09-28-2004, 08:22 PM
Whats the difference between lets say Regular FFX and FFX with the red "GREATEST HIT's" Logo? did they just add that banner just so that they can lure people into buying the game? Or do these games have some extra features in them? I always was confused by this....

09-28-2004, 08:33 PM
I don't think there is a difference, other than it's usually sold at a cheaper price. Then again games that have been released for a while are alot cheaper.

09-28-2004, 09:42 PM
When a game has reached a certain requirement in sales, it will earn the "Greatest Hits" title.

A Greatest Hits title will then be distributed with the Greatest Hits marks, a lower price, and production of the game will continue on. If a game has existed for a long time and has no reached Greatest Hits, it will forever fade into nothingness, never to be printed ever again.

hb smokey
09-28-2004, 10:25 PM
Usually, Greatest Hits will sell for $20. With Nintendo, they are called "Player's Choice", because they have sold a million copies. I assume this is the same number for Sony, but I'm not sure.

Evad D'Aragon
09-28-2004, 11:23 PM
Originally posted by Smokey
Usually, Greatest Hits will sell for $20. With Nintendo, they are called "Player's Choice", because they have sold a million copies. I assume this is the same number for Sony, but I'm not sure.

A million ? Not quite, at least in Sony's case. It's actually 200,000 copies in Sony's case. If it were a million, there wouldn't be that many Greatest Hits. And I'm assuming it's the same for Nintendo.

But basically, yeah it's what they said.

And that the more hum... "hardcore" gamers will take pride in having a game that's not wearing the " X-colored bar of ugliness " but in truth, there is no difference whatsoever. It's just a game that has sold so well than they reduce the price, knowing they'll continue to sell more that way.

09-29-2004, 12:05 AM
In Australia we have Platinum instead of Greatest Hits, but the idea is the same - I think it was brilliant marketing on Sony's part.

The more popular the game, the cheaper it gets? That actually sound like Sony being NICE TO CONSUMERS.

Over here it's 500 000 copies - and Jak II's already platinum. That's scary.

09-29-2004, 04:15 AM
yeah.. i dont understand how stupid games like Jak can reach "Greatest Hits" status....

09-29-2004, 04:22 AM
By selling a lot and being a good platfromer.

09-29-2004, 05:43 AM
Hey, i've got Jak and Daxter, and I think it's brilliant - if Greatest Hits games were based on quality alone, i'd still support the fact that's it's there.

What amazes me is that it only came out what, christmas time last year? And it already qualifies. Even FF10 took at least two years.

09-30-2004, 12:44 AM
Ratchet and Clank is alot better than Jak and Daxter btw.

But yeah we dont have Greatest Hits in N.Z its just like in Aus how it is called Platinum. I can remember an add about it as well it have a little boy bouncing on some ball thingy nearly reaching 500,000 or something like that.

09-30-2004, 01:42 AM
Originally posted by whoami
yeah.. i dont understand how stupid games like Jak can reach "Greatest Hits" status....
By the sounds of it (And of course, a quick search of the posts you have made) you know jack shit about games. "Stupid" games? You play FINAL FANTASY. By the very virtue of the name they are stupid - IF IT WAS THE FINAL FANTASY WHY THE HELL HAVE THERE BEEN ELEVEN OF THEM, NOT COUNTING MYSTIC QUEST I SUPPOSE. OR CRYSTAL CHRONICLES. Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten have all had some similar characters (making them stupid and uncreative) and in general have just LOOKED stupid. Do not try and play the "stupid" card, if you play RPGs.

I'll show you some other "stupid" games which are good. Gitaroo Man. Donkey Kong Country (I MEAN SERIOUSLY WHAT UR DIRECTING A MONKEY WOT THE FUK), Mario Sunshine (WOT AN I-TALIAN PLUMBER?????), Zelda (LOL BIG EARS), Doom 3 (Okay, enough slang. But the idea of hell invading mars is kinda stupid), Devil May Cry 3 (He is some scrawny teenager killing demons with his sword and big guns. He has HAIR LIKE A GIRL. SO STUPID.).

In fact, what.


While we're talking stupid, just look at Vaan from FFXII. He's stupid.

Jak 2 is one of the most impressive games released in a long while. Cinematically, graphically, and in terms of playability, it shits upon FFX. I don't care for your justifications of a game having to be epic. I'm going by purely how well the game puts forward its story, and how well it executes its purpose.

FFX is a rigmarole of poorly executed decisions. The voice acting is dire and forced. The entire storyline feels painful - spheres? sin? the final summoning and all that ass? While not confusing, it tries its hardest to be the classic square clusterfuck of plotwists and crazy family ties. Also, the sphere grid is an unimpressive vortex of boredom. The characters are relatively unimpressive and two-dimensional, and I can tell you I honestly felt more for Jak and Daxter than I did for Tidus and Yuna, the whiny pair of teenage world-savers.

I chose FFX, because it came up in the search for your username. Don't make me describe every aspect of stupidity in Kingdom Hearts.

Do not come to my forum and spew bullshit.

hb smokey
09-30-2004, 01:51 AM
Ha ha, mrmonkeyman = TEH WIN!

09-30-2004, 02:50 AM
Originally posted by Raidenex
Hey, i've got Jak and Daxter, and I think it's brilliant - if Greatest Hits games were based on quality alone, i'd still support the fact that's it's there.

What amazes me is that it only came out what, christmas time last year? And it already qualifies. Even FF10 took at least two years.

Games aren't made "greatest hits" as soon as they reach a certain amount of sales. If that were the case most popular games would be on it after a few months at most, I think.

Usually when a popular games sales start dying out it's made a greatest hit. And I think a few games that didn't put up near 500,000 sales were made greatest hits as well, but I'm not going to check.

09-30-2004, 05:10 AM
This is an excert from an FAQ on Gamefaqs but like CBS, I cannot gurantee it's authenticity... :P

Once a game has been out on the market for atleast 9 months, and has sold more than 400,000 copies, Sony gives the company an opportunity to change that title into a Greatest Hit. If the company decides to do so, that title will now sell for only $19.99. That title will also go through some changes, for example, a slightly changed cover.