Dot Centaur
09-25-2004, 04:49 PM
Neon Genisis Evangelion is my favorite anime of all time(after Sailor Moon).

Rei Ayanami, Shinji Ikari, Misato, and Kawarou are awsome!

Anyway, what are your views and opinions on Eva?

09-25-2004, 08:25 PM
Good music. Nice animation. Way too many still frames though. Some of the characters (like Gendo and Kaji) were good. Others (like Shinji, Rei, and Ritsuko) sucked.

It had an interesting plot that went to hell toward the end. No payoff at all. Hopefully, the new game will clear that up.

09-25-2004, 08:37 PM
Evangelion is THE best anime series of all time in my opinion :)
The ending of the series was sucky (cos the studio ran out of money) but the movies did more than enough to clear the ending up...the ending of the original series wasnt all bad tho


I loved the alternate reality bit at the end, that was great! :D
They made the Girlfriend of Steel/Iron Maiden games based on that, and are now releasing a full length manga version of it, which should be awesome! :D

09-25-2004, 08:52 PM
I never got into it. Partly because of my general dislike for mechas in general, partly because I don't like these... oh-so-depressive and overly pseudo-intelligent... religious... mutations... of anime. O_o Erh, maybe you know what I mean. I think some series are considered way more... "precious" than they deserve.
I also find it... really alarming that amny people claim they can oh so easily identify with Shinji. Oh oh. :(

09-25-2004, 08:53 PM
Actually, I could name a lot of shows that were better than Evangelion. The reasons for the ending sucking don't matter. When all is said and done, it was still one of the worst endings in history. And the movie wasn't that big an improvement.

09-26-2004, 05:08 AM
I've seen the first 5 episodes and I wouldn't class it that high. It has a good plot, but some of the english dubs annoy me. Once I can I'm gonna watch the rest of it and make a final decision.

RahXephon is almost the same thing but more theoretical and it has a bigger plot.

09-26-2004, 03:14 PM
Originally posted by Freez3r
RahXephon is almost the same thing but more theoretical and it has a bigger plot.
Well...its more that RahXephon is an Eva-clone really.
And it has a bigger plot? NO WAY! Evangelion goes a lot further and deeper than almost every anime Ive seen!

Dot Centaur
09-26-2004, 03:39 PM
Rei Ayanami; my favorite character of Eva;

10-01-2004, 10:40 AM
i think evangelion is great , plot, characters and the drawing of them ... but ddnt really lke the end where they started to confuse me with alll the flash backs and telling him that he is not useless...:D rei my fave char

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
10-01-2004, 06:33 PM
Originally posted by Prak
Hopefully, the new game will clear that up.


What Game?!


10-02-2004, 05:00 PM
OH OH OH!! i LOOOVE this anime! it's like my fave! (well second)

i loved shinji! rei was cool, and i liked toji and kensuke, but i didn't like mitsuke or gendo

and i HATED Kaworu!! he's just soooo gay! they could have made his character less gay, and i hated the way someone nearly died every episode, or shinji went nuts every episode oh and there was these really long pauses that were about 30 seconds long, and it's mostly of shinji too.....long akward moments with no music or was annoying, but yeah Kaworu was way to gay for my liking

GAY kaworu!! shinji's not gay! shinji's NOT gay!

Dot Centaur
10-02-2004, 06:29 PM
The character I hated was Asuka. She was too slutty acting for my liking. I loved Kawarou! You have your opinion and I respect that!

10-02-2004, 06:37 PM
not gay huh? then!!

lol HE WAS! HE WAS!! lol okay that's just MO but so is asuka being a slut,

am i right? (though she was one XD) i think she had a crush on shinji

Dot Centaur
10-02-2004, 06:58 PM
Originally posted by Rikku_Love
not gay huh? then!!

lol HE WAS! HE WAS!! lol okay that's just MO but so is asuka being a slut,

am i right? (though she was one XD) i think she had a crush on shinji

No, I know they are gay! I always thought Kawarou was rather bi-sexual in my theorie though because I think he also had a thing for Rei. I'm just saying I love Kawarou. I know he's gay/bi though.

