of the music is just rips from Original & Tsuu, as well as some from Waku Puyo Dungeon Ketteiban. I only left the ones that are original to this game.

Adventures of Arle (Game Boy Color)

Download (

You know Puyo Puyo Quest? That's what this is for the most part! Though this was more based on the whole Pokemon craze back when it was released; collecting monsters, leveling, evolving them, etc. Still it's a pretty good game overall! Even has a pretty kickass soundtrack to boot! Especially that final boss theme~!

Puyo Puyo Gaiden: Puyo Wars (Game Boy Color)

Download (

Well this is certainly something you don't expect everyday... the game is a Strategy RPG. The only problem with that is being I hate these types of games. They just get to long and drawn out for my liking. The music pretty decent overall at least. I'm sure you'll probably like it.

Waku Waku Puyo Puyo Dungeon (Saturn)

Download (

Extra (

(Originally given to me from Jessie.)

I'm sure THIS is what you all wanted right? What's that? Wrong version you say?? Blasphemy! For what it is I think most of the tracks sound BETTER than the PS1 really! Though some of the other songs here sound... not very good. (If I can describe it any other way honestly!) Still it's worth checking out to say the least!

P.S.: If you're wondering why I didn't just put the original link where I got it from; it's because it's in the inbox of my once loved (& lost) account. Still I'll give credit where it's due. Thanks Jessie!

Waku Puyo Dungeon Ketteiban (PlayStation)

Download ( r)

Welp, this is the one you ALL (mostly) wanted right? It's decent to say the least. Though there are some tracks here that are not present in the Saturn version, or just entirely different. Also if you're going to say ONE complaint about this album; Physical Copy ( 3%B3%E3%82%B8%E3%83%A7%E3%83%B3%E6%B1%BA%E5%AE%9A% E7%9B%A4-%E3%82%AA%E3%83%AA%E3%82%B8%E3%83%8A%E3%83%AB%E3%8 3%BB%E3%82%B5%E3%82%A6%E3%83%B3%E3%83%89%E3%83%88% E3%83%A9%E3%83%83%E3%82%AF-%E3%82%B2%E3%83%BC%E3%83%A0%E3%83%BB%E3%83%9F%E3%8 3%A5%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B8%E3%83%83%E3%82%AF/dp/B00005GCG8/ref=sr_1_1?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1402312472&sr=1-1&keywords=%E3%82%8F%E3%81%8F%E3%81%B7%E3%82%88%E3%8 3%80%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B8%E3%83%A7%E3%83%B3%E6%B1%BA% E5%AE%9A%E7%9B%A4%E3%80%80%E3%82%AA%E3%83%AA%E3%82 %B8%E3%83%8A%E3%83%AB%E3%83%BB%E3%82%B5%E3%82%A6%E 3%83%B3%E3%83%89%E3%83%88%E3%83%A9%E3%83%83%E3%82% AF) (That's $429 if you're curious.)

Puyo Puyo!! Quest (IOS & Android)

Brought to you by Ciel (!!

You know at first I thought this was merely music ripped from previous titles, but in actuality they're slightly reworked tunes. (Just slightly) Other than that it's mostly what you heard before.

Madou Monogatari

Madou Monogatari ARS (PC98)

Download (

So, we're FINALLY at the series that REALLY started the whole thing! Though this isn't the first game released; it is first in terms of plot relevance.
ARS tells the beginnings of how,
Arle: How she obtained her magical powers, and seeing Carbuncle for the first time.
Rurue: Meeting & falling madly in love with Satan's (heroic?) charm.
Schezo: Defeating & obtaining his dark sword, and single-handedly defeating a god.

This game is quite brutal in difficulty. Though not impossible it can get quite ridiculous especially if you can't read Japanese at all! (Call me crazy for somehow prevailing through...) The soundtrack is however is just fantastic! I would go far as to say it's even better than the Original trilogy, or at least more memorable~!

Madou Monogatari A: DokiDoki Bake~shon (Game Gear)

Download ( dtrack.rar)

I wouldn't really call this a "port" more so than a re-imagining? Though it kinda follows the original some key points were changed, Satan being the main villain, some areas were drastically changed in looks, and entirely different soundtrack. Does it make it bad? Not so much, but changing the music was a HUGE mistake!! However the intro theme and final boss theme are the only ones that are actually good!

Madou Monogatari 1-2-3 (MSX)

Download (

Well this is odd I don't have a lot to say about this game! I suppose it's been awhile since I actually sat down and did a full playthrough of it. >_>
I guess it's ARS' fault (not in a bad way mind you!) I still like the music!... Well a little bit of one's, some from two, and not a lot from three's... again I'm not saying it's bad! Oh who am I kidding you're all going to think that anyway! Hahaha~ it's good I can assure you! (Just not as good as ARS~!)

