09-28-2004, 02:39 AM
I am kind of reviving an old thread that i started..but here goes..

I am starting inuyasha behind the scenes. where you think of a scenes when inuyasha was being "shot" for example...

Scene: When Inuyasha punches a hole in Yura's chest

Yura: !!!! what the???? YOU JERK (slaps Inuyasha and he goes flying)

Director: Inuyasha, what are you doing? You're suppose to punch a hole through her chest, not grab it!

Kagome: (to Inuyasha) You pervert!

Inuyasha: but... what did I do wrong??? My script says... (Miroku is giggling in the background)

Inuyasha: (to Miroku) you changed my script!?!?! aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh die you stupid monk (chasing after Miroku with his Tetsusaiga)

Things like that. ok then get creative! and make me laugh! :)

09-28-2004, 06:32 AM
Ok! Here goes!

Inuyasha: Come on Kagome! We gotta stop the bad guy!

Kagome: OK! Inuyashu! Let's go!

Miroku: I will use wind hand to defeat enemy!

Inuyasha: tee hee!

Kagome: No Moroku! It is too dangerous because of evil bees!

Inuyasha: tee hee!

Kagome: You'll have to...

Inuyasha: tee hee!

Kagome: What are you laughing about Inuyasha?

Inuyasha: tee hee! Earlier, you called me Inuyashu! That is incorrect! I am actually Inuyasha. And you called Miroku Moroku as well! That is also incorrect! lol

Kagome: Oopsie! lol

Miroku: lol

director: lol

09-30-2004, 05:36 AM
some old perv(to sesshomaru): hey baby!

sesshomaru: wtf? die you filthy-

he n my friends alwayz imagined this...

09-30-2004, 11:39 PM
ok! well those were funny, keep it up!

10-01-2004, 10:33 PM
ok heres sumthing i thought of. its really more along the lines of sumthing they would never say. is that ok? im not really good at this sort of thing. but anyway here goes:

*Miroku stroking Sango's butt*

Sango: Miroku?! *she looks at him in his eyes & doesn't slap him*

Miroku: What? *stops stroking her butt & looks back at her*

Sango: leans(sp?) toward Miroku & they kiss .

Director: what are you two doing?! Thats not in the script!!!!

so hows that? its kinda funny. (to me anyway)

10-08-2004, 10:53 PM
good job! i like these.please keep posting!

Scene:where inuyasha kisses kikyo by the tree and Kagome has to watch it

inuyasha: kikyo, i dont love you and i never will! i refuse to kiss her director!

kagome: oh inuyasha!

kikyo: fine.(starts eyeing miroku)

inuaysaha: (runs to kagome and gives her a hug instead)

director: grr! you idiot! now we have to do it again!

but inuyasha is too busy comforting kagome.. and kikyo and miroku just got together! lol did you like it?

10-09-2004, 06:50 PM
Inuyasha: Come on Kagome! We gotta stop the evil fellow!

Kagome: OK! Inuyashi! Let's go!

Miroku: I will use fighting stick to defeat villain!

Inuyasha: tee hee!

Kagome: No Muroku! It is too dangerous because of shields that stop sticks!

Inuyasha: tee hee!

Kagome: You'll have to...

Inuyasha: tee hee!

Kagome: What are you laughing about Inuyasha?

Inuyasha: tee hee! Earlier, you called me Inuyashi! That is incorrect! I am actually Inuyasha. And you called Miroku Muroku as well! That is also incorrect! lol

Kagome: Oopsie! lol

Miroku: lol

director: lol

10-10-2004, 02:57 AM
Once again, rezo wins the thread.


11-17-2004, 11:55 PM
Scene: where sessy punches a hole thru inuyasha chest

Sesy: Die Inuyasha! :: punches hole right thru inu::

Inuyasha: ::falls to the ground, motionless::

Sessy: ::kicks the lifeless body a few times:: (oh damn hes dead..)

Director: SESSHOMARU!!!!!!You killed him!!!This is coming out of your paycheck!!!!

Sessy: Uhhh Gotta fly!! ::runs away on his yellow cloud thing::

Blue Yuna
11-18-2004, 04:03 AM
This happens after Sango gets poisened. Its the episode after the one with Kohaku.
Sango's lying on the floor under a blanket.
Miroku: Inuyasha and Kagome went to get the antidote for the poisen and they let me here to take care of you.
Sango: Oh goodie! Are you going to read me stories and sing me songs and rock me to sleep when I get tired! huh? huh? huh?
Miroku: SURE! *smiles widely*
Chippo: Do I come in now?

11-19-2004, 11:38 PM
lol good job! heres another!

Scene:where sessy firrst meets rin and she wants him to eat the food

Rin: Sir, you must eat this
Seshomaru: i don not wish to
Rin: Eat it!
Rin: EAT *punch* THE *punch* FOOD!!!!DAMMIT *punch* *punch*
Seshomaru: (lays on the ground, motionless)
Rin: (oh damn..hes dead..)
Director: dammit RIn! Don't kill him!!
Rin: Oopsies! *runs away*

lol did you like it? =P

Blue Yuna
11-20-2004, 12:10 AM

grn apple tree
11-20-2004, 03:58 AM
here's mine

inuyasha: like omg i can't work with kagome she is obviously not in my range of talent...
shessomaru: i know... she is a horribly actor and those clothes honey you need a serious shopping spree
inuyasha: mm hmmm
kagome: stfu... *under breath* those f@gs....

(sorry if my language offended anyone...)

11-20-2004, 04:01 AM
lol i thought it was funny

grn apple tree
11-20-2004, 04:12 AM
thanks^_^ here's another one

kagome: *listening to her cd on cd player*
inuyasha: *staring at her from afar*
shessomaru: what are yo.... oh not again just ask her out will you?
inuyasha; *shakes head no*
shessomaru: come on man be the big demon man you are and just go up to her!!
inuyasha: *under breath* but what if she says no....
shessomaru: come on umm i'll let you ride on my cloud *in that voice you know when you're trying to tempt someone*
inuyasha: really... ummm fine....*goes up to kagome and taps her on the shoulder* hi kagome....


Blue Yuna
11-20-2004, 04:23 AM
lol those that was really funny! Here's mine. It happens "backstage".

Shessomaru: She's mine!
Inuyasha: No! She's mine!
Shessomaru: What are you talking about she obviously likes me better! Did you see her wink at me after that last scene?!
Inuyasha: Yeah! Well you obviouly didn't see her kissing ME back stage yesturday!
Shessomaru: She could've changed her mind.
Inuyasha: She wouldn't change her mind that fast!
Shessomaru: You don't know her like...
Kagome walks in and smiles at the two.
Kagome: Hi!
Inuyasha and Shessomaru can only smile and wave.
(after she has left)
Shessomaru: You see she was waving at me!
Inuyasha: No! she was waving at me!
(Kagome is listening on the other side of the door with Sango. Kagome shakes her head)
Kagome: Boys. *in that oh my tone of voice*
Sango: Really.

11-20-2004, 04:36 AM
lmao that was so good! thanks guys!

Blue Yuna
11-21-2004, 01:50 AM
I always thought sessy and inuyasha should fight over her.

grn apple tree
11-22-2004, 12:44 AM
part two of iy

inuyasha: umm i was gonna ask you *looks up and see's shessomaru doing signals to him telling him what to do... inuyasha misreads them* umm if you would go walking over hot coals with me?
kagome: what!?
inuyasha: umm no no... i meant will you go SIZZLING HOT!! *gives shessomaru a look*
kagome: are you ok inuyasha?
inuyasha: ummm yeah... oh screw it will you go out with me?
kagome: *very happy* yes!!
shessomaru: *under his breath* man i thought i could make her hate him.... oh well *looks up* oooh is that a hotdog?

11-22-2004, 04:15 AM
I'll give it a try...

Miroku: *backing away from three angry friends* "It has a mind of it's own, I swear!"

Sango: *rage of jealousy* "You lecherous monk! How dare you do that to Kagome!"

Inuyasha: *also rage of jealously... you can imagine why...* "I've had just about enough of that hand Miroku... What do you say we cut it off!?"

Kagome: *rage of violation* "That's the last straw, Miroku!" *taking the rusty tetsuiga(sp?) from a startled Inuyasha* "I'll give you tetanus so bad... that you'll never be able to move that jaw again!"

Miroku: "Wait! Kagome!" *backs away quickly* "What's tetanus!?"

PS... Tetanus causes rigidity in muscles, more often in the jaw... hence "Never be able to move that jaw..." It can be fatal...

