09-26-2004, 07:18 AM
I'll just say it.

I suck at making FF7 Fanfics

As you could see from mine FF7-2 and True Love they were bad.....+++

Can someone give me very VERY VERY detailed ideas on how to make a good FF7 Fanfic without too many people going BOOOOOO

hb smokey
09-26-2004, 10:03 AM
Dangit. When I saw that you made another thread, I was hoping you had created another masterpiece!


Bahamut ZERO
09-26-2004, 10:42 AM
I wrote a FF7 fan fic ages ago.

It's posted around here somewhere.

Suffice to say, the best place for you to get ideas is from yourself... A core idea needs to come from the author. Inspiration comes from many sources and help shape that core idea.

*Shrugs.* Well... I suggest reading other stuff and see if it triggers something in your head. Good luck.

09-26-2004, 02:55 PM
Okay, I'm just looking at your FF7 - True Love thing. I suppose you don't just need to learn how to write a good FF7 fanfic, but how to write AT ALL. :(

-- Use whole sentences, and use descriptions. Mention details, mention facial expressions, mention emotions. Etc.

-- When writing, pay attention to things like grammar, spelling and punctuation. You are WRITING A STORY, so it's not enough to just give the readers hints like "*Cloud stares on ground*", you will have to use whole sentences, and sentences that sound nice, that convey emotions, and let the readers easily imagine what's going on.

-- Before posting anything, re-read, re-read, re-read, and then re-read again. Read the story critically, and find and correct not simply mistakes, but also expressions, maybe add descriptions or the like where necessary, or leave something out if you find it's not working.

-- Read. Books, articles, more books. Become conscious of how an author manages to express something. You have to really know the language and its possibilites if you want to use it to write a story. Not everyone seems capable of this, or willing to improve their skills to that level... This depends on you. :(


-- Like Adam said, you need an idea. If you don't have an idea for a plot, it's useless. Find your inspiration whereever you think it possible. Don't settle for mediocre, far-fetched, or otherwise inacceptable...

-- Think about your idea before writing. A lot. Find its weaknesses, destroy them. Think of possible problems, always ask yourself if it makes sense. o_o Don't immediately start writing, but let the idea grow in your head. Start writing when you are sure it'll work out.

-- Especially if it's longer... plan. Take notes, make sure you don't get lost halfway through the story... (I once heard about a fanfiction writer who actually asked her readers halfway through the story: "Can anyone tell me whether X is still alive?" Really, you must not forget whether your characters are still alive, or what they are doing, etc.)

-- Understand the characters. Don't make them do stuff they wouldn't do. No Out Of Character actions like Sephiroth being an absolutely friendly cutie or Cloud making jokes about Aeris' death.

-- I suppose there are some plot ideas that are... lame. Like Sephiroth's return and revenge. There's nothing less original than simply making the villain return and repeat the old battle.

-- You probably have to know the game really well to to be inspired for a fanfiction. Any unanswered questions? Characters who still have potential? A location, a detail somewhere that could somehow be tied in your plot? I guess... play the game, and know it well, especially in order to prevent plot holes. :(

09-26-2004, 08:35 PM
Thank you Tokiko....just slow down with the :( faces. It makes me feel disturbed. lol

P.s:Smoky are you serious or are you being sarcastic?

09-27-2004, 11:28 AM
Why would he be serious?