Madou Monogatari I (Megadrive)

Download (

Buckle up folks there's A LOT of ports (and a re-imagining!) for the first game! First up is the Megadrive, not too bad. Some of the original tracks here aren't halve bad here! HOWEVER it's gameplay.... OH MY GOD!! This is awful!! Who thought certain button inputs was a good idea?! (Especially in real-time action??!) Hell worst part is there's no list of the commands in-game! (At least not where I can find it for some reason...) but there's the internet! So go have fun! (I hope.) Also Warle. That is all.

Madou Monogatari: Hanamaru Daiyouchi Enji (Super Famicom)

Download ( k.rar)

ANOTHER re-imagining?? Oiyaya... HOWEVER unlike it's Megadrive port(?) this one plays more like an actual turn-based RPG! Though its music suffers from being too forgettable. Tad bit shame because of that, but hey that's life for ya!

Madou Monogatari I: Honoo no Sotsuenko (PC-Engine)

Download ( )

From what I read they were originally going to port all three games for the PC-Engine. Seems like that never came to fruition. I'm just going to assume of poor sales? Maybe just bad partnership? Who knows. Though relatively the same as the original it too has been changed like may other ports, and much of the music has been given a CD upgrade! It's pretty sweet, however I only left in the music NOT the cutscene dialogue. Mostly because there's just way too many of them!

Madou Monogatari I: 3-tsu no Madouryoku (Game Gear)

Download (

I wanted to save these particular ports for last mainly because this is the ONLY time when all three games were actually ported! Though of course they had their changes, but well get into that in a bit. For this game it's pretty small, so it's pretty close to it's original. Though its tone much like many ports is much more light hearted. Music is pretty damn good, but again only a handful of it I actually remember.

Madou Monogatari II: Arle 16-Sai (Game Gear)

Download (

Once again the changes are minor. Some of the gory moments were removed. Music is about the same; same ol same ol of nothing special. >_>

Madou Monogatari III: Kyuukyoku Joou-Sama (Game Gear)

Download (

Oh boy. This one has the most significant change compared to any other port of any other game on this list! The story was altered pretty heavily, (Mostly how it progresses, and it's ending.) music is completely original, new areas replace the old (Except for Rurue's Caslte [Though it does look different in of itself. >_>]) Apparently a lot of the fans of the original really don't like this port because of these changes, but I like them! I don't know why! The original story fits with the stupidity that this game brings in all honesty! Hell I have more of a fun time playing this than the original!

Madou Monogatari (Saturn)

Original Link (Thread 78432)

Backup Link (

This game is a ridiculous mess if you read into its backlog, as it makes references to Puyo War's gods (As to that game makes reference to the ORIGINAL Arle. [Not the one in Puyo Puyo; read the description for the next game to get what I mean]), and it tells some strange backstory about the "original world" which is more explained in the manga attributed to it. Ignoring that however you'll find yourself in a pretty enjoyable game overall! It's a turn based RPG, but some reason most of the camera angles in town areas and certain places are at diagonal position. Don't know why really. Now the music is mostly ok, there's some familiar remixes here and there, but the originals are kinda... eh to some mild extent.

Madou Monogatari Michikusa Ibun (PC98)

Brought to you by Ciel (

So apparently this game is meant to connect the plot of ARS, 1-2-3 and Puyo Puyo together. Sadly it creates a lot of inconsistencies in doing so. However rather than diving into this game in particular, (Because we would be here forever honestly) I want to share something I found when I was reading some lore. According to Madou Monogatari Saturn (and some Manga), the original Madou world (Where ARS, 1-2-3 take place in.) was destroyed. Satan who lived in that world took pieces and aspects of said world, and recreated it. (Hence why all the original characters never presumably age.) This is mostly a shorten summary of the whole thing, but if you're really curious about reading of it entirely you can find it here. ( Taking this into account it kinda makes the whole series morbid as hell... whether Sega acknowledges this or not we'll never know. Now I can't look at most of these characters the same way again...

Compile's Albums & Extras

Puyo Puyo RaveRevenge

Download (ぷよぷよ_RaveRevenge.rar)

I wanted to start the best one for this list. Why? Well... I don't know I just wanted too! Also this album is the definition of almost being impossible to find! Seriously I just got EXTREMELY lucky finding this thing in a garage sale of all things! (As well as another! >_>) As for this little CD itself this is the ONLY time you'll ever hear Track 3 in its original form!! Seriously this album is just bollox!! (Though not worth ANY ridiculous price it my be going for it's pretty damn good! [Especially Track 1 & 3 as I just mention])


Download (


Discstation originalCD#2

Download (

Just a couple of arrangements of Madou's music. Nothing special since these songs tend to appear in other albums a lot of the time.

