09-25-2004, 03:43 AM
Hey, does anyone at ALL have some fmv movies from the PS demo....i know they are the same thing as the real game with like 2 differences, but I'm a major fan and want everything. I have screenshots so I just want the movies. It has to be PS because the PC demo has no FMVs...i don't think. If you own the demo and wanna sell it to me, I'll offer pretty high!


09-25-2004, 09:03 PM
wow...what the hell was that? :S

And yeah, I have the demo...but are there really any differences in the FMVs? If so what are they??

09-25-2004, 09:38 PM
Hey Tidus_Yuna, was that REALLY necessary?
Irritating, is what it is.

And Lionheart guy, why are you so obsessed with the FMV's?

09-25-2004, 10:55 PM
Tidus_Yuna - what in the world was that? That post was so screwed up, I couldn't even get it to load properly, so I just deleted it. If you wanna stay here on FFShrine, don't ever do something like that again.