Don't worry, she didn't kill Miroku!

grn apple tree
11-23-2004, 03:46 AM
heh lol nice

inuyasha: *cleaning his sword the test thing* doo doo dum doo....
shessomaru: *from afar* wtf!? is he humming!? why is he humming?
kagome: ok inuyasha let's go
shessomaru: ohhh heh heh... inuyashas got a girly friend... time to tell the whole cast and crew...*runs off*

~next day~

inuyasha: hi everyone!
cast: hey inuyasha!! *in a ringing tone of voice*
inuyasha: wtf!? what's with everyone?
*kagome walks in and everyone starts to squeal and mutter*
kagome: oh hi inuyasha hi everyone
cast: *once again in the voice* hi kagome!!
*both stare at each other like wtf!?*
both: ok then...
cast: ok *scatter off*

there... kind of randomly stopped lol

11-24-2004, 10:54 PM
lol i especially like Creek's

grn apple tree
11-25-2004, 10:37 PM
miroku: dammit...
inuyasha: what?
miroku: huh.. oh nothing...
inuyasha: *looks at miroku and notices he's hiding something* hey you said you would quit!
miroku: aww come on it's just one
inuyasha: *takes the thing out of his hands* no more!!
miroku: come on just one... i'm addicted to gambling...*left alone*
inuyasha: *walking away and starts to smile* heh heh *scratches the lottery ticket* cherry.... cherry....*eyes light up*....oh man a bell....

11-26-2004, 09:48 PM
Kagome: "Come on, Inuyasha! Why are you stalling?"
Inuyasha: "Stalling? Who's stalling? Can't we just walk slow?"
Kagome: Giving Iy a cold stare. "You're hiding something aren't you?"
Inuyasha: Backing away slowly. "Wha-why would you say something like that?" Sprints off in the opposite direction, Kagome, amazingly, at his heels.


11-27-2004, 02:40 PM
SATSUKI YUKINO: And you, Ken Narita, you say lines we CAN'T BROADCAST!
KAPPEI, YUUICHI, AND THE CAST: *cracking up* Oh, is she? Really?
KEN NARITA: It's not like it was... BAD.
KAPPEI YAMAGUCHI: Yeah, well, it's not that we couldn't AIR it. He just said something... weird.
KAPPEI YAMAGUCHI: Lines tha weren't in the script.
YUUICHI NAGASHIMA: He says stuff like that all the time, though...


KAPPEI YAMAGUCHI (INUYASHA): "Sesshoumaru, my wondeful big brotherrrrr!!"
KEN NARITA (SESSHOUMARU): Oh, geez. Okay. I'll say it. "You're my SWEET little brother."




grn apple tree
11-27-2004, 09:36 PM
*the first ever episode but behind the scenes*
inuyasha: hello everyone i'm new here
cast: yeah.. hey *mumbled hellos*
inuyasha: ok...
shippo: hi!
inuyasha: hello little girl are you supposed to be here?
shippo: wtf!? i'm a boy you *bleep* *shippo starts attacking inuyasha* i'll teach you
inuyasha: help i've got a small boy that looks like a girl with a tail chasing after me!!
*cast is just standing there watching*

Blue Yuna
11-28-2004, 05:03 AM
Inuyasha: hey Kagome who's that? *points at a sound girl*
Kagome: I don't know her name yet but I know she was just hired
Inuyasha: *with hearts in eyes* ooh *starts panting like a dog*
Kagome: down boy!
Inuyasha: ha ha that won't work on me *starts laughing and then falls on his face* *sound girl looks over and giggles*
Inuyasha:*to sound girl* uh...hi
Sound girl: oh hi!
Inyasha: I was just wondering maybe would...uh... *sound girl shreiks*
Sound girl: ugh! they warned me about the monk but I never expected you! *walks off in a huff*
Miroku: *from behind bushs* he he he

11-29-2004, 09:11 PM

Kagome: "Inuyasha! Get back here you coward!"
Inuyasha: Freezes and whips around. "Whoa,whoa,whoa... Who're you calling a coward?"
Kagome: "You... I'm calling you a coward!"
Inuyasha:"Why does it have to be me? Why not Miroku!? You always ask me..."
Kagome: "And you turn me down everytime... I'm finally getting you to come with me..."
Inuyasha: "But I don't want to, Kagome!" He whines and crosses his arms over his chest.
Kagome: grins evilly. "SIT"
Inuyasha: "Ow! That's not supposed to work off-stage!"
Kagome: "Oops... too bad... I guess you'll have to come now..."
Inuyasha: "But-but Kagome! I can't go to the pool!"
Kagome: sighes. "And why not?"
Inuyasha: In a quiet, sheepish tone, "Cause... I-uh- I can't swim...

11-29-2004, 11:35 PM

12-01-2004, 01:55 AM
The point was kind of hidden throughout it, huh?

grn apple tree
12-02-2004, 12:17 AM
yeah but nice little stories

12-03-2004, 04:16 AM
Hmm, here's another...
Four boys arguing over Kagome....
Houjo: "Hey guys! What're you talking about?"
Sango: Running a hand over her face. "Here comes another one..." she sighs.
Inuyasha: At Sesshy, "Kagome liking you!? Dream on!"
Sesshy: "What?" Sarcastically. "You're assuming she likes you?"
Koga: "You're both dreaming... she's MY woman!"
Inuyasha: "You three are always chasing after her, but who does she stay with? Hmm?" he puts a hand to his ear. "I'm sorry, I don't think I heard you..." He grins with a cocky smile. "Oh yeah, that's right... ME!"
Sesshy: "So why does she always 'sit' you?"
Inuyasha: growls.
Koga: Getting inbetween the two brothers. "You guys, we shouldn't be fighting..."
All stare at him shocked.
Koga: "Cuz, Kagome obviously wants me... who would want dogfaces like you!?"
Koga is beaten within an inch of his life thx to the brothers.
Kagome: Casually coming on the scene. "What's going on, Sango?"
Sango: sighing. "They're fighing over you..."
Kagome: grinning as she sees all four boys in a dog pile kind of scuffle, no pun intended, with Inuyasha sitting on top, poor peaceful Houjo caught in it all. "Watch this, Sango... Oh, Inuyasha?"
All boys freeze and look in her direction, realizing, with Inuyasha on top... this was gonna hurt.

"SIT SIT SIT SIT!" one for each boy.

Miroku: just joining the commotion, "Ooo, what's happened here??"
Sango and Kagome: sighing "Boys..." Each taking an arm of Miroku.
Kagome: "Take us out for lunch, Miroku?"
Miroku: ALL GRIN


Ah, young bitter love... and in the end... the pervert won!? KAGOME! what's wrong with you, girl!?


grn apple tree
12-03-2004, 04:19 AM
Hmm, here's another...
Four boys arguing over Kagome....
Houjo: "Hey guys! What're you talking about?"
Sango: Running a hand over her face. "Here comes another one..." she sighs.
Inuyasha: At Sesshy, "Kagome liking you!? Dream on!"
Sesshy: "What?" Sarcastically. "You're assuming she likes you?"
Koga: "You're both dreaming... she's MY woman!"
Inuyasha: "You three are always chasing after her, but who does she stay with? Hmm?" he puts a hand to his ear. "I'm sorry, I don't think I heard you..." He grins with a cocky smile. "Oh yeah, that's right... ME!"
Sesshy: "So why does she always 'sit' you?"
Inuyasha: growls.
Koga: Getting inbetween the two brothers. "You guys, we shouldn't be fighting..."
All stare at him shocked.
Koga: "Cuz, Kagome obviously wants me... who would want dogfaces like you!?"
Koga is beaten within an inch of his life thx to the brothers.
Kagome: Casually coming on the scene. "What's going on, Sango?"
Sango: sighing. "They're fighing over you..."
Kagome: grinning as she sees all four boys in a dog pile kind of scuffle, no pun intended, with Inuyasha sitting on top, poor peaceful Houjo caught in it all. "Watch this, Sango... Oh, Inuyasha?"
All boys freeze and look in her direction, realizing, with Inuyasha on top... this was gonna hurt.

"SIT SIT SIT SIT!" one for each boy.

Miroku: just joining the commotion, "Ooo, what's happened here??"
Sango and Kagome: sighing "Boys..." Each taking an arm of Miroku.
Kagome: "Take us out for lunch, Miroku?"
Miroku: ALL GRIN


Ah, young bitter love... and in the end... the pervert won!? KAGOME! what's wrong with you, girl!?

lol nice one creek

12-03-2004, 05:23 AM
thank you... :-D

Acctually, I'm a writer so these have been little ideas swarming in my head for a while. It's a fun outlet...

12-04-2004, 01:10 AM
hehe coolie, i like this place ^_^

grn apple tree
12-04-2004, 01:15 AM
thank you... :-D

Acctually, I'm a writer so these have been little ideas swarming in my head for a while. It's a fun outlet...
cool i'm a sort of writer... i've written a fanfic and some short stories i've made up

12-04-2004, 01:18 AM
i right, but i'm crap at fanfics and stuff lol, i just can't make them funnie *sigh*

12-04-2004, 06:42 AM
You gimme a situation and I'll make something from it...