Disc Station "Best Of 3-years"

Download (

Some pretty good stuff here! Though do we really need 3 versions of "Hip House Compile"?

Red Hot Fire Dance

Download (

This isn't the actual album per say, but more of a compilation of each variation that I happened to have found!


Download (

I have absolutely nothing interesting to really say about this album, so back to DDR again~!

Madou Monogatari Ongakukan RETURNS PLUS

Download (

You like Ondo music? Because that's what this is pretty much. Not to say I don't like Ondo, but there's so much of it I can really take! >_< Oh and there's some other songs in here that were taken from other albums!

Tanaka Katsumi Greatest Hits 1989-2012

Download (

Originally meant to be in volumes apparently this album never gotten to become that, so I more or less compiled (hehe~) almost all of Katsumi's work in one folder! So hope you enjoy!

Puyo Puyo Vocal Tracks

Download (

All things considered I'm kind of surprised Compile never did something like this back then! My only complaint is the karaoke tracks are subdued mostly because the vocals(?) are what made most of the melody. Without them it barely sounds like anything at all.

Puyo Puyo Vocal Tracks Vol. 2

Download (

It kind of fixes the problem I had with the previous, but it's still pretty apparent. Still for what it's worth I guess it's decent.

-The Future-

Hello everyone! I apologize for my absence, but lots of stuff was going on. Lot of bad and some good, unfortunately the worst situation was my computer dying on me! Many things were lost, including other rips I had been working on, thankfully I still have said folders, but I'll have to redo some of them. Also I recently found Waku Puyo Dungeon Ketteiban's PS1 soundtrack for a MUCH lower price than 430$! Which funnily is STILL there on sale hilariously enough. Anyways I hope you guys understand, and I sincerely apologize for the lack of updates again! I'll be planning to get my new computer soon, and hopefully can get back to finishing this once and for all!... Or at least get most of what I can possibly get within my boundaries! Anyways I'll be seeing you all later!

06-02-2014, 07:35 PM
Puyo Puyo always had catchy tunes, thank you for sharing : )

06-02-2014, 11:25 PM
No need to be thanking me! I'm just fixing to what was lost. ^_^

06-05-2014, 03:44 PM
Thanks a lot. I'm waiting others too. :)

06-05-2014, 05:30 PM
More will be arriving today! Just let me finish my lunch... (I haven't eaten all night....)

06-05-2014, 09:10 PM
Hello Carbyken, I would like to thank you greatfully for this awesome Collection of PUYO PUYO!!!

06-05-2014, 10:35 PM
Excellent thread! Thanks a lot. Although I personally have quite a few of these soundtracks, it's still great to see the Puyo series getting some love.

06-05-2014, 10:53 PM
The Hard part about a lot of the official albums is their EXTREME rarity. It's unbelievable sometimes how far one must dive through the magical hole of the internet to either find them digital or physical, but that can be said for many-many albums in all honesty. However what aggravates me are those who have some of those rarities and REFUSE to release them to the public! It's quite a shame really.

06-06-2014, 06:03 AM
Incidentally-- On that same subject, I actually own a physical official copy of Puyo Puyo Fever 1 & 2's soundtrack. But I had never really thought to share it before! It just didn't cross my mind. Haha.

But you're right. That soundtrack cost me like... Er, a solid 80 bucks on ebay? Rare stuff's rare, man. ;P

06-06-2014, 12:10 PM
$80? Well that's not too bad at least... you should see Waku Puyo Dungeon Ketteiban's Soundtrack, it's literally $429.88! ._. We all have our fair share of albums that are expensive, but I doubt any sane person would even buy that.

I had that same case too sometimes!
First day: "This would be a good time to share this! Hm? The ice cream truck!!~ ICE CREAM!!~~"
Next day: "Shouldn't have I done something already? Oh yea! The album! Hm? WHAT?? Huge sale at Kroger?! Potato wedges!!~~ *Runs off*
And this happen a lot for me! Ah the memories~! ;D

06-11-2014, 02:38 PM
Finally. :)

Thanks to your great effort

06-11-2014, 02:53 PM
Alrighty boys & girls that's about EVERY album that I have! Though there's one that I'm leaving under the dark for the time being.
Give it some time it'll be up there soon.
Now even though there's a lot here there's STILL more out there! I wish I was joking, but sadly I'm not... if you so wish to try, and find them yourselves then I'll leave a list of the ones that are missing at the moment. What? Why don't I go look for them? I already did, plus I'm just tired because of how many times I did look. Maybe your luck might be able to find them. Who knows, so until then au revoir!

