haryuu no
09-25-2004, 03:21 AM
Alright i know that in 600 A.D. after the fight with Magus he summons Lavos but then later u learn that Queen Zeal had already summoned it so... is he summoning it again or is he finishing the summon? and if he is soummoning it again wut happened the 1st time it was summoned?

i havent played for a while so if it is explained in the game i probably have forgetten it :(

09-25-2004, 04:38 PM
Hm. In 12.000 BD, Lavos is summoned and destroys the
Kingdom of Zeal, transports Gaspar, Melchior, Belthasar and Janus to various eras.

In 600 AD, Magus summons Lavos because he wants to kill him... it. This doesn't mean he is finishing anything the queen began, it's his very personal desire for revenge.

But you ought to play the game again. ;)

haryuu no
09-25-2004, 11:16 PM
ya im in the process just beat up magus :) in 600A.D