I'm terribly bored... Oh yeah, I'm grounded from the internet for two weeks starting Monday... long explination to why I got in trouble and why it's delayed till monday, but I thought I'd tell you...

*snif snif* I'll miss you all!

grn apple tree
12-04-2004, 11:21 PM
You gimme a situation and I'll make something from it...

I'm terribly bored... Oh yeah, I'm grounded from the internet for two weeks starting Monday... long explination to why I got in trouble and why it's delayed till monday, but I thought I'd tell you...

*snif snif* I'll miss you all!
that sucks

12-04-2004, 11:26 PM
you don't know how...

12-06-2004, 03:10 AM
hehe coolie, i like this place ^_^

*bows* lol

i thought this might be funny and would go with the, see if it works

12-06-2004, 06:21 PM
hehehe *smirks* funnie ^_^

these are pretty funnie ^_^

InuYasha taking a shower XD (

Funnie piccy ()

Funnie piccy2 (

12-13-2004, 11:54 PM
LOL i love the movie shower thing ^.^

12-14-2004, 08:44 AM
Yeh it's neat huh? is that what really happened? i was told it was bath he had with souta, i might be wrong though

I seen in a pic somewhere that InuYasha said 'Shut up.' somewhere in that scene, but it wasn't in the animation, so i assume that the person that did it was just taking stuff from the scene but it was different in someway

lol i talk too much ^_^

12-17-2004, 11:45 PM
Lol i've never seen that thingy before, if its in the series im not that far yet i guess.

!!!!1000 posts!!!!! wow someone has been busy! grats ^.^

12-19-2004, 02:38 AM
hehe been super duper busy like LOL

Oh got a thingy lol think it's funnie

*this starts in a 'problem group' like alcohol, drugs etc*

*Everyone is gathered in a circle on the floor*

Group Leader: "alright class, today we have with us a new member *gestures to InuYasha* if you will introduce yourself."

InuYasha: *InuYasha stands up* "Hello everyone, my name is InuYasha, and i have a problem. Yes i admitt it, i'm addicted to noodles!" *bites bottom lip to stop himself crying*

Leader and rest of the class: O.O

Leader: "well the first step is admitting it, you can sit down now *he sits down* so tell us, what is your consumption of...noodles....each day? roughly?"

InuYasha: "oh i'd say about 20 buckets a day"

Leader: O.O

InuYasha: "minimum"

Leader: O.O "ooookay, um well how do you plan on cutting down?"

InuYasha: ? "uh cutting down? whats this about cutting down?!"

Leader: "This is what this help group is for, to help you cut down and/or completely stop the addiction"

InuYasha:O.O "i wasn't told of this!!"

Leader: "now calm down sir, it'll be okay"

InuYasha: "Okay? OKAY?! you can't make me stop!! i'll NEVER STOP!!! NOODLES!! I WANT NOODLES!!!" *starts to scream and slash at ppl with his tetsuiga*

Leader: "Why do we always get these guys? last week it was that guy that looked like a woman saying that he hated all humans, and the week before that it was that squirrel boy....or girl....that was being bullied -_-' i hate my job."

and another, this was me and a freind i am inuyasha and Lawyer, my freind is captain doode, and mog

Lawyer: "INUYAHSAMICKRA!!!" (InuYasha)

InuYasha: "yeh?"

Lawyer: "dispose of him!!" *evil grin*

Inuyasha: *blinks* "why the hell would i want to do that?"

Lawyer: "because he's a retarded retard!" :D



InuYasha: *necklas starts to glow* "darn! i liked it better when i just
fact i liked it better when i didn't have it!"

Captain Doode: "Want some tea InuYashaMickra?"

InuYasha:"...okay...i have to kill you after, so i apoligise in advance"

lawyer: *stares blankly at InuYasha and Captain Doode sipping tea and talking politley and laughing*

MOG: hmm? :S

InuYasha: ?! What the hell is that thing!? *points at MOG*

Captain Doode: Oh, that? That's just MOG the Moogle ^_^

InuYasha: moogle? FRIGGIN MOOGLE?! AHHH!!! *runs out the room*

Lawyer: hey! come back inuyashamickra! you big girl! come here!

Captain Doode: Huh? It's just a Moogle...

MOG: kupo? :S

Lawyer: *sigh* InuYashaMickra is a BIG WOMAN!! who is afraid of a FLUFF BALL!!

Inuyasha:.....hmph! it's not that scarey :D

Lawyer: good (you simpletin), ahem! right! inuyasha! KILL CAPTAIN DOODE AND HIS MOG!!!

Inuyasha: kill the MOG?

Lawyer: yes!

InuYasha: aww but it's so cute ^_^ *cuddles MOG*

Lawyer: oh for the love of.... KILL IT!!

*Next Scene*

MOG: O.O *Gulp*

Captain Doode: *In slow motion* DON'T DO IT! *jumps infront of Mog still in slow mo.* NO-O-O-O!!

InuYasha: *stares at Captain Doode in mid air* what the hell are you doing? *Captain doode falls to the floor*

Lawyer: INUYAHSAMICKRA!!! if you do not kill that MOG RIGHT NOW! i will get the whip!

InuYasha: O.O *gulp*

MOG: No *innocent cry*

Captain Doode: *Gets up and goes infront of MOG in slow mo. again* Wheee, This is fun :D

InuYasha: *Jumps on Captain Doode* cut that out! you're spoiling the moment!

Lawyer: *gets 'The Whip'*

Inuyasha: oh no! *whines and shakes* i'll do it! *bites MOG's pompom off*

MOG: Ku-Ku-Kupo-Po-Po-Po!!!

Captain Doode: *Goes in slow mo. again* Don't you EVER tell me to stop! *Jumps on InuYashaMickra* Die InuYashaMickra!!

InuYasha: ahmmph moff a rom rom imm i ouff! *spits out pom pom* ouch...get off puny mortal!


InuYasha: *throws Captain Doode off him* will you stop with that name? it's so annoying!

Captain Doode: *Jumps back on InuYashaMickra* You're confortable :D

MOG: Kupo Nuts! *Eats Kupo Nuts* Kupo Nuts? ... Hmm ... *Throws Kupo Nuts at InuYashaMickra and The Lawyer* Hah!

InuYasha: aahhhh!! i got a nut in my eye!! AHHHHHH!!! these nuts are salted!!! *cuddles into Captain Doodes* waa! he threw a nut at me! and it went in my eye! *cries*

Lawyer: why did i hire you again?

InuYasha: *wipes tears* because, i'm strong fit and obidi maybe not :D

MOG: Kupo! *Continues to throw nuts*

Captain Doode: InuYashaMickra, I love you so! ^_^

InuYasha: :| ewww!! sick man! just sick!

Lawyer: we have a homo ^o)

InuYasha: me? NO WAY!!! he's like, 'I love you!!' but i'm like, 'hey NO WAY MAN' and he's like, 'Please!!' and i'm like, 'Feh' :D


InuYasha: eh? bake sale? you meant bake sale right?...................bake sale?

Lawyer: :|

Inuyasha: Screw this! imma gonna kill you lawyer man!!

*Next Scene*

Captain Doode: Yo Mog, gimme some popcorn and a soda will ya? this'll be a great show :D

MOG: Kupo? *Gives him Kupo Nuts and a baked apple pie from the bake sale*

InuYasha: hey! save some for me after :D

Lawyer: you cannot kill me! there is an electronic chip in your brain which makes you obay my EVERY command!!



Inuyasha: *falls to ground and starts rolling around* oh hell!!

Lawyer: ahahahahha!! i will kill you ALL!! muahahahaha!!!!

Captain Doode & MOG: Us too?! O.o


Inuyasha: don't worry, he's a big baby inside ^_^

Lawyer: ooooh! listen to Mister 'i'm not afraid of anything!'

InuYasha: well i'm not!

Lawyer: *holds up sock puppets*

InuYasha: *screams and runs away*

MOG: *Moogle Snicker*

Captain Doode: Be a Man! or a.. half dog... :S... uhm... half wolf? half... half dog wolf human?..oh what the hell?.. ok ok, show time! *kicks Lawyer*

MOG: *Hits Lawyer with Kupo Nuts*

InuYasha: *peeks out from the door* are they gone?

Lawyer: *holds them up again*

Inuyasha: eeeep!! (oh btw, i'm a half dog demon ^_^) hey wait! i AM a half dog-demon! i'll rip you to shreds you lawyery type person!! *Jumps on lawyer and starts to eat him* ooooo get a barbeque going! we're having 'Human-that-tastes-like-chicken' for lunch ^_^

lol long, but i like it ^_^

(btw, InuYashaMickra is a name i made up for inuyasha, it's still him though)

12-20-2004, 04:31 AM
Omg that had me fallin out of me chair!! *applauds* LOL soooo funnie! ^_^

12-20-2004, 08:40 AM
heheh thankies, me and my freind are nuts lol

here's part 2 ^_^

I'm InuYasha, Miroku and Kagome and my freind is Captain Doode, MOG and Kouga.

