09-22-2004, 05:15 AM
What did everyoe think about how cowboy bebop ended? it was a simply amazig anime for me, i loved every minute of it. at the end, i was thinking"nooooo spike!" but when i thought aboout it more i realized that he'd been searching for death all along, right? i just want your opinions on he ending and the anime itself.

09-22-2004, 06:09 AM
he didn't die. Remember that episode halfway through the series where he fough [bad guy] and suffered what should have been dozens of mortal wounds but didn't die? The end was kind of like that. He gets up after the credits role no doubt.

09-22-2004, 07:29 AM
I didn't care for Cowboy Bebop. That's not to say I thought it was bad, just mediocre.

As for the ending, it was better than the original ending, I suppose.

09-22-2004, 10:59 AM
Tricky question.
I thought that some things could have been given more screen time. Julia mostly, you hardly get to see her... and then she died.
And sudenly the series was over. :/

Apart from that, Spike probably dying was... well... it made for a nice song. And that's what it's all about. Yay.

09-22-2004, 12:27 PM
I kind of liked that Julia didn't get much time- that she sort of flitted back into his life and then right out again.

And I really loved hearing The Real Folk Blues.

Could the ending and Cowboy Bebop itself have been better? Yeah. But I was still satisfied with the ending, and I somehow managed to retain my general enjoyment of the series, in spite of how many times I've seen the dubbed version. (I prefer the sub, by the way, but I've heard most people generally prefer the first one they heard)

09-22-2004, 01:30 PM
I personally enjoyed the series more than any other anime. Mainly because it was the first series I went out and bought...
But aside from that it's a bit different from a lot of anime out there, starting with the music. That's the most noticible thing about CB. My friend, who hates anime, saw CB, and thought it was great only for the music. The characters are a bit shallow, I have to admit. They don't really change all that much until like the last 3 or four episodes...which is kinda sudden....That's probably it's biggest downfall of the anime...imo

I like that the storyline isn't too linear, like a lot of anime out there. It doesn't really have a clear cut objective. They just show day to day bounties, and personal struggles, and it ends when one of the main characters dies...