05-17-2014, 07:13 PM
Has anyone here got the complete soundtrack for this please? Any format which will work on iTunes will do. Please PM me if you cannot post it on the forums. I just did a search on this site and Google, all links have been dead ends. Thanks

05-17-2014, 08:17 PM
Links here are dead because it is a Varese Sarabande release which are not allowed to be posted on the open forum.

Aside from that, which do you want? Varese's album has the complete score as written by Horner, much of it unused and butchered in the film. There is also an isolated score, which contains most of the film edit music, but which will not contain any of Horner's unused stuff. It does however contain the drum heard just before the combat drop in the film. Lemme know which you want.