Captain Doode: *Takes out fork and knife* DIG IN!

InuYasha: yay!..he was mean you know! hmmm...this barbequed human-that-tastes-like-chicken needs some hot sause! and i side of noodles!

MOG: And Kupo Nuts!

Captain Doode: *Sticks face in Lawyer* Yummy-Licious!!

InuYasha: *eats a leg and an arm* >buuuurp< ahhh good 'ol '' stuffed.....oh look! noodles! ^_^

MOG: Kupo Nuts!!

Inuyasha: what do kupo nuts taste like?

MOG: Tree Branches

InuYasha: i'll pass then....maybe we should invite Kouga to our little party?

Kouga: Already here =D

Kagome: me too ^_^ *pops up behind inuyasha*

InuYasha: Bluddy hell!! don't do that!! oh hey kagome! want some barbequed human? :D

Kagome: *looks mortified* no thanks +o(

InuYasha: hmm he tastes like chicken you know! oh well kouga how bout you?

Kouga: Oooh, 2 pieces pleeease =D

InuYasha: *stares* of what?

Kouga: Human-that-tastes-like-chicken of course!

InuYasha: ohh i see! *gives an arm and a bit of torso* he's ever so delishous ^_^.....:| why the hell did i just say that?! O.o

Kouga: idk... YUMM YUMM *bite bite, crunch*

InuYasha: hey kagome, you sure? *hands her a foot*

Kagome: ewww inuyasha! SIT!

InuYasha: *falls to the ground* ouch woman!

Kagome: tee-hee ^_^

InuYasha: *starts nibbling on the foot* oh look noodles! ^_^*

Kouga: *steals IY's noodles* haha

InuYasha: hey! those are MY noodles! give 'em back you poor excuse for a wolf!..human.....half wolf human...THINGY!!!

Kouga: *eats the noodles* hahaha *points and laughs* hahahaha!!!

InuYasha: why you!

Kagome: *grabs inuyasha's arm* don't inuyasha!

InuYasha: why friggin not! he's bluddy annoying me! and he ate my noodles! >.<

Kagome: just don't! you can't hurt him because......because...

InuYasha: *looks at watch* yeees?

Kagome: because....because....because....because of the wonderful things he does!

InuYasha: *anime fall* get to the point DOROTHY!!

Kagome: because i love him

Dramatic Music: DUH DUH DUH!!!

Captain Doode: Did I.. miss something? O.O

InuYasha:...where the hell did you go? O.o

Captain Doode: To get more noodles, why?

Inuyasha: well i'll give you a summary: Kouga ate my noodles, so i tried to hit him but then kagome stopped me and (i'll spare the hillarity) confessed that she loved said you had noodles? *sniffs Captain Doode*

Captain Doode: Indeed I do, and I have leftovers! *Shows them*

InuYasha: :D goodie! Ramen! ^_^ happy happy inu dee-dee-dee-dee-dee ^_^

Kagome: ^o)

InuYasha: i've been doing that all day! damn chip! ooo itchy!!! *scraches behind ear with foot*

Captain Doode: I dont think anyone will want these now... *throws noodles out the window*

InuYasha: ahhh!! noodles!! i'll save you!! *jumps out the window*

Kagome: damn...that...was....STUPID!! oh! now that inuyasha is out the picture! hi kouga! *blinks suggestively at kouga*

Kouga: Yo Chicken Wing, get me sme hot sauce will ya?

InuYasha: bluddy pidgeons! they surrounded me! i had to come back

Kagome: (drat!) hi inu, welcome back blah blah blah

Inuyasha: who's Chiken Wing?

Kouga: Kagome of course, Now, go get me some hot sauce chicken wing

Kagome: sure kouga! *passes hot sauce*

inuyasha: Chicken Wing?!.....oookay O.o

Kouga: thank you, my sweet chicken wing

InuYasha: bluddy Chicken Wing! don't stand for that!

Kagome: i like Chicken Wing *swoons over kouga*

InuYasha: (stupid bint)

Kagome: WHAT?! :@

InuYasha: eheh heh? PLEASE GOD DON'T HURT ME!!!

Kouga: *eating hot sauce plain* yumm *drools*

InuYasha: ewww

Kouga: Want some Chicken Wing?

InuYasha: we have chicken wings now?

Kagome: he means me you prat! inuyasha: oh :'(

Kouga: How 'bout it, My sweet Chicken Wing?

Kagome: not plain dear.....what about those Kupo nut thingys?

InuYasha: they taste like trees!

Kagome: and how would YOU know that? hmmm?

InuYasha: what? :| the MOG told me!!

*Next Scene*

MOG: *gives Kagome a Kupo Nut*

Kouga: *Puts hot sauce on it* dig in =D

Kagome: thanks ^_^ *eats it* oooo! it's a vegitarian's DREAM!!! i love it!! more hot sauce next time!!

InuYasha: since when were YOU a vegitarian?

Kagome: since you offered me that foot! go into the corner and stay there! bad boy! *hits on head with rolled up newspaper*

Kouga: *pours hot sauce on InuYashaMickra* hahaha

InuYasha: *growls* meanie! *goes into corner and licks hot sause off himself*

Kouga: *licks Hot Sauce off of IYMickra* yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!

InuYasha: :| ewww! get off!! go lick yourself...*snicker snicker* hehe that sounds dirty ^_^

Everyone: *stares blankly*

InuYasha: fine! be that way! kouga leave me alone!

Kouga: no! *continues to lick hot sauce off of IYMickra*

InuYasha: ewww this don't look right! *punches kouga to get him off*

Kouga: *goes straight back on him and continues to lick hot sauce off him* yummm *drools on IY's arm*


Kagome: ooo!! *pours hot sauce on herself* oh kouga!!

Koga: *crawls over to Kagome and licks her*

Kagome: *giggle giggle*

InuYasha: how DISGUSTING!!! ewwwww yuck! least he aint lickin' me no more

Kouga: hmm? *crawls over to IYMickra and licks him again*

InuYasha: ewww!! where's that darn Tetsuiga when you want it?!

Kouga: *lick lick*

InuYasha: *licks kouga's hands, then scratches his face and thows him off* bluddy hot-sauce-obbsessed wolf demon!

Kouga: meow >=

InuYasha: WHAT THE?!

Kouga: Purr, Purr *rubs against Kagomes legs*

Kagome: awww what a cute (incredibly attractive) wolf demon you are! aww snookie wookie ^_^ (L)

InuYasha: *wreches*

Kouga: Meeeeeeow!!!!!!

InuYasha: come here you deraged CAT wolf demon! *has hot sauce in hands behinf his back*

Kouga: Meow *goes to Inu*

InuYasha: AH-HAH!!! *squirts hot sauce in Kouga's eyes*

Kouga: *wipes it off* Meow ^_^

InuYasha: Darn!

*Next Scene*

*miroku walks in*

Miroku: hi there people! will anyone bear me children?

Kagome: sango has already bore you 10 children!

Miroku: yes, but now she's dead and all of them are girls...i want a BOY!!!

Kouga: Meow

Miroku: *blinks* why is kouga pretending to be a cat?

InuYasha: because he's a prat *snigger snigger*

Kouga: Meeeeow *bites IY*

InuYasha: owww!! bluddy what?!

Miroku: you're right! he IS being a prat! but why?

Kouga: MEOW!!

InuYasha: *kicks kouga out of his trance* stuipid face

miroku: kagome? will you bear me a son?

Kagome: no...

Miroku: i see.....Kagome? will you bear me a son?

Kagome: NO!

Miroku: oh right.......Kagome? wil -

Kagome: NO NO NO!!!!

Miroku:.....well if you don't want to come to the funeral then FINE!!

Kouga: Meow? :S

Captain Doode: Back with more noo--... WTF R U?!

InuYasha: i dunno...some kind of mange infected cat/wolf demon thing..........noo's you say? *sniff sniff*

Kagome: sorry miroku

Miroku: it's okay

Kagome: no, i'll bear you a son ^_^

Miroku: oh great!!! i'm soooo happy ^_^

inuYasha: oh that's fantastic........noo's? *sniff sniff*

Kouga: MEOW!!

InuYasha:......i'm so much more atractive than you miroku! *puts on sad puppy face*

Everyone: awwwww ^_^ (L)

Miroku: yes that is true.......but kagome is going to bear me a son ^_^

Kagome: yes i am! ^_^

InuYasha: why don't you have a litter with me?! oh and kouga? STOP SAYING MEOW!!!

Kouga: Meow!!

Captain Doode: :S

InuYasha: *throws kouga out the window* that darn cat ;)

Kouga: *climbs the window* Meow meow meow meow meow meow :P

InuYasha: *throws shoe at cat kouga*

Kouga: MEOW!! *climbs up again* Meow :P :P :P

InuYasha: DAAAMN YOUUUU!! *Turns full demon and rips kouga to shreds*

miroku: ooookaaay...someone needs to take a 'chill pill'

i have more, but lets see how this one goes :3

12-20-2004, 10:42 PM
What happened to "short stories"? :-D

I got one...

