05-15-2014, 09:17 PM
This is the complete Manhunt PS2 soundtrack. All tracks were extracted directly from the game files and converted to WAV, to ensure absolutely no audio quality loss. (The FLAC and MP3 versions were converted from the WAV files). No remastering was done, this is an exact replica of the audio stored in the PS2 version files (which has better audio quality then the PC version).


- The main theme
- The main menu music
- Both tracks from the ending credits
- The soundtrack to all 20 main scenes (Born Again - Deliverance), the bonus scene (Time 2 Die) and also the soundtrack to a scene removed from the final game. Each scene has it's own six individual tracks - Idle, Suspicious, Spotted, Combat, Scene Failed and Scene Completed. (Except for the removed scene, which doesn't have a 'Scene Completed' track.)

Choose your preferred format from the download below (WAV, FLAC or MP3):

Enjoy and take care,

05-15-2014, 10:00 PM

05-16-2014, 01:18 AM

06-25-2014, 03:28 PM
What a brilliant, deeply evocative and atmospheric soundtrack. Chilling and claustrophobic, it takes me right back to the winter of 2003 and playing it for the first time.

Thanks very much for making this HQ audio available, ManhuntAudio.

I'm hoping you can answer a few questions though about the FLAC files.

First, the files are all 32.0 KHz frequency and the bitrate varies wildly for each. I can only assume this is because the designers were looking to save data to cram it onto a DVD, such was the technology at the time. Are those numbers consistent with the WAVs ripped directly from the disc?

Second, music for the bonus scenes 'Hard as Nails', 'Brawl Game' and 'Monkey See, Monkey Die' aren't included. Did these levels not have original music? I really can't remember as it's been so long since I played the game.

Excuse me for being a pedant and completist! I'm really more curious than anything else. The audio sounds great and I'm thankful you took the time to make everything available.

06-25-2014, 11:19 PM
Thanks :D

07-21-2014, 04:43 PM
Hi Jarvan,

Sorry for the late reply, I haven't checked the forum in a while.

The files are 32.0KHz because that was the sample rate in which they were stored on the game disc, I did not change anything. I can only assume that they're not in CD quality (44.1KHz) because of disc space. The bitrates are the same for every .WAV and .MP3 files I have. As far as I know .FLAC bitrates differ depending on the length and volume levels of the original track, and since some tracks are louder than others that might be what you mean. Either way, the music should still be lossless.

Regarding the bonus scenes, they do not have their own soundtrack except for Time 2 Die (included in this release).

Hard as Nails re-uses the Road to Ruin soundtrack
Brawl Game re-uses the Born Again soundtrack
Monkey See, Monkey Die! re-uses the Strapped for Cash soundtrack

Hope that answers your questions,