P.S. those are cool pictures you posted up!

10-02-2004, 07:13 PM
what do you mean they?! my shinji-kins is NOT gay! no matter how it looks lol, he had a thing for rei too?...weird....O.o

10-03-2004, 01:22 AM

Sorry Odin, but I can't dig up any links. The game was released in Japan nearly a year ago, but there's no word I can find on a domestic release. Most of what I could find is just forum rumor-mongering or a repeating of a very old gamespot preview.

I originally found out about it a while ago, in an issue of Newtype USA. Anyway, the name of the game is Evangelion 2: Shinseiki Evangelions. It's on PS2.

Maybe you'll have more luck getting info on it than I did.

10-03-2004, 02:19 AM
It was made by the people that headed GunParade March, which is known for it's realistic and well done character interaction system or something, and that was the main buzz I heard about it since apparentlyEva would feature the same system.

I'm not a fan of Eva, of course, so that mostly made me wish I could play GunParade March since I like Adventure games. =|

10-04-2004, 09:33 PM
what's this about a game? and evangelion game? neat! would it be like Z.O.E? or Z.O.E2? or something like that? realated to the series? or just a new one? i need info!! lol

10-05-2004, 06:03 AM
What's the point in asking that? Nobody has any detailed information on it (Well, I have a bit, but nothing meaningful). You'll have to find it for yourself if you really want it.

10-05-2004, 06:13 AM
what's this about a game? and evangelion game? neat! would it be like Z.O.E? or Z.O.E2? or something like that? realated to the series? or just a new one? i need info!! lol

Maybe it's a game where you play cards with Rei and when you beat her, she takes her clothes off!

Or maybe it's a game where you raise Rei as if she were your very own daughter and when you beat her, she takes her clothes off!

10-05-2004, 07:19 AM
lol man your obsessed with rei taking her clothes off, havn't you seen the anime? she does it often enough :S

10-05-2004, 01:55 PM
lol man your obsessed with rei taking her clothes off, havn't you seen the anime? she does it often enough :S


That's disgusting. She's just a little kid, gainax is run by perverts.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
10-05-2004, 05:33 PM
Maybe it's a game where you play cards with Rei and when you beat her, she takes her clothes off!

Or maybe it's a game where you raise Rei as if she were your very own daughter and when you beat her, she takes her clothes off!

Someone's been watching too much hentai. Or something.


That's disgusting. She's just a little kid, gainax is run by perverts.

That made no sense at all considering your previous post.

No sense whatsoever.

10-05-2004, 05:38 PM
nope no sence, but i don't think he's seen the anime and is just making comments he thinks is funny but is actualy true....or something....

but there is a HELL of alot of nudity in evangelion, you can't deny

Dot Centaur
10-05-2004, 07:40 PM
Well, there were different kinds of video game of Evangelion in Japan.

10-05-2004, 07:59 PM
Someone's been watching too much hentai. Or something.

That made no sense at all considering your previous post.

No sense whatsoever.

My "previous post" was just a joke based on some Eva games that are already out there. There's a poker game, and there's a dreamcast game where your goal is to raise Rei. Sorta like Princess Maker, I think. There's also Steel Girlfriend that takes place after the ridiculous ending of Eva.There's also the N64 game which was a rhythm game?I don't remember. I wasn't saying I was into either game, since I don't like Eva or anything, so that would be silly. But they do make that kind of stuff.

but there is a HELL of alot of nudity in evangelion, you can't deny

Nude little kids. Disgusting.

Eva is disgusting and Gainax is run by perverts. Perverts that made Princess Maker which is a fun game!

edit: apparently it wasn't poker, but mahjong.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
10-05-2004, 10:46 PM
Well, that sucks.

Are there any rumors that the game will be ported to the US this time?

By what little I was able to find, it looked like it'd be a nice mecha/action game.

Dot Centaur
10-06-2004, 07:06 AM
My "previous post" was just a joke based on some Eva games that are already out there. There's a poker game, and there's a dreamcast game where your goal is to raise Rei. Sorta like Princess Maker, I think. There's also Steel Girlfriend that takes place after the ridiculous ending of Eva.There's also the N64 game which was a rhythm game?I don't remember. I wasn't saying I was into either game, since I don't like Eva or anything, so that would be silly. But they do make that kind of stuff.