"What do you want, Inuyasha?"
Inuyasha shyly, "I want to learn how to swim..."
Kagome grins. "Really!?"
Kagome is all giddy-like "Oh Inuyasha!"

half an hour later

"NOOO! Don't make me!" Inuyasha screams like a girl.
"I thought you wanted to learn!"
"I did until I saw how deep the water was! Can't I learn out side the water!?"
Kagome sighs. "I'll say the word."
Panic stricken, "Please, NO! Please don't!"
Inuyasha bellyflops in the water and sinks. He appears seconds later with a red belly and face thrashing about in the water.

"Helgggp" he gurgles. "Helgggp!"
"Inuyasha..." Kagome says calmly.
"Hellgggp ME!"
Inuyasha stopped thrashing and blinked. He stood up and blushed. "Heh, heh... look at that!"

Kagome slides into the water to begin his lessons. Which, might I add, didn't go so well...



I have a question! Can I write romances? I mean, yeah they'll be fun but I WANT TO WRITE ROMANCE!

12-21-2004, 09:07 AM
lol i'm sure it's okay ^_^

It's impossible for me to make short ones lol

*miroku and sango are sitting on a hill admiring the veiw*

Sango: Isn't this nice? *sigh* it's so peaceful...

Miroku:...oh? uh-huh....

Sango: So you feel that breeze Miroku?

Miroku: uhh....yup *grins*

Sango: brrr it's quite a cold breeze, i can feel it right up my....?!

Miroku: :-D

Sango: *slaps Miroku* You just HAD to go and spoil the moment!!

Miroku: ? eh?

*in a few hours, InuYasha and Kagome sit on the hill*

Kagome: *sigh* it's nice here isn't it?

InuYasha: yeah....

Kagome: yup i should have brought a picnic basket

InuYasha: uh....huh...

Kagome: ooo it's a cold breeze

InuYasha: *blushes*

Kagome: !? *slaps InuYasha* how dare you!


*Later Miroku and InuYasha sit on the hill*

Miroku: you know, Sango slaped me today

InuYasha: so? that's no suprise *snicker*

Miroku: haha, but seriously, she did it for no reason

InuYasha: kagome did the same thing...weird

Miroku: well acctully, i think she noticed i was staring at kagome playing in the water with no top on over there *points*

InuYasha: WHAT?! you sick Monk! but err......i was doing the same thing......with Sango *blushes* i didn't mean to, just saw her!

*Miroku and InuYasha both feel their butts being pinched*

InuYasha + Miroku: O.O WTH?!

???: *giggle giggle*

InuYasha: heeey! wait a tic!

???: *giggle giggle laugh*

InuYasha: *picks up shippo from a hole next to them* You little rotten SNEAK!!!

Shippo: *sticks tounge out and runs away*

*Miroku sighs as InuYasha chases after Shippo with his tetsuiga*

hehe i can't help it, can't make them short!

12-22-2004, 10:29 PM
Inuyasha: "Howdy-doo-dee-oo!"
Sango: "Oh no... It's Inuyasha!"
Miroku: "Dork!" *snickers*
Kagome: "What's going on here?"
Inuyasha sulks in the corner.
Director: "CUT! Kagome! You're ruining it."
Kagome: *looking dumbfounded* "What did I ruin?"
Director: "Inuyasha supposed to be getting picked on!"
Kagome: "Why?"
Director, Miroku, Sango: "We dunno... it's just fun."

... And you wonder why Inuyasha has anger problems?

12-23-2004, 08:21 PM

InuYasha is fighting with Sesshomaru

InuYasha: "oh yeh?! well you aint gettin' the tetsuiga! you *beep*!"
Sesshomaru: O.O "where did that beep come from?"
InuYasha: *shrugs* "dunno.....well anyway back to the plot! Yeh that's right! there's no WAY you are gettin' the tetsuiga you *beep*-ing *beep*!"
Sesshomaru: "hmmm it appears to be blocking your obsceneities...."
InuYasha: :confused: "why the *beep* would it do that? hey! stop *beep*-ing beeping!! ARGH!! that's so *beep*-ing annoying!!"
Sesshomaru: "cursing isn't my style but...ahem! *beep*......yes it's covering the cursing..."

*Naraku enters*

Naraku: "did someone say 'Cursing'? *waves*"

*inuyasha is lollying about the stage saying every swear word he knows*

Naraku: "what's that *beep* doing?"
Sesshomaru: "oh you know, being a total *beep* as usual"
Naraku: "ahh...*beep*-ing idiot, so about the cursing?"
Sesshomaru: "not that kind of cursing you thick *beep*"
InuYasha: "aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!" *beep, beep beeeeeeep beep beep beep beeeeeep beeep beeeep beep beeep beep*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sesshomaru + Naraku: O.O
Director: "what the *beep* has happened here?!"

*everyonelooks at eachother then says to the director*

Everyone: "oh shut the *beep* up...."

hehehe ^_^

12-24-2004, 01:07 AM
Ed, Edd, and Eddy...

Johnny:Penny,penny, who's got a penny! Penny, penny, I see a penny!

12-25-2004, 02:04 AM
O.o What was that all about Sayu? this thread is about Inuyasha..

12-25-2004, 04:37 AM
I'm stuck... I can't think of anything... I suppose I could call this "thread block"...

12-26-2004, 02:45 AM
lol ^_^ i'm stuck too, but i'll be back! *shifty eyes*

12-27-2004, 10:01 PM
You have to fogive me... I'm new at this. So do you want me to delete it?

12-27-2004, 10:16 PM
no no, what's done is done... It'll be a 'sign,' if you will, to anyone who might do the same...

You know what's funny? I joined in July 2004 and Rikku_love joined in September 2004... I have 64 posts and she has 1037-some....

12-28-2004, 03:48 AM
lol but i'm a maniac :D i post like crazy yup ^_^ i gots nothing better to do, that's the prob lol

christmas one

InuYasha: "I just don't get it, how could a big fatso fit down a chimney?'
Kagome: *sighs, they've been talking about it for hours* "Just leave it InuYasha, never, have a mince pie ^_^"
InuYasha: "Oh okay...still don't get it though..........he's sooo fat...."
Kagome: *sighs and hands him a mince pie*
InuYasha: *munches into mince pie, then spits it out* "HEY!! wait a tic! this isn't mince pie!!"
Kagome: ? "Yes it is!"
InuYasha: "Nah-uh! look! there's no mince!!"
Kagome: -_-
InuYasha: "What a dumb name, should call it 'Fruit pie' or 'Raison pie'.....there's no mince!!"
Kagome: -_-' "I'm going to bed...."

12-28-2004, 03:53 AM
Thanks Creek and Rikku Love! Let me try this again:

InuYasha is talking to Kagome, this is the part when InuYasha is twirling is finger next to his head (a crazy sgin)..

InuYasha: Your brain must be broken or something!

Kagome get mad and pushes InuYasha on a bridge, she steps away form the bridge...

Kagome:SIT BOY!

InuYasha falls through the bridge and in to a river...

InuYasha:Hey, what did you do that for?!

-That's all I know, for now.

12-28-2004, 04:01 AM
Wait, didn't that really happen?

OOO! What do you think of my new Avatar? Hmm? ISN'T it purty? XD HAHAHAHA!
No really, I'm kidding...

12-28-2004, 04:03 AM
uhh, that acctully happened didn't it?

This is for stuff we make up 'Behind the Scenes' means like stuff that didn't happen on the show

anothe christmas one

InuYasha: "What does christmas pudding taste like?"
Kagome: "It's unique, you'll have to try it"
InuYasha: "Okay then"

*Kagome's mum comes through with the CP and puts it on the table, then she lights it*

InuYasha: *panics* "OMG!! It's caught fire! don't worry! i'll save the day!!"

*InuYasha grabs a jug of water at the table (a big one) and smashes it on top of the christmas pudding*

InuYasha: "Hah! saved the day!"

*Everyone looks at inuYasha "-_-"*

InuYasha: "I did it again didn't i?"
Kagome: "yes"
InuYasha: "I over-reacted again"
Kagome: "Yes........night all." *goes to bed*
InuYasha: "Hmmm that could have gone better"

12-28-2004, 04:20 AM
Kagome: "You gant get no pudding if you don't eat yer meat!"

12-28-2004, 04:20 AM
OH, SORRY! That did happen, I didn't know we were suppose to make that stuff up...sorry. And I think your Avatar is fine Creek.

