Terminus V
05-31-2014, 05:31 PM
Might I trouble anyone to possibly rip the soundtrack to the PS3 Gundam Unicorn (http://gundam.wikia.com/wiki/Mobile_Suit_Gundam_Unicorn_%28Game%29) game, if anyone has it? The closest to it I can find is someone's compilation up on nicovideo (http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm17405738) but even then that's not everything. It's been out for quite a long time and I feel it kind of went under the radar, despite having some real good music.

And on that similar note, because it released just a couple days ago, would you also be able to rip the soundtrack to Mobile Suit Gundam: Side Stories (http://gundam.wikia.com/wiki/Mobile_Suit_Gundam_Side_Story:_Missing_Link)?

06-10-2014, 09:56 AM
not a single reply? a shame

06-10-2014, 03:31 PM
The whole soundtrack is here: Mobile Suit Gundam ?Side Stories? : Series Original Soundtrack Anime-mp3 (http://www.anime-mp3.com/2014/05/Gundam-Side-Stories-OST.html)

The password for it is in red so enjoy!

06-10-2014, 03:52 PM

06-11-2014, 11:36 AM
thank you so much!

06-11-2014, 05:15 PM
You're welcome. I just go to where the good stuff is. :)

Terminus V
06-13-2014, 10:35 PM
Just noticed this, thanks a lot for Missing Link! Though I'm curious, howbout the Gundam Unicorn game?

09-08-2014, 04:44 AM
Thank you!! :D