Nude little kids. Disgusting.

Eva is disgusting and Gainax is run by perverts. Perverts that made Princess Maker which is a fun game!

edit: apparently it wasn't poker, but mahjong.

It's not just Eva that has alot of nudity. Alot of anime in general too. Usually, the nudity from the animes I've watched, the earliest age I've seen is 13. The Eva children are 14. So, Gainax aren't being perverts personally. It is known that in Japan that nudity is more legal and more appropriate on television there, and it's not here in America, otherwise you'd have to order the channels of porn privatley.

10-07-2004, 06:43 PM
oh oh oh!! i gota link to a site about the evangelion game! it's called Eva to Yuka Nakamatachi Lair (Eva and freinds) (

Dot Centaur
10-07-2004, 11:39 PM
Here's a nice guide I used to go on in 2000. It's got almost everything you need to know about Evangelion!

10-08-2004, 04:44 PM
cool! i go to that place all the time!

10-13-2004, 02:20 AM
i really liked eva i thught misato was kool, i also really liked rei. the whole story was good but i do have to agree the end sucked. good thought tru the show but they ended it poorly

10-13-2004, 02:26 AM
Yeah Eva series is one of the best anime I have seen i would rank it to be number 3 as one of my favorite anime and what's this talk about someone being gay in the series another thing have any of you seen Death & Rebirth if you watch it shinji is doing some thing really strange in the room pretty sick ack also any one saw End of Evangelion

Dot Centaur
10-13-2004, 05:07 AM
I agree with everyone here; the ending was the only thing about Eva that sucked. All the twists in the story and the dark secrets.

One thing I haven't mentioned about what I hate about the ending; Shinji is the last person on the planet with Asuka >:O .

I wanted Shinji to be with anyone else but Asuka >:O .

10-13-2004, 05:33 AM
I wanted Shinji to be with anyone else but Asuka >:O .

Like Misato, who was really too old for him in the first place, and was only using him to make up for her fracticious relationship with Kaji?

Or Rei, who is a clone of his mother?

Or Kaworu... i'm not even going there.

Dot Centaur
10-13-2004, 05:49 AM
Like Misato, who was really too old for him in the first place, and was only using him to make up for her fracticious relationship with Kaji?

Or Rei, who is a clone of his mother?

Or Kaworu... i'm not even going there.

Not Misato. Rei only if she didn't have his mother's genes. I just think they look cute together!

Kawarou, if Shinji was gay. Kawarou and Shinji would be my favorite gay Eva couple! Kawarou understood Shinji the most.

Asuka didn't really love Shinji. She treated him like crap. She shows off her body and if other guys flirt with her, she get's violent. That's what makes her a hypocrite.

Kawarou and Rei were the only one's who really loved him. Misato loved him like a son.

Besides, she's with Kaji.

10-13-2004, 06:06 AM
Misato loved him like a son.

A son that she wanted to have sex with.

10-13-2004, 06:35 AM
Rei only if she didn't have his mother's genes.

But she did.

Kawarou, if Shinji was gay. Kawarou and Shinji would be my favorite gay Eva couple! Kawarou understood Shinji the most.

But he's not. Gay, that is. He's a confused 14 year old. And Kawarou understood the entire human race.

Asuka didn't really love Shinji. She treated him like crap. She shows off her body and if other guys flirt with her, she get's violent. That's what makes her a hypocrite.

Actually, she felt insecure, which is why she tried to make herself appear better than everyone else. She treated Shinji like crap because she was intimidated by him - she was supposed to be the best EVA pilot, not him. Still, she respected his skills and loved him a person - she wanted to kiss him. Regardless of the fact she was suffocating him :p

Kawarou and Rei were the only one's who really loved him.

Despite all the hentai, Rei never showed any love towards Shinji - apart from a motherly, protective love. Which is opposite to:

Misato loved him like a son.

Misato flirted with Shinji from Day 1. Just check out the photo she sent him.

Besides, she's with Kaji.

He's dead.