12-28-2004, 04:24 AM
ehhh....i keep sneezing

this is a blooper, it's the scene where inuyasha gives kagome his fire-rat shurt to keep her warm

InuYasha: "here put this on"
Kagome: "thank you"

*Suddenly the shirt catches fire*

InuYasha: "for *beep*'s sake! this is the forth time!!" *pokes finger through burnt hole in shirt*

12-28-2004, 04:24 AM
Aww, thx but I was just kidding...

and that whole pudding/meat thing... it's from an old song but I thought I should add it you know..... Christmas pudding...

It souds funny coming from Kagome...

12-28-2004, 04:26 AM
lol i wouldn't know i'm just saying things as they com to mind....think i'll do a gun one next lol

12-28-2004, 04:40 AM
Here's a playoff from that romantic Kikyo/Inuyasha hug scene.......

Inuyasha: "Kikyo- I'll never-!"
Kagome: *lost in the woods* "INUYASHA!? I NEED YOUR HELP I CAN'T SEE!"
Inuyasha: "Kagome?"
Kikyo: "Inuyasha... you're ruining the moment..."
Inuyasha: "Shut up, Kikyo... hold on..."
Kagome: *just now finding him* "Oh! Inuyasha... here you...*sees him n' Kikyo* are..."
Inuyasha: "Er, um... It's not what it looks like, Kagome."
Kikyo: "Inuyasha... You rather this girl over me?"
Inu + Kagome: "Shut up!"
Kikyo: "Goodbye Inuyasha!" *dramatically flies away with her soulcollecters*
Kagome: "Is she gone?"
Inuyasha: *grinning* "Yeah... Hey, thx..." *takes Kagome in his arms*
Kagome: "Well, she annoys me, so I figured I could help..." *hugging him* "What were you going to say to her anyway?"
Inuyasha: *Carelessly* "oh, only that I'll never let Naraku have her because I care for her to much..." *pauses* "oops."

He'll never get women...


A gun!? In'n't that a bit dangerous?


Oh yeah.... Gesundhiet

12-28-2004, 04:40 AM

i'll do the gun scene later, but that was good ^_^

12-28-2004, 04:48 AM
you notice in mine she always says sit.... I dont mean to do that

12-28-2004, 04:56 AM

inuyasha and kagome are walking in a park, when they come across a gun

InuYasha: "hey what's this thing? *lifts up gun* it's heavy *sniffs it* aww it reeks!"
Kagome: "Put that down!! Now! it's dangerous!!"
InuYasha: "it's just a heap 'o metal...what can it do?" *examines it, then finds trigger, is about to pull it when*
Kagome: "SIT BOY!!"

*InuYasha smashed to the ground, the gun goes off*

InuYasha: *sits up* "That.....friggin'....hurt.....owww..."
Kagome: *looks at wound* "oops...:laugh:"

12-28-2004, 05:26 AM
Here I got one with a gun.

Inuyasha and Kagome are at the mall inbetween shows (inu's got that ballcap on)

Inuyasha: Taking Kagome's hand. "Everything's so peaceful here. No demons popping out of nowhere..."
Robber: "Everybody DOWN!" Pulls out a gun and points it directly into Inu's chest.
Inuyasha: "What're you holding?"
Kagome: "Get down Inuyasha! He'll shoot you!"
Inuyasha:"But what is he doing? What is that?"
Robber: "Ain't you ever seen a gun you gay f*****!"
Inuyasha: Pulling out his Tetsuiga "Oh no you didn't!"
Bang!Slice!(fun sound affects)
Inuyasha: "Damn... that hurts..."
Robber: Laying on the floor bleeding.
Kagome: "Oh Inuyasha! Are you alright?" Kneeling beside him.
Inuyasha: "What is that thing?"
Kagome: "You idiot! You could've died... That was a gun!"
Inuyasha: "Oh... well, it hurts..."
Kagome only sighs at Inuyasha's stupidity.

12-28-2004, 07:58 PM
lol good one

InuYasha, Kagome and Souta are that the park playing ball, inuyasha has the cap on.

InuYasha: "Whoo! Check this move!" *punches the ball*
Souta: "'s 'Kick' the ball" -_-'
InuYasha: "Oh....okay" *Kicks the ball hard and it hits a pole, then it smashes him in the face and he falls backwards*
Souta: *giggles*
Kagome: *sigh*
InuYasha: "Stupid ball! Mock me will you!?" *kicks the ball and it hits a little girl knocking her over, she starts crying*
Kagome + Souta: "InuYasha!"
InuYasha: o_o "She was in the way!"
Kagome: >:| "Go over and apologise! NOW!!" *points the the girl*
InuYasha: "Tch, fine!" *walks over to the girl, he trips over the ball and crashes to her side, his cap falls off*
Kagome + Souta: -_-' "Oh brother...."
InuYasha: "STUPID THING!! I WILL END YOU!! I WILL RIP-" *stops because the girl is tugging on his sleave* o_o "What"
LG: "Hey mister, you have doggy ears!" *points to his ears*
InuYasha: *looks up* "What of them? Yeah i got dog wanna make something of it?!" *Suddenly a baseball comes out of nowhere and hits his head, he falls over sidewards*
Kids: "Sorry mister!"
InuYasha: *lying on the ground* "I hate kids...."
LG: *touches his ears*
Souta + Kagome: O.o *look at eachother*
Kagome: "Lets just play on...shall we?"
InuYasha: "Hey!! Cut that out you little snot-nosed-*she scratches behind his ears* hey...that's....pretty good...." *stamps foot on the ground*
Kagome: O_O "I'll be leaving now.....please don't forget to bring him home........or the hat."

12-29-2004, 05:38 AM
Goood doggy...

lol that was a good one, Rikku Love!

Here's a self-inverted one!

Creek: "Hi!"
Inuyasha: "Who are you! You fiend! Die!"
Creek: "I'll take you on any day dog boy!"
Inuyasha: "What kinda name is Creek you freak?"
Creek: "You suck at poetry, Mut!"
Kagome: "Sit! Inuyasha!"
Creek and Inuyasha both hit the ground.
Creek: "Ow! How come I fell?"
Inuyasha: "Ha! I slipped a necklace thingy around your neck too! So everytime Kagome says sit you have to fall!" (this includes all future stories too T.T)
Creek: "All I did was say HI! you loser! why did you do this to me!?"
Inuyasha: "Cuz you make me sit in every story! I finally have revenge!"
Kagome: "Inuyasha! Stop seeking revenge on Creek! Sit!"
Creek: "Ow! Aww come on!"
Kagome helps Creek up. "Oh gee Creek, I'm sorry."

Maybe that'll teach me to put sit in my stories... *sobbing in the corner of the room*
you don't know how much it hurtz!

12-29-2004, 10:55 PM
IM BACK!! ive been gone for a while..and no problem Sayu ^_^

12-29-2004, 11:05 PM
lol i like seeing inu hurt LOL it's so funnie planning his reaction hehe

i can't do stpries with me in them lol never get them right

here's one ^_^ it's long, bear with me

*InuYasha and Kagome are standing at the top of a steep hill*

InuYasha: "I wonder what clouds are?" *stares at the sky*
Kagome: "Well, they are water vapour that has risen from the land or sea through 'evaporation'. the water vapour then travels in the air untill it gets heavy enough for it to rain."
InuYasha:......:| "I was being metaphorical"
Kagome: "Don't you mean theoryatrical?"
Miroku: "You get any of that?"*to sango*
Sango: "Nope....i supose it's benifited inuyasha to go to school"
Miroku: "Yes...but seriously, they're talking garbage"
Kagome: "Just LEAVE it inuyasha!"
InuYasha: "ME-TA-FOR-I-CAL!!
Kagome: "InuYasha SIT!!"
InuYasha: *thumps down and rolls down the hill, Miroku Sango and Kagome watch him go down*
Miroku: "Third time this week"
Sango: "You really should stop this Kagome"
Kagome: "It's a habit, plus it's kinda fun" ^_^
Miroku + Sango: "EVIL!!"


