09-25-2004, 09:59 PM
The aim this time is a 3 minute video that will reflect on various scenes and events in the Final Fantasy world (mostly 7 and up... because 6 and below doesn't have anything I can really record)

So here is what I'm asking of you guys, at least those who still play Final Fantasy and will keep doing so, dispite who likes what Final Fantasy for whatever reason, even the FF7 fans. Since this video is about 3 minutes in length, I'll need a song that is about 3 minutes (or can be reduced to 3 minutes). The video itself will be about friendship, relationship, promises, all that stuff about what keeps the party... well, a party. Keep that in mind if you can find the right track.

I have not established a mood for this video yet though I'm aiming for something that will make you heart warm up. Something that'll spark something in your heart about friends and relationships.

I'll need various quotes and FMV scenes (which is why I can't touch too much on FF6 or below) suggestions that show these moments in Final Fantasy.

You will of course be credited if you help me with practically anything in this video. I know you guys have played more Final Fantasy so please help me with this!

09-25-2004, 10:15 PM
Er, not sure exactly what your after but may I suggest 'Eyes on You' if your after a background song which will touches hearts n'stuff?

09-26-2004, 11:24 AM
I should add... no FF music please. :(

09-26-2004, 02:13 PM
Originally posted by MogKnight
I should add... no FF music please. :(
In that case...
My Sacrifice by Creed
Clocks by Coldplay
Beautiful Day by U2

09-26-2004, 10:24 PM
"Heaven" - dj sammy

yeah, I just played max2 the other day :(