Dot Centaur
10-13-2004, 06:53 AM
But she did.

That's what sucks! The blue haired characters are the prettiest(in my opinion)! They deserver to be with someone too.

But he's not. Gay, that is. He's a confused 14 year old. And Kawarou understood the entire human race.

No, but Shinji did come to find at the end that he loved Kawarou too. Shinji was happy with Kawarou.

Actually, she felt insecure, which is why she tried to make herself appear better than everyone else. She treated Shinji like crap because she was intimidated by him - she was supposed to be the best EVA pilot, not him. Still, she respected his skills and loved him a person - she wanted to kiss him. Regardless of the fact she was suffocating him :p

Still, I don't like it. I never see any excuse for being a hypocritical slut like Asuka and someone who thinks they're better than everyone. Anyone who does, I'm happy for them.

Despite all the hentai, Rei never showed any love towards Shinji - apart from a motherly, protective love. Which is opposite to:

Actually a long time ago, I read on a site "I want to become one with so and so", it had stated in Japanese culture it means sexual intercourse. Rei had said that at the end "It is my time to become one with Ikari". Whenever Rei says Ikari, she means Shinji. She just didn't show it because she never knew how to express any of her emotions and was known to be the most shy and timidest character of Eva.

Misato flirted with Shinji from Day 1. Just check out the photo she sent him.

I know, but she took care of him like his mother. I don't need to debate because I agreed with you that she is too old for him.

He's dead.

That's what I wasn't able to figure out at the end of the movie. I wondered why Kaji wasn't in the movie. Can you refresh my memory; How did Kaji die? I didn't see him in the movie and I can't remember when or how he died?


It's okay ;)! You don't need to apologize! You gave your opinions about the facts and I still respect you for that! We still cool!

10-13-2004, 07:10 AM
That's what sucks! The blue haired characters are the prettiest(in my opinion)! They deserver to be with someone too.

I agree... Rei was always the most beautiful. Just the idea of shacking up with your mum though - just ask Marty McFly in Back to the Future, Part 1. He said it was like kissing your sister :p

No, but Shinji did come to find at the end that he loved Kawarou too. Shinji was happy with Kawarou.

I love a lot of my friends too - you can love someone your own sex without being sexually attracted to them. Shinji always shied away from any physical closeness to Kawarou.

Still, I don't like it. I never see any excuse for being a hypocritical slut like Asuka and someone who thinks they're better than everyone. Anyone who does, I'm happy for them.

But don't you see - she doesn't think she's better than everyone. She just acts that way because deep down, she actually feels that everyone is better than her. Couple that with a traumatic childhood, and you get a confused teenager who has repressed her rage so long that she takes it out on those around her. It's pitiable, really.

Actually a long time ago, I read on a site "I want to become one with so and so", it had stated in Japanese culture it means sexual intercourse. Rei had said that at the end "It is my time to become one with Ikari". Whenever Rei says Ikari, she means Shinji. She just didn't show it because she never knew how to express any of her emotions and was known to be the most shy and timidest character of Eva.

"Become one" is a sexual reference from the Bible. However, in Rei's case, we see that it means something quite different - she is the catalyst that combines with Shinji and Evangelion Unit 01 to create the Third Impact.

I know, but she took care of him like his mother. I don't need to debate because I agreed with you that she is too old for him.

Haha - if my mum was drunk at breakfast and flirted with my classmates, i'd be worried :p

That's what I wasn't able to figure out at the end of the movie. I wondered why Kaji wasn't in the movie. Can you refresh my memory; How did Kaji die? I didn't see him in the movie and I can't remember when or how he died?

Kaji was shot - I think it was at the end of episode 24. The last "real" episode. He was a spy for the Japanese Government. NERV agents tracked him down and killed him.

Dot Centaur
10-13-2004, 07:24 AM
I agree... Rei was always the most beautiful. Just the idea of shacking up with your mum though - just ask Marty McFly in Back to the Future, Part 1. He said it was like kissing your sister :p

It is.

I love a lot of my friends too - you can love someone your own sex without being sexually attracted to them. Shinji always shied away from any physical closeness to Kawarou.