InuYasha: *climbs up the hill* "Do you know...what was at the bottom of that hill?!" Kagome: *shakes head*
InuYasha: "THORN BUSHES!!!"
Kagome: :| "oops"
InuYasha: "Ooh YEH!! And then roses, then a prickely tree! THEN!!....BRAMBLES!!!"
Kagome: "Well it's your fault!"
InuYasha: "Oh sure! always blame the disabled one!
Kagome: ? "You're not disabled...mentally maybe but no"
InuYasha: *points to ears* "Half YouKai! DISABLED!! Wait a tic!....MENTALLY?! Ooh so you think i'm a dumbass?!"
Kagome: "Nooo of course i don't think you're a ARE one!"
InuYasha: "Grrrr okay that's it!" *rushes at kagome*
Kagome: "SIT!! and ROLLOVER!!"
InuYasha: "Wth?! *falls and rolls over, and back down the hill* I'll get you Kagome you - *voice trails off*
Miroku: "Oh well.....there he goes....cursing and screaming at the top of his lungs...." Sango: "I wonder where he learned all of those obsceneitys?"
Miroku: "Probably from the Jerry Spinger show"
Sango: *tuts* "That show has destroyed many a young mind"


Kagome: *waiting* "It's been three hours......think he's dead?"
Miroku: "No...i don't think so, maybe his pants got riped off and he's laying low in the bushes?"
Sango: *rolls eyes* "Only YOU would think that!"
InuYasha: *comes crawling up the hill*
Miroku: *looks at him* "Pants still in place"
InuYasha: "What are you talking about you peverted monk?!"
Miroku: "We thought you're pants had been riped off"
Sango: "WE?!"
InuYasha: "Ewwww SHUT UP!! FYI i was trying to get out of the youkai nest i fell into!"
Sango: "Oh yeh?"
InuYasha: "Yeh!"
Miroku: "Why aren't you dead then?"
InuYasha: *smugly* "Weeeell i killed the lot!! Let me tell you!"
Kagome: "Uh inuyasha?"
InuYasha: "Oooh yeh! you should have seen it! there i was -"
Kagome: "Inuyasha!"
InuYasha: "50 snarling youkai standing in front of me! They were HIDEOUS!! With drool collecting in puddles on the floor -"
Kagome: "INUYASHA!!"
InuYasha: "What is it woman?!"
Kagome: "Your sword *points* it's not there"
InuYasha: *blinks* OH SH*T!! *runs down the hill*
Kagome: "Y'know...he really IS a dumbass"
InuYasha: "I heard that you - *tripps and falls the rest of the way*
Miroku:".....i think his pants just came off"


InuYasha: *an hour later* "It nearly killed me...but i got it back!.....hey where is everybody?!"
Sound man: "They left about 30mins ago, the scene is over"
InuYasha: "And nobody told ME this?!"
Sound man: "Hey take it easy, i'm just the sound man"
InuYasha: "Crud...Miroku was giving me a lift home....bugger..."

lol ^_^

Blood Angel
12-30-2004, 04:50 AM
I like your stories...Creek's too!

12-30-2004, 05:08 AM
Good one Rikku Love!

Aww gee thx, Angel... and I like your signature. Caedman's Call is a great band. how about...

"Depth of mercy, can there be,
Mercy still reserved for me
Can my God, your wrath forbear,
Me the chief of sinners, spare."

12-30-2004, 10:55 PM
LOL i try and make miroku as gay as possible in my stories with him in it lol i'm cruel to him ^_^

and InuYasha lol

Never heard of that band

12-31-2004, 05:32 AM
Caedman's Call? It's a Christian band and I have most of their CD's. The songs Angel and I quoted were from their newest(I think) album called Back Home. Actually, the "Awake My Soul" under the name is a title of a song on the CD. I don't know if she used it for that reason, but yeah... anyway.

Blood Angel
12-31-2004, 06:59 AM
No, I didn't... :)
I thought it sounded good with my name so, I used it. Ironic though, isn't it? I'm trying to make a signature right now with it there, but it isn't turning out so well. I need someone to do it for me.... :(

"The gods of beast and of sun and sky,
With banners high,
Were worshiped in their six temple's fold,
Of desert gold.

In summer's sting, as the sages say
The sand gave way
My empire capsized at vanity's cost
And all were lost."


But enough of Caedman's Call. This is supposed to be about Inuyasha!

12-31-2004, 08:36 AM
Inuyasha: "Hey, um... what're you reading?"
Kagome: "A really good book. Now go away!"
Inuyasha: "What's it about?"
Kagome: giving a dreamy sigh. "It's about a wandering samurai who falls in love with a girl that stops him on the street and tries to kill him. But then he saves her life several times and after a few odd situations they finally get married!"
Inuyasha: "Why does that sound familiar?"
Miroku: popping out of no where. "That's because that's in the next studio over."
Kagome: "Really!?"
Inuyasha: "Oh yeah! Kenshin and I went over each other's scripts last week!"
Kagome: "Well. That book just lost it's shine."
Sango: Also popping out of no where. "Why are you dropping it so easily? I thought you said it was really good."
Inuyasha: In the backround "Where do you people come from?"
Kagome: "What's the point of spending hours reading a book when I can go next door and watch it?"
Inuyasha: looking dumbfounded. "Hmm..."
Kagome: "C ya!" Walks away.
Miroku: "Um, Inuyasha? Why do you have that stupid happy look on your face?"
Inuyasha: Whispers "She didn't say sit this time!" *giggles like a girl*
Kagome: Popping out of no where. "Oh yeah, and Inuyasha? SIT!"
Kagome: "You interrupted my book!"

Oops. I did the sit thing again. :(

Oh, yeah, I wanted to tell you. A long time ago my friend Sam told me she wanted to role-play. So we all picked a favorite character from each show. Well since Kagome was taken and Sam begged to be Sango, I was stuck with a boy character. (I refuse to be Kikyo) I picked Inuyasha because well 1, he rocks, and 2, Miroku is a pervert.
As a fun joke, Sometimes Ashlynn(kagome) is persuaded into saying 'sit' in the middle of a crowded hallway and sometimes in class.

I feel Inuyasha's pain.

Teachers think I'm insane. Oh well...

12-31-2004, 07:28 PM
Good one!

LOL all teachers think i'm wonderful ^_^ lol my cousin feels his pain!

Stop saying sit you meanie!! lol jk i do it too

*It's show and tell in school.*(i doubt at kagome's age they would still do this, but it's FICTION people!!)

Teacher: "Well class it's show and tell! This week! It's pets! Ok who's first.....ahh! Kagome! come on up!"
Kagome: "Thank you Ms! Okay, today i have my pet with me, his name is InuYasha! Okay boy! Come on through!"
InuYasha: *Walks through the door grumbling, he has a spiked collar on*
Kagome: "Good Boy! If you play your cards right, there could be some noodles for you!"
InuYasha: "Noodles you say..." *sniffs the air*
Kagome: "Not here!"
Class + Teacher: *stares in amazement*
Kagome: "Okay! For my first trick, i will have InuYasha on the floor. ahem.......SIT BOY!!"
InuYasha: *smashes down* butt *rubbs sore butt*
Kagome: "Taa-Daa!!" *someone in the class sneezes* well, that was my HOME INUYASHA!!"
InuYasha: *mumbles* stupid kagome ordering me around.......stupid cat......why'd it get sick!? *mumbles*

lol that one sucked XD

InuYasha: "Now...give me the sacred jewel before i turn you into a scratching post with my claws!"
Kagome: "What?...huugh WHAT?! He isn't the hero?!" *Ending music starts*
Small guy with notebook: "Hey! Are you InuYasha?!" *to inuyasha*
InuYasha: "Yeah, what if i am?"
Small guy with notebook: "Ooh! It's an honor sir!! *shakes hand* well i have a proposition for you!"
InuYasha: "Yeh?"
SGWN: "Well......we want you to be in a sketch for our show Anime Hu-"
InuYasha: "Anime hugh?"
SGWN: "Err yes *grins* Will you be in it? It's quite short, and there is no lines per say."
InuYasha: ".........Feh....why not?" *signs the contract*

*Later on that night*

InuYasha: *Backstage* Whoa......snazzy set!" ^_^
SGWN: "Ahh there you are! Are you ready for tonight's show?"
InuYasha: "Well yeh, but what do i say?"
SGWN: "Say whatever comes to mind!" *runs away and music starts*
InuYasha: "HUH!?" *Curtains open to an audience clapping*!!!"
InuYasha: *stands there for a few mins* " name is....err...InuYasha." *somebody coughs*
Guy In Stands: "You Suck! Go home you dumb mut!"
InuYasha: o_o "What......did you just call me?!"
GIS: "You heard me! You Stupid Moron DOG-CRAP!!"
InuYasha: "Ko-KOUGA!?"
Girl in stands: "Hey! You Stupid (but very cute) DOG! Take This!! SIIIIIIIT!!!"
InuYasha: *crashes to floor, everyone starts laughing* *sob, sob* "I HATE YOU ALL!!! I WILL KILL EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU!!!" *runs off the stage crying hysterically*

*Everyone is rolling around on the floor laughing*

Kagome: "Hey! STOP IT!! We hurt him."
Guy: "OMG *laughs* When you said 'Hey you stupid (but very cute) Dog!' OMG!!
Kouga + Kagome: O.o

Lol that sucked too...oh well i tried XD

Blood Angel
01-02-2005, 04:21 AM
That was... confusing...

01-02-2005, 04:26 AM
But it was good!

01-02-2005, 02:23 PM
lol sorry, i pull things out my head for this stuff......musta pulled them out the stupid side :s

lol thnks creek, they did suck though

01-03-2005, 01:46 AM
There's always room for improvement... But I thought they were good...