List of albums that haven't been found:
Cyber Cassette Collection Puyo Puyo (
Drama CD Puyo Puyo (
Drama CD Puyo Puyo Vol.2 (
Drama CD Puyo Puyo Vol.3 (
Madou Monogatari & PuyoPuyo Arrange CD Fire (
Madou Monogatari & PuyoPuyo Arrange CD 2 -Ice Storm- (
Madou Monogatari & PuyoPuyo Arrange CD 3 -DI ACUTE- (
P'z! PUYOPUYO remixes soundtracks (
Puyo Puyo (
Puyo Puyo no Uta (
PuyoPuyo1+2 Perfect Disc (

Scratch that reverse it. I ended up finding more gamerips, but this list still applies to what isn't here though!

06-27-2014, 09:27 AM
I think i Can't download all 3 Puyo puyo N Soundtracks. It's say This webpage has a redirect loop for me.

06-27-2014, 11:54 AM
Really? That's odd they're working for me just fine, but I'll post the folder ( here in case anyone else get's that redirect problem. (HOPEFULLY) that should fix it.

06-27-2014, 06:06 PM
Really? That's odd they're working for me just fine, but I'll post the folder ( here in case anyone else get's that redirect problem. (HOPEFULLY) that should fix it.

When i Select the Folder In case I want to download all 3 Puyo puyo YON Soundtracks, It's takes me to my files instead of the Folder With all the Puyo Soundtracks.

06-27-2014, 10:22 PM
Hmmmm... I hate when Mediafire does that. Is it just those 3? I'll make a new link on MEGA and see if that fixes it.

Pocket Puyo Puyo~n (!WBtkFYYI!yzGqQIgaK8cFALjKG2lStvhouGQId_q-OrmnK3-GGFo)

Puyo Puyo~n (!vcUxDa4S!aLKLpRtXwbIEMYZwYvbErwrloKjhnFfAsn591dx CldY)

Puyo Puyo~n Party (!2V9WVaRD!b1c6DOnUcJlVtjLZuSycwV35fsFfz7FT_29iShM ojuw)

If this doesn't fix then there's something REALLY wrong here.

06-27-2014, 11:53 PM
Hmmmm... I hate when Mediafire does that. Is it just those 3? I'll make a new link on MEGA and see if that fixes it.

Pocket Puyo Puyo~n (!WBtkFYYI!yzGqQIgaK8cFALjKG2lStvhouGQId_q-OrmnK3-GGFo)

Puyo Puyo~n (!vcUxDa4S!aLKLpRtXwbIEMYZwYvbErwrloKjhnFfAsn591dx CldY)

Puyo Puyo~n Party (!2V9WVaRD!b1c6DOnUcJlVtjLZuSycwV35fsFfz7FT_29iShM ojuw)

If this doesn't fix then there's something REALLY wrong here.

Yeah, Puyo Puyo N Is the Only Soundtracks i can't download. All the Puyo game Soundtracks download just fine. However the Reuploads do work.

08-24-2014, 09:06 AM
So, There will be New Soundtracks?

However, When i went to Waku Waku Puyo Puyo Dungeon (Sega Saturn) - Video Game Soundtrack (, There are 5 Tracks which are not in the Waku Waku Puyo Puyo Dungeon Soundtrack (Saturn) on this website:
43. [JIKE] (1:22)
44. [NDKA] (1:12)
45. [MON1] (1:17)
46. [MON2] (1:27)
47. [MON3] (1:36)

Maybe You could add these missing tracks in the Waku Waku Puyo Puyo Dungeon Soundtrack? I like these Tracks.

08-24-2014, 10:09 AM
Are there any lossless varients in your collection?

08-24-2014, 01:22 PM
Oh yea... I forgot about those! Yea I put them off in another folder I'll put them up a bit later.

I don't have lossless of these sadly. What's here is what it is.

La Grenouille
08-24-2014, 03:18 PM
What an impressive collection !!! Thanks for sharing !

10-28-2014, 04:32 PM
Happy early Halloween everyone! Tis the month to be giving, so I present to you at long last a rip of Puyo Puyo Tetris! Sadly no official release has been brought upon us. (At least not yet I presume...) Also as for those other DiscStation games I mentioned they will be coming soon! Though life continues to bug me ever so more like a nagging wife!

11-08-2014, 10:54 AM
Thanks a lot! Great work compilating all these soundtracks.