Very true. That was one of his only true friends though. My friend is a Kawarou fan, and her view is that he's neither, straight, gay, or bi, because he's not human. I think he said he love's Shinji because he's part of mankind.

But don't you see - she doesn't think she's better than everyone. She just acts that way because deep down, she actually feels that everyone is better than her. Couple that with a traumatic childhood, and you get a confused teenager who has repressed her rage so long that she takes it out on those around her. It's pitiable, really.

Hmmm....I never thought of it that way. She did that out of self-defense. I still dislike her alittle, but I like to see good sides being pointed out of a charaacter whenever one dislikes them.

"Become one" is a sexual reference from the Bible. However, in Rei's case, we see that it means something quite different - she is the catalyst that combines with Shinji and Evangelion Unit 01 to create the Third Impact.

I get it now. A Third Impact? Would you consider that making Rei a villian at the end? It's really confusing if she's good, bad, or neutral.

Haha - if my mum was drunk at breakfast and flirted with my classmates, i'd be worried :p

I would be more than worried. I'd be scared, lol.

Kaji was shot - I think it was at the end of episode 24. The last "real" episode. He was a spy for the Japanese Government. NERV agents tracked him down and killed him.

I don't remember that because the last two episodes were all focused on Shinji's mind. I'd have to see that again. It is a very confusing anime.

I'm glad we came to a friendly conclusion :D!

10-13-2004, 08:52 AM
Actually, Kaji was killed in episode 21, which recounted the beginnings of NERV. I have never seen it officially confirmed or denied, but it has long been suspected that Misato herself may have killed Kaji.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
10-13-2004, 03:23 PM
I thought it was Ritsuko that killed Kaji, myself.

Also, Shinji did like Asuka more than he liked Rei. Just look at who he imagined himself being with during all the psychotic stuff that was going on in the last two episodes of the TV series. The little deal where he was imagining that he was just a normal kid in a normal school and the whole evangelion thing never happened. He was screwing Asuka (though, it seemed everyone was, because in that little imaginary whatever Toji said, "Dude, Shinji, you mean you're banging Asuka, too?!"), where Rei was just a passing interest.

10-13-2004, 03:32 PM
Check out the video files on the net!
There's one about Asuka set to Rammstein and another set to Bohemian Rhapsody-Queen.

There's some really bad stuff (dojin) of Evangelion out there too.
I entered a search on google and it was everywhere.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
10-13-2004, 05:57 PM
Yeah, we've all seen those already.

The Evangelion's Opus vid was the coolest of them all, IMO (the one set to Bohemian Rhapsody).

10-14-2004, 12:08 AM
Also, Shinji did like Asuka more than he liked Rei. Just look at who he imagined himself being with during all the psychotic stuff that was going on in the last two episodes of the TV series. The little deal where he was imagining that he was just a normal kid in a normal school and the whole evangelion thing never happened. He was screwing Asuka (though, it seemed everyone was, because in that little imaginary whatever Toji said, "Dude, Shinji, you mean you're banging Asuka, too?!"), where Rei was just a passing interest.

I agree with you that Shinji liked Asuka more than Rei - but not by much. In his imaginary world, Rei was the one who came into his room with Shinji's morning glory on full display... I think that she was meant to represent the 'girl next door' sex interest.

When Toji says that Shinji is banging Asuka too, I think he means sleeping with Asuka as well as Rei.

10-14-2004, 02:58 AM
Why do you hate asuka so much and why is she a slut didn't shinji like her remember the room seen?-Tifa Rinoa

Dot Centaur
10-14-2004, 03:47 AM
Why do you hate asuka so much and why is she a slut didn't shinji like her remember the room seen?-Tifa Rinoa

I just hate her because she show's off always saying "look at me! look at me! I'm pioloting Eva!", and then when she shows off herself, she slaps guys back in return. No one flirts with guys and expects them not to get drooly about it. I just don't like her because she's a big hypocrite and a show-off. I guess everyone has a dislike to a character in all fiction :'( . We all have different preferences I guess.