01-08-2005, 12:06 AM
oh well lol

*Inuyasha is sitting cracking his knuckles*

Kagome: *disgusted face* that is so disgusting, stop it! you'll hurt yourself!
InuYasha: oh shut up!
Miroku: hiya all! *hears the cracks* ewww inuyasha...stop that
InuYasha: *cracks them harder* NOPE!!
Sango: i heard cracks....eveything okay? EWW inuyasha!! stop that!
InuYasha: NOOOOO *cracks them really hard, then makes a mortified face*
Kagome: what is it?
InuYasha: i think i just broke all my fingers O.O
Sango, Miroku and Kagome: *sigh* idiot

lol hey gots an idea, lets make one together, like you say something, then i say something and it's like a story ^_^

01-08-2005, 01:37 AM
any one know where i can down load the first 100 episodes of inuyasha?

01-08-2005, 02:12 AM
I am kind of reviving an old thread that i started..but here goes..

I am starting inuyasha behind the scenes. where you think of a scenes when inuyasha was being "shot" for example...

Scene: When Inuyasha punches a hole in Yura's chest

Yura: !!!! what the???? YOU JERK (slaps Inuyasha and he goes flying)

Director: Inuyasha, what are you doing? You're suppose to punch a hole through her chest, not grab it!

Kagome: (to Inuyasha) You pervert!

Inuyasha: but... what did I do wrong??? My script says... (Miroku is giggling in the background)

Inuyasha: (to Miroku) you changed my script!?!?! aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh die you stupid monk (chasing after Miroku with his Tetsusaiga)

Things like that. ok then get creative! and make me laugh! :)i really wish i knew...

01-08-2005, 05:16 AM
I say something? alright... but just you n' me or everyone?


Inuyasha: "K-KAGOME!? Wha-what are you doing!"

01-09-2005, 12:36 AM
It can be anyone, and you can write more than one line

Kagome: *looks confused* "i'm just brushing my hair inuyasha, it's not my fault you've never had one grace your hair before."
InuYasha: "oh ha ha, very funny....i was taking about being half naked!" *points*'s a tank top you igit! and besides, why would that bother you?
Miroku: someone say kagome was half naked? *holds up camera and grins*

Blue Yuna
01-11-2005, 04:04 AM
Well if you want people to add on to it Rikku Love
please don't make this too bad it wasn't meant to be
Sango: *appears from behind Miroku* I wasn't finished yet get back here! *pulls Miroku back into the bushes camera goes flying*
Kagome: *whispers* oh, I wonder what they've been doing back there.
Inuyasha: *sighs* I don't know if I want to find out
Kagome: *picks up camera* well we should at least give back Miroku his camera

Blood Angel
01-13-2005, 01:28 AM
Inuyasha: "Kagome... I'm not sure..."
Kagome: "What could it hurt, huh? Let's see if I've been right this whole time..." pulling back the bushes. O.o "FINGER PAINTING!?"
Inuyasha: laughing too much to say anything.
Sango: "AHH! It's not what it looks like!"
Kagome: "I can't believe you took Shippo's finger paints!"
Miroku: "Eh-hehehe... Finger painting? is that what it looks like we're doing... no, uh... we were being naughty..."
Sango: "Uh- yeah! that's it!"

01-13-2005, 02:44 AM
LOl this thread has gotten almost 100 posts thanks to the creative stylings of Rikku Love and Creek :p

Thanks guys! ^^

01-14-2005, 02:57 AM
You're quite welcome, I love this thread! 96, wOOt!

01-29-2005, 04:53 AM
okies heres some new ones...

Scene: when Shippou and Miroku tell Inuyasha to choose between Kikyou and Kagome

Inuyasha: I don't suppose I can have both of them

Shippou: You two timing...

Miroku: Well, it's a common problem between men such as ourselves. That's one thing to have both, but another to keep it a secret. For, if either girls were to find out... ugh... oh no... (looks around and sees Sango, Kikyou, and Kagome surrounding the boys)

Sango: JERKS (starts whacking Miroku with her boomerang)

Inuyasha: uhhh Kikyou, Kagome, I can explain.....

Kikyou and Kagome: (pull out their bows and arrows and about to shoot Inuyasha)

Inuyasha: aaahhhhhhhh (running for his life)

Director: girls... what are you doing???? stop girls before you kill them...

Scene: when Jaken asks Sesshoumaru about the Tenseiga

Sesshoumaru: Jaken (pulls out his Tenseiga and cuts Jaken with it)

Jaken: aaahhh master Sesshoumaru... why????? (falls down dead)

Sesshoumaru: get up, Jaken. You're fine.

Jaken: (lays lifelessly on the ground)

Sesshoumaru: (kicks Jakens' body a few times) he's dead... oh, no...not again... (looks at his sword) hey! this isn't my Tenseiga!!!

Director: who switched Sesshoumaru's Tenseiga with a real sword??? (a Jaken hater ran from the studio) aaahhhh get that idiot people.... (everyone on the set is chasing after Jakens' murderer)

Scene: when Kouga kidnaps Kagome

Kouga: (got Kagome and starts running away) aaahhhh (slips on a banana peel...)

Kouga and Kagome: aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (are falling off the cliff)

Director: CUT!!!! who puts that banana peel there???

Inuyasha: (eating bananas) ugh... oppss.... (runs away)

Director: aaaahhhhhhh (starts slamming his head against the rock) aaahhhh

Scene: when Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha are fighting in their fathers' tomb

Sesshoumaru: (grabs his ear and runs his fingers through his hair)

Inuyasha: uumm!!! Sesshoumaru, don't you think that kinda girly???

Sesshoumaru: !!! girly???

Director: ummm I think Inuyasha is right, Sesshoumaru... maybe you shouldn't run your fingers through your hair like that....

Sesshoumaru: HOW DARE YOU CALL I, SESSHOUMARU, GIRLY. (transforms into his huge dog demon form and attacks Inuyasha and the director)

Inuyasha and Director: aaahhhhh (run away and hide)

02-01-2005, 11:43 PM
LOL dat was a goodie ^_^

*Sesshomaru and the others are sitting down to eat

InuYasha: "hey fluffy! pass the noodles would ya?"
InuYasha: "i saaaaaid, Fluffy will you pass the noodles!"
Sesshomaru: "i thought you said that" *stands up*
Shippo: "aww c'mon seshy, it's not like he means it!"
Kagome: "actully, i think Fluff-miester is better!"
Sesshomaru: "fluff....meister?!"
Shippo: "naaaah i definatley think that sesshy is the tops!"
Kirara: "mewo mewo"
Sesshomaru: ?
Sango: "she said he likes Fluffy better"
Miroku: "i dissagree i think it is most definatley Maru-man"
Director: "i agree! Change the subtitles to 'Maru-Man'!"
Maru-Man: "But -!"
Maru-Man: "oh...bugger...."

lol i'm outta practice

lol i like this thread, it's cooolie! hehe

98 W00T!!

02-01-2005, 11:53 PM
lol nice rikku ^^

02-21-2005, 07:59 PM
Ohh! 100th post! even tho i dont have a story~just thought I'd post it! ^^

02-21-2005, 08:36 PM
Those are hilarious. ^_^

02-21-2005, 08:42 PM
YAAY! my thread is blossoming with fans =-O

grn apple tree
02-21-2005, 10:08 PM
Very nice and very funny keep them little stories coming.

10-19-2006, 07:31 PM
Hi im new and i still have to get an avi and sig so if you can give me hints that wouls be great!....=D

10-19-2006, 07:44 PM
Scene: Sango and Miroku come and see Kagome and Inuyasha standing together!

Sango: Miroku look at kagome and inuyasha!

Miroku:Sango........*Hugs her.....then strokes her bottom*


Miroku: Will this misery ever stop?!

Next Scene

Inuyasha: WHAT THE....!!! MIROKU! *gets out tetsusiga*

Miroku: Why take it out on me?!!!

Inu: *chases miroku with tetsusiga* Kagome are you ok?....

Kag: Sango is it me or do they fight for the fun of it?...Or for our love?....

Inu: WHAT!!!??? You think we're fighting for your love!!!! Your STUPID!


*In the backround*

Sango:*Sighs* There they go again!

Miroku: Yep!

In walks Shippo

Shippo: What the hell is going on?

Inu and kag: he/she started it!!!

Shippo:*Sighs* Will they ever learn?!

10-20-2006, 01:02 AM
How waz that for my first post? =D

10-20-2006, 04:12 AM
Holy crap, way to go for pulling a Kikyou on this thread and dredging it up from the depths of hell after, what, a whole year and a half... <_<

11-04-2006, 04:57 PM
It's been about a year since I've been in this thread ^^'

I'm horrible with these sorts of things *laughs nervously*

11-10-2006, 07:21 AM
hey srry i havent been on my moms been actin weird and hasn't been letin me on! so as i said earlier could u plez message and help me do better stroies on this shrine!!(well thread)

11-10-2006, 02:51 PM
no reviving year old inuyasha threads to have conversations ; ;