11-08-2014, 05:55 PM
This is great stuff you have here! Thanks for Madou Monogatari for the MSX & Puyo Puyo Tetris. On a side note though, for the latter you know some more music was released via DLC and I don't think it's in your version but it's fine as it's mostly remixed songs from older games.

12-01-2014, 02:38 AM
Still Hunting for the Drama CDs, Right?

12-14-2014, 10:04 PM
This is great stuff you have here! Thanks for Madou Monogatari for the MSX & Puyo Puyo Tetris. On a side note though, for the latter you know some more music was released via DLC and I don't think it's in your version but it's fine as it's mostly remixed songs from older games.

Glad to be of service! Also can you specify what you mean by that? Are you referring to the arrangements that are present in Fever 1 & 2, 15th, 7, and 20th's music?

Still Hunting for the Drama CDs, Right?

Those are low on my priority honestly. Mainly because well... there drama CDs! Plus I'm sort of off and on about looking for the ones that haven't been found yet. If I find them great(!~), but it might be awhile till then... (unless others are willing to help as well!)

God Geese Howard
02-17-2015, 08:36 PM
I didn't even see this collection until now...

I only had a few soundtracks from the Puyo Puyo series, but now... You just made my day.

Thanks so much. :)

02-17-2015, 10:28 PM
Wow, insane! Thanks Pop!

03-31-2015, 08:31 AM
Wow, and I thought my collection was complete. You poked holes in it left and right! That being said, I had 4 different things I thought I'd share with the thread. Nothing that was on the list of things missing sadly, but also Puyo / Madou related stuff that isn't here.

Puyo Puyo Quest Gamerip (!! - It's mostly stuff you've heard before, though there are lite remixes too.

Qwirks Gamerip ( - Qwirks is the often forgotten brother of Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine and Kirby's Avalanche. That being said, I was only able to find an actual game rip, which in the case of OLDE Windows games translates to .midi files.

Michikusa Ibun (PC98 DiscStation) ( - This is the game that connects the madou and puyo series. I ripped these tracks from Youtube.

Misc Disc Station Stuff ( - This is mostly individual tracks that I recognized as vaguely having either puyo/madou in it's name or characters on the cover. Also ripped from Youtube. I'm honestly not sure what to do with them, but hey. Maybe someone else will want them.

Edit: Requested Link ( I have started uploading all my Puyo music, and the creator requested I upload some of the newer stuff I've added to my collection. Here you go! vwv

04-10-2015, 03:08 AM
Thanks Ciel! I'll have these up in the front page around tomorrow, actually I might put them right now!

04-10-2015, 03:18 AM

04-10-2015, 03:41 AM
Not a problem. vwv I'll be uploading basically all of this stuff to Youtube over the next couple of weeks, plus a few HQ renderings of some Disc Station games so if you want to link to the channel or if you want to add any of them to the page, I'll be uploading them to that same mediafire link. (You should be able to navigate the folders. If you can't, let me know.)

EDIT 4/10/2015: I added a new song to the Daimadou Senryaku Monogatari '95 and fixed two songs with rendering errors (Improper cropping on Arle's Theme and lack of amplification on the Opening music). The new song is called "Arle's theme (Vs. Rulue)", as while playing the game I discovered Arle gets a unique player phase BGM when facing her. (Direct Link: Here ('95_(Bayoeen_Wa rs).zip))

EDIT 4/11/2015: I added 3 new songs to the Daimadou Senryaku Monogatari '95 album. They're the three tunes that play during the ending sequence after you beat the game. Updated direct link to the download: Here ('95_(Bayoeen_Wa rs).zip)

10-18-2015, 07:59 AM
Anyways, Do you have Plans to have Someone Rip the Waku Puyo Dungeon PS1 Music (The Original Soundtrack is missing some of the Tracks, Like the Ultimate Tower Themes and Some of the Tracks Don't Loop at all)? Thanks.

11-04-2015, 02:41 AM
Geez. All this fantastic collection i can't touch because it would be a dishonnor to get this in mp3... If somebody got FLAC version for any albums here (especially fever 1&2) please don't hesitate to PM me or say it here.

The links of Fever FLAC 1&2 by Boss Lady (and so the original poster CGBS) are broken.

I only found different FLAC versions of Puyo Puyo Tsu on ffshrine, which is good anyway.
Thank you in advance.

05-14-2017, 09:36 PM
Any chance we'll be seeing the Puyo Puyo Chronicle soundtrack around?

02-18-2018, 06:15 PM
Any chance we'll be able to see the MSX2 version of Madou Monogatari 1-2-3's soundtrack? The one you have posted is for the PC-98 version.