10-14-2004, 04:14 AM
Hahahaha wanna see something funny if someone help me to attach pics i'll gladly show it

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
10-14-2004, 05:35 PM
I agree with you that Shinji liked Asuka more than Rei - but not by much. In his imaginary world, Rei was the one who came into his room with Shinji's morning glory on full display... I think that she was meant to represent the 'girl next door' sex interest.

When Toji says that Shinji is banging Asuka too, I think he means sleeping with Asuka as well as Rei.

Eh, well, wouldn't be the first time a lead anime character had multiple sex partners, would it?

10-16-2004, 12:06 PM
yuck....that's grose...i don't remember seeing that bit?! gee i guess i kinda lost interest because the last 2-3 episodes was all that phyciological stuff, what was that for? to try and make them normal or something? i mean, they were all pretty disturbed before they were involved in the evangelion project. but i guess they had to do they screwed them up more o.O

like i said i lost interest, i remember some of it, like;

shinji woke up and then just turned over, then Asuka came running into the room shouting 'Wake up!' and he said
'get lost' then she said something like
'how dare you say sometime like that to your 'Childhood' freind!' then she pulled the covers off him and shouted 'Eww! shinji! that's distusting!' and i think she slaps him, then he says 'What? it's morning....probably need a wizz or something...' then she shouts something else.

you see a tap running, and you see shinji's mother washing the dishes (though you don't see her face) and Gendo Ikari reading the news paper and drinking coffee (i think it's coffee) and she says something (can't remember what) and he says 'Yes dear'

then you see shinji and asuka running to school and asuka says;
'did you know there's a new student joining our class today?'
'oh yeah! ohh i hope its a girl!' and asuka rolls her eyes

then rei comes running down the street with toast in her mouth saying 'i'm late! i'm late' then she runns round the corner and bangs into shinji. toast goes flying and then she gets up and says 'sorry!'

then it goes into the classroom....i don't really remember much of this bit...just that Misato pulls up and shinji toji and some other guys are hanging out the window.....i can't remember which scene this is in, but i recall Kensuke sitting in his seat saying 'Oh the peaceful tranquility' sarcasticly....and i remember shinji saying 'i banged into a girl in the street'
Toji- 'really? did you see her panties?'
Shinji - 'well i (something i can't remember) but i did see them a little bit' and he makes a hand gesture.....then
rei comes in and shinji says 'w-wait! you?!' and rei says 'Your the one that was looking at my panties!' and pointing her finger, though this bit wasn't animated, it was like a painting..

um.....hehe was most of that right?? ^_^

10-17-2004, 01:16 AM
Yep - that reminded me, it's Asuka who comes in in the morning, not Rei. Same thing really, except it just shows that Shinji is still attracted to Rei (even though he's perfectly happy with Asuka seeing his morning glory... hmm...), but they're not involved in any sort of relationship.

That little excerpt is probably my favourite bit of the last episodes - it reminded me of the earlier episodes before all the melodrama.

10-22-2004, 01:15 PM
wait a that sequence, Rei was the new girl in his class, that mean's he doesn't know her yet (in that scene) another bit that confused me was when Asuka said 'Childhood Freind' it didn't make sence as asuka was from germany and only came over here to fight,

PLUS if shinji's mother never died, then Gendo wouldn't even have made rei, which means she wouldn't be there either! :confused:

anyway, as for Toji saying 'So what! you're banging asuka too?!' i don't know who the other girl is, it couldn't have been rei because in the dream sequence he had only just mey rei when she banged into him before school

Shinji was pretty normal in the first episode, he was like....well.....DIFFERENT from the shinji throughout the series, because he was sarcatisc well i thought so, when he was phoning his dad and all that he just seemed when misato and him were driving to the center, he's like, 'Uhh Miss. Misato? those batteries...isn't that egh theift?' i thought that was funnie!

oh and when they're on the escalator and shinji has his face in a book and here's this big hand reaching out of the glass, and once they've finished talking (misato and Ritsuke) he goes 'hm' like that! funnie!

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
10-22-2004, 03:27 PM
That episode was Shinji's mind trying to cope with how he had to kill Kaworou or however you want to spell his name--some kind of showing of how chaotic Shinji was and how he wished his life really was, etc.

