09-25-2004, 05:00 AM
gosh to may of the same names!!


makes me wanna go nuts

09-25-2004, 05:32 AM
What a messed up poll and messed up topic. "Cid" is a Final Fantasy tradition. And Cid whips your $#@! Shinra was only used twice and it isn't at all confusing.

09-25-2004, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by Agent0042
What a messed up poll and messed up topic. "Cid" is a Final Fantasy tradition. And Cid whips your $#@! Shinra was only used twice and it isn't at all confusing.

I agree. It'll be stupid to just take Cid out after all these FF's with him in it.

09-25-2004, 01:35 PM
i like the 'Cids'! they're cool! (even though one was a frog XD) don't diss the 'Cid'! ^_^ i like shinra too,

you know, if you were to take away 'cid' it would be like taking out the 'chocobo's' or the 'moogles' they also reoccur in nearly every FF

Aerith Gainsborough
09-27-2004, 10:23 AM
No, I don't think there are too many of the same names. ;)

And if there is more than one Cid, well, who cares. Cid is a common name.... and a tradition in FF. :rolleyes:

09-27-2004, 10:58 AM
Originally posted by Aerith Gainsborough
and a tradition in FF. :rolleyes:

yeah, keep traditions up.

09-27-2004, 11:11 AM
Apart from Cid also see some times: Biggs and Wedge

And we all know where those names come from

(ok for those who don't: Star Wars)

Cid is always some smart, leader type...

09-27-2004, 07:39 PM
Uh, no, I don't think cid is always a smart leader type.
In FFIV he was a droll airship-building weirdo, in FFV he was a... droll airship-building weirdo, in FFVI he was a nice scientist, in FFVII he was a rough pilot, in FFVIII he was a fatherly headmaster, in FFIX he was a airship-building, skirt-chasing elderly king, in FFX an airship pilot with no hair, in FF:U he was a pretty inventor boy...

Very broadly, you can say he always has stuff to do with airships or similar flying things... Gardens... Except for the Cid of FFVI... o_o

09-28-2004, 05:25 PM
did anyone else think that 'headmaster Cid' looked like Robin Williams? i just think he does...robin williams...with a red blazer on....and specticles......hehe

but i like the ffx/ffx-2 cid....he's bald and speaks western! he's my fave ^_ *

09-29-2004, 03:08 PM
Originally posted by Tokiko
FF:U he was a pretty inventor boy...

Very broadly, you can say he always has stuff to do with airships or similar flying things... Gardens... Except for the Cid of FFVI... o_o

Even then he directs you to a raft to get to mainland. - following the transport thing

I think the idea is that we are meant to associate each name with certain traits so that experienced players alredy have a sense of familiarity

Dot Centaur
10-02-2004, 04:23 PM
Originally posted by Aerith Gainsborough
No, I don't think there are too many of the same names. ;)

And if there is more than one Cid, well, who cares. Cid is a common name.... and a tradition in FF. :rolleyes:

Yeah, c'mon! The Cid is a Final Fantasy tradition! Leave it alone!

10-02-2004, 04:26 PM
Biggs and wedge are also a tradition of final fantasy, they are used for good and bad characters/monsters from about final fantasy 3 i think. or 4, or something.