09-29-2004, 12:49 AM
Has anyone played Defense of the Ancients for Warcraft 3?
Who are the best heroes for sentinel/undead.
Which one, on either side, pwns the most?

Nanaki Claws
10-06-2004, 01:18 AM
Well...I don't know...the death knight is very powerful. One of his attack can heal your units and damage your foes. But I mostly play the night elf. They are so cool!(my opinion) and I use the Demon Hunter...

10-06-2004, 01:23 AM
In DotA, back when I used to play, the Vampire guy or whatever from the Undead side was definitley teh pwnzz.

The one who could drain health, turn enemy grunt units into little minions, and had some other things as well.

But the main move was the draining health thing that at level 3 can super-easily kill any other enemy hero. =\

Neo Xzhan
10-07-2004, 11:56 AM
I really like the antimage on the Sentinel team or Black Arachnia on the Scourge team. They are by far my favorites. The Arach because of the web ablities, which slows others, speeds your movements and lets you hide. Also it's ultimate is greatness even though it lasts shortly. Also the Antimage is full of awesomeness, since a few good hits will prevent your opponent from using skills and he has blink, a great chase skill.

10-07-2004, 05:34 PM
I really like the antimage on the Sentinel team or Black Arachnia on the Scourge team. They are by far my favorites. The Arach because of the web ablities, which slows others, speeds your movements and lets you hide. Also it's ultimate is greatness even though it lasts shortly. Also the Antimage is full of awesomeness, since a few good hits will prevent your opponent from using skills and he has blink, a great chase skill.

I agree with this.