10-22-2004, 09:39 PM
well i know that, and at the end up, he reliezes that he can control his life and he can live it whichever way he wants to which is very cool and cute ^_^

but i don't get al the ppl there clapping and saying 'congratulations'

text comes up saying,

'Thank you to my father,

goodbye to my mother...

and to the children:-


something like that....anyway, i didn't get the anime much because of all the religion and references to the bible...but still it was a very good anime, i liked the funnie parts, they were mainly involving shinji, asuka, toji, kensuke and sometimes all together ^_^

10-24-2004, 11:49 PM
but i don't get al the ppl there clapping and saying 'congratulations'

text comes up saying,

'Thank you to my father,

goodbye to my mother...

and to the children:-


One of the main themes, if not the theme of Evangelion, was Purpose - ie, why do we exist. Shinji was the centre of this theme - he felt useless throughout the entire series, right until the end where he undertook the ultimate purpose - being the vehicle for mankind to reach a higher state of being.

All of the cast are congratulating Shinji because he fulfilled his purpose, and exceeded his wildest dreams.

I believe that the text at the end is a message from the creator of Eva - kind of like the dedication at the start of novels. It's the creator saying thank you to his father, goodbye to his mother (I assume she recently died), and congratulations to all the youth - who are the future of the nation. He's basically saying 'Shinji did this - so can you.'

10-25-2004, 11:18 AM
oh right! that's so meaningful! maybe i'll understand it more when i'm older, ppl are alwasy telling me that

10-29-2004, 05:33 AM
Eva is a complex series, that's why I like it

(did someone ask for image help? PM me and I'll send you the code for it)

I like Rei, she's quiet, shy, but smart, like I used to be.

I love Kaji, he's so funny (I think Gendo knocked him off, but that's me)

10-29-2004, 05:39 AM
(I think Gendo knocked him off, but that's me)

I was reading an interview with Hidaki Anno (the creator of Eva), and in response to the question of who killed Kaji, he specifically said 'NERV Intelligence Personnel'.

Looks like it was just a no-name suit who offed him =/

10-29-2004, 07:27 AM
I was reading an interview with Hidaki Anno (the creator of Eva), and in response to the question of who killed Kaji, he specifically said 'NERV Intelligence Personnel'.

Looks like it was just a no-name suit who offed him =/
I see

10-29-2004, 05:27 PM
I was reading an interview with Hidaki Anno (the creator of Eva), and in response to the question of who killed Kaji, he specifically said 'NERV Intelligence Personnel'.

Looks like it was just a no-name suit who offed him =/

wasn't it misato who knocked him off? she found out about what he was doing and she had to kill him? isn't that what happened??

because when she got home he had left a message on the answerphone telling her where some flowers were for her, that shinji knew where they were

then she kinda collapsed onto the table crting histericly, and shinji was just looking at her

isn't that what happened? i may be wrong, but that's the picture I got

11-01-2004, 12:29 AM
wasn't it misato who knocked him off? she found out about what he was doing and she had to kill him? isn't that what happened??

because when she got home he had left a message on the answerphone telling her where some flowers were for her, that shinji knew where they were

then she kinda collapsed onto the table crting histericly, and shinji was just looking at her

isn't that what happened? i may be wrong, but that's the picture I got

Kaji knew that NERV was on to him - he knew that his time was pretty short. That answering machine message was his goodbye to Misato. Misato herself was already pretty suspicious of NERV at that stage - when they were having sex, Kaji slipped her confidential information that she requested - Misato doesn't seem like the type to turn against Kaji.

Besides, in the complementation process, it shows Shinji, Asuka and Misato working through the things in their life preventing them from becoming one and being with everyone - certainly Kaji's murder would be a big issue in Misato's 'vision'.

I think the reason she was so distraught is simply because she loved Kaji, and she wouldn't ever see him again.

11-01-2004, 01:02 AM
that could be true, guess we'll never know for sure *shrugs*

11-28-2004, 08:00 PM
I thought it was the best anime I've seen

11-28-2004, 11:08 PM
i quite like it, i saw tenchi muyo first so i like it best ^